My World

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Jessica sank back onto the sofa and sobbed. Danny pulled her into his arms and held her close. Emma had tears in her eyes; she understood everything that had been said and knew that if the cancer came back, then her mother would have to go through what she did six years ago.

Emma remembered it clearly; she remembered how sick her mother got when she went through chemo, the constant hospital visits, watching her mother come to close to the brink of death.

Now, there was a baby added to this; how would the baby survive chemo and everything else that came with this evil illness.

Emma moved closer to Jessica and hugged her; Emma didn't want to let go. They all held each other for what like forever.

Finally, Danny pulled away and said angrily. "I'm going upstairs to talk to Stephanie. She will not get away for talking to you like that."
"No, Danny. I...I will go talk to her." Jessica said softly. "Besides, she has a right to her feelings. She saw me at my worst when...when I was going through treatment. She's just scared, not angry." Jessica knew her daughter well and knew it was true; Stephanie wasn't angry, she was very much scared.

Jessica stood up and walked upstairs to Stephanie's bedroom. She knocked on the door but didn't get an answer. She heard sniffling and tried again. She knocked then said. "Stephanie, please, may I come in?"

A few seconds later, Stephanie opened the door to let Jessica inside her bedroom. Stephanie instantly wrapped her arms around her mother and sobbed into her chest.

"I'm sorry mommy." Stephanie said, her voice filled with emotion. "I didn't mean what I said. This baby is blessing to our family, it's just...I'm scared of what might happen to you."
Jessica let her tears fall and just held Stephanie close. "Oh my baby girl! It's okay. I love you very much."
"I love you too." Stephanie said.

A few minutes later, Jessica and Stephanie walked back to the living room. Stephanie walked up to Danny and said. "I'm sorry for my behavior. I didn't mean anything said. Please forgive me daddy."
Danny softened then opened his arms and Stephanie hugged him tightly. "Of course baby girl."

They all sat down again then Jessica began to speak to her family. "I know the risks of the cancer coming back is scary, but for now, let's please try to not think about that. Let's think positive and be happy about the baby. From now on, let's not even talk or think about the C word. We will cross every bridge we need to cross when we come to them, okay?"
Emma and Stephanie nodded with a smile; they really were both excited to have a new sibling.
Danny took a deep breath then smiled. "Okay, sounds good to me."

Jessica smiled at him and kissed his lips. Danny deepened the kiss making the girls say in unison, "EW STOP!"
"Get a room!" Stephanie said.
Danny pulled away and whispered to Jessica. "Oh but we did." He placed a hand on her bump and smiled.

Stephanie and Emma made gagging noises then they stood up and said. "We are going to go and do our homework now."
"But Steph, we already did our homework." Emma whispered to her big sister.
"Oh Emma! Let's just go to our rooms." Stephanie said with chuckle.

Jessica and Danny laughed as their daughter's left the living room. Jessica then sat back in Danny's arms and relaxed. Now that she had told her daughter's her news and they talked things through, Jessica felt so much better.
Danny too was more relaxed; he smiled and closed his eyes and relished the feeling of having Jessica in his arms.

"Now that we told Stephanie and Emma, we can start telling the rest of our family." Jessica said. "Tomorrow my mom and dad are coming over for dinner. We can tell them after eat. We can drive to your parents later today if you want so we can tell them."
"We'll tell your parents first then Monday night since we are having dinner with my parents we can tell them then." Danny said.
"Okay." Jessica said as she laid her head on Danny's shoulder. She then looked up and said. "I love you Mr. Huston."
"I love you too Mrs. Huston. You're my heart and my world." Danny replied.

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