My Babies

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Jessica was about to back away so her children wouldn't see her. But before she could, Mathew saw her from the corner of his eye.

"Mom?" He said as he turned to look at her.

Jessica froze and took a deep breath; she smiled through her tears and said. "Hi my babies! I woke up from a nap and was wondering where you all were. I heard so much commotion and followed it to the kitchen."
"Mom, why are crying?" Mathew asked as he stopped what he was doing.

His little sisters followed behind him, stopping what they were doing also. Mathew walked towards Jessica and said. "What's wrong?"
Jessica shook her head. "Nothing. I'm just...I'm just being a hormonal mess. I saw you with your sisters and I just started to cry." She said. "It brings me so much joy to have all my babies by my side. I'll be sad to see you go Mat. But I know, you'll be back before I know it."
"Awe, mom." Mathew said as he hugged Jessica. Stephanie and Emma followed and hugged their mother in a group hug.

Jessica couldn't help but cry; she relished in the feeling of her children hugging her. She never wanted to let go.

Jessica pulled away and smiled. "I love you all so so much." She said.
"We love you too." Her children said in unison.
"I'm going to go freshen up before your father gets home. Thank you my babies for cooking dinner." Jessica said.
"You're welcome." Mathew said; he knew there was more going on with Jessica than just hormones but didn't want to push his mother to talk. She would speak when she was ready.
"Go back to bed and relax. We'll call you when dinner is ready."

Jessica nodded and hugged her children once again then walked back to her bedroom. She walked to her bathroom and splashed water on her face. Once she finished freshening up, Jessica laid back down and her mind raced once again. She needed to figure out what to do; risk her life, or her baby's life. Either way, she felt as if it was a losing situation.

The next day, Jessica went back to see Dr. Mars. She apologized for how she stormed out and Dr. Mars said it was okay. She understood, it was too much to take in.

After an hour of speaking with Dr. Mars, it was decided that Jessica would be given a higher dose of chemo and Dr. Mars hoped it would work for the time being to give the baby more time to grow a bit more.

Jessica would start her new dose of chemo after Christmas and all they would have to do now, is hope and pray that the higher dose of chemo would work.

It was now Christmas Day and all of Jessica's family, and even Sam had come over for Christmas dinner. Sam greeted Jessica warmly and had brought gifts for everyone. Mathew was grateful that his parents stayed great friends after they separated.

Everyone helped Jessica and didn't let her lift a finger. She was a bit annoyed because since she hadn't had chemo the week leading up to Christmas, she felt much better and she wanted to do the cooking for her family like she had done for the past few years.
But, everyone, especially Dorothy didn't let Jessica do a single thing.

Soon after dinner, more gifts were opened and after they just all sat around the living room enjoying being in each other's company.

Jessica laid her head on Danny's shoulder and he held her close to him. She smiled up at him and motioned for him to come closer. He did as instructed and she kissed his lips. Danny closed his eyes and kissed her back.

"I love you Mr. Huston." Jessica whispered.
"I love you Mrs. Huston." Danny replied. "Always."

They then turned back to the television where one of their Christmas traditions was taking place. A Christmas Story was being played on the television and every year, all of Jessica's family would sit around and watch it together.

It was quiet and was a very relaxing atmosphere. Jessica looked around the room taking in her family and she couldn't help but tear up again.

She closed her eyes and sent a silent prayer up to the heavens. Please God, allow this awful illness to leave my body. Please, allow me to be here for my family next Christmas and the years to come. I'm not ready to leave my husband and my babies. They need me and I need them. I don't want to miss a single moment of their lives. Please God! Please!!

Sorry I haven't been updating. The holidays are so exhausting.

Hopefully after Christmas, I will be able to update more often.

I hope you all liked this chapter. Sorry if it wasn't too exciting.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all. ❤️ will be back with a new update soon.

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