Welcome To This World

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Danny managed to pull the car over so he wouldn't wreck. Dorthy and Albert also pulled over and Albert rushed over to see what had made Danny stop.

"Oh god! This cannot be happening!" Albert heard Jessica say.
"What's going on?" He said as he reached Danny's open window.
"Jessica's water just broke!" Danny said trying to remain calm.
"What!? Oh my gosh!" Albert said.

Stephanie and Emma had taken off their headphones when they felt the car stop. They listened intently and now had shocked expressions on their faces.

"Okay...everyone calm down for a second." Jessica said calmly. "My contractions are fifteen minutes apart. Let's just get back on the road and get to the hospital. We don't have to worry unless they get to five minutes apart."

Danny and Albert nodded then Albert rushed back to his car and they were on their way.

Throughout the rest of their drive, Jessica had a few more contractions. Now that her water had broken, Jessica's contractions became more painful but stayed at fifteen minutes apart.

Danny had wanted to hold Jessica's hand throughout her contractions but was too busy being careful on the road.

Stephanie and Emma had long ago put away their headphones and gave their full attention to their mother. They would reach over and hold her hand while she had a contraction while giving her words of comfort.

Finally they reached the hospital; Dr. Mars was on call and had been paged before Jessica reached the hospital. Dr. Mars rushed outside with a wheel chair so Jessica wouldn't have to walk.

Soon Jessica was rushed to a room that was waiting for her then she changed into a hospital gown and was checked over by Dr. Mars. Jessica had dilated to six centimeters. She was so glad they had made it the hospital in time. It was also decided that Jessica would go through natural child birth; Jessica wanted to do this herself.

Dorthy and Albert stayed at the hospital for a few hours then left to get some rest taking Stephanie and Emma with them so they also could rest.

Danny held Jessica's hand and coached her through her contractions. He would rub her back and would just comfort Jessica as best he could.

It was now hours later at 12 am in the morning and Jessica's contractions were now five minutes apart and she was nine centimeters.

Jessica's tears rolled down her cheeks as the pain was finally taking its toll on her.

"Danny...I can't do this." Jessica sobbed. "I'm so tired."
"Jessica Phyllis Lange Huston! Why are you speaking this way?" Danny said softly. "I know it's not you talking. It's the pain and exhaustion. I know you can do this Jess. It's almost over. Just think...our baby girl is almost here."

Jessica reached for Danny and brought him close to her. She kissed his lips and rested her forehead on his. "I love you Daniel Huston!"
Danny smiled and replied. "I love you too Jessica."

At 3 am, Dr. Mars checked on Jessica and it was finally time to push.

"You're doing so well Jessica. I can see the baby's head!" Dr. Mars said to Jessica after twenty minutes of pushing.

Jessica took a breather and rested for a moment then went back to pushing. Danny wiped the sweat from her forehead with a cool damp towel to cool her off a bit.

Ten minutes later, the room was filled with a strong and loud cry. Jessica sobbed as she laid her eyes on her baby girl.

Dr. Mars placed the baby on Jessica's chests Jessica wrapped her arms around the baby and held her close.

"Oh baby girl. You're so beautiful!" Jessica said as she took in her baby girl's features.

Danny couldn't hold back his tears; he bent down and kissed the top of the baby's head.

The baby was taken away to get check over and Jessica was able to deliver the afterbirth then was cleaned up and moved into a new room.

Before she knew it, Jessica was reunited with her baby girl.

Dr. Mars smiled and placed the baby in Jessica's arms. "Here's your baby girl Jessica. She's a few weeks early and a bit small but she is so healthy and her lungs are strong. You did an amazing job keeping her healthy Jessica. Congratulations." She said.
"Thank you." Jessica replied not taking her eyes off of her baby.

Dr. Mars sighed and said. "I hate to bring this up but, at noon today, we have to start your treatment. We will start with the usual tests then soon after will give you your first dose of chemo. Which we will be giving you the highest dose we are able to give you. For now, just enjoy this time with your baby."

Tears sprung to her eyes and nodded her understanding. Dr. Mars excused herself and left Danny and Jessica alone to bond with their baby.

Jessica wiped her tears away and tried not to think of what was to come.

"So...what should name this precious baby girl?" Jessica said to Danny.
Danny sat on Jessica's bed and held her close as he looked down at his daughter.
"Hmmm..." Danny said with chuckle. "I'm sorry. I don't know."

Jessica chuckled then sighed; she didn't have time to think of a name and she felt horrible for not having a name for her daughter.

Jessica looked down and stared at her baby girl. After a few seconds, Jessica smiled and said. "I know what your name is little one."

Danny looked over and watched on.

"Welcome to this world, Sofia Grace Huston."

I want to say thank you to all who gave me name suggestions! And I hope you all liked the name I chose.

On the next chapter we will see if Jessica can beat this illness.

Just a bit of a warning...I don't know what ending I want for this story so, we will see what happens very soon.

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