She's So Strong

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The next morning, Danny went to the court house to drop the custody suit and Jessica spoke to Sarah about what had happened the night before with Danny.

Sarah was relieved that Jessica was getting the c-section. She wanted her best friend to live. She couldn't bare the thought of living in a world where Jessica wasn't in it.

Once Danny signed all he needed to drop the suit, he drove back home to pick Jessica up to meet with Dr. Mars.

Jessica and Danny spoke to Dr. Mars and the date for her c-section was set. It would be next Thursday that Jessica and Danny would be welcoming their baby girl into this world.

"Jessica...I promise that my team and I will do everything to get your baby to the next step." Dr. Mars said. "I have so much faith and I feel confident that your baby is going to be just fine. You trust me, right?"

Jessica looked into Dr. Mars's eyes and could see warmth and sincerity in them. Jessica was terrified but she did trust Dr. Mars wholeheartedly.

"I do." Jessica said with a small smile.

Dr. Mars smiled warmly at Jessica then gave her some instructions on what to do before the c-section. Which was to get plenty of rest and to just enjoy the final moments of her pregnancy.

Danny had taken the day off; now he and Jessica laid in bed with their hands on Jessica's belly feeling their baby girl move and kick. Danny smiled then bent down to place a kiss on Jessica's belly.

Jessica smiled and ran her hand through Danny's hair. Danny looked up at her and smiled back. Even though they were afraid of what was to come, in that moment, the world melted all around them. It felt as if they were the only ones left in the world.

Danny moved up and kissed Jessica's lips. It had been a while since Jessica and Danny had gotten intimate. Now that Jessica stopped chemo, she felt so much stronger.

Jessica kissed Danny more passionately. She started pulling at Danny's clothes and Danny was pulling at her clothing as well.

Jessica pulled away breathlessly and said. "Danny, please make love to me."

After they made love, Jessica and Danny laid in bed naked, their blanket barley covering them. Jessica had a huge smile on her face and had her head laying on Danny's bare chest.

Jessica felt hopeful; she and Danny had just reconnected as one. It was in that moment that Jessica swore she would fight to stay alive for her husband and children.

Jessica had called her mother and Danny's mother to let them know what was going on. Immediately, both mother's called each other after Jessica hung up with them. They wanted to throw Jessica a baby shower this coming weekend before she had the c-section.

They quickly made all the plans and called everyone they wanted to invite. All they had to do now was call Danny to tell him what was going on. His job would be to get Jessica out of the house so they could decorate the house while they were gone.

It was a Friday night and Jessica and her daughters were having a girls night while Danny spent time by himself downstairs watching action movies.

Jessica and her daughters cuddled on her bed and watched some "chick flicks". Also, they painted each other's nails the same color so they could match. They chose a bright red color; they painted their finger nails and toe nails.

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