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The next morning, Danny drove Jessica to the hospital to start with chemo. Stephanie, Emma and Mathew were still asleep when they left the house. Jessica didn't tell them she had an appointment and they thought that Danny was at work. She planned to tell them when they got home.

Even though Jessica knew what to expect and had gone through this before, it was still very scary and nerve wrecking for Jessica.

Jessica took a deep breath before entering the hospital. She and Danny made their way to see Dr. Mars first then they followed her to the room where she would sit for the next hour or so to be prepared for her chemo.

Jessica first had to get her blood drawn and to have her vitals checked to make sure everything was alright so she can start with her treatment.

Finally after an hour of waiting, Jessica was cleared then was set up to have her treatment.

She sat on the recliner and held Danny's hand the whole time. Jessica shed tears as the medication went into her body. Danny held her hand tighter and comforted her as best he could.

After it was over, Danny drove Jessica home. Jessica was so exhausted after receiving her treatment. She fell asleep on the way home, her head resting on the cool window of the car.

When they got home, Danny gently woke Jessica up. She smiled a little at him and he back at her. Danny then got off the car then rushed to the passenger side of the car and opened the door.

He helped Jessica out of the car and into the house. He put an arm around her waist and guided her to the front door.

When they walked in, Stephanie, Emma and Mathew were worried. When they woke up, they went to check on Jessica and didn't find her there. They called both Danny's and Jessica's cell phones which were turned off.

They jumped up and rushed to them.
"Mom, where have you been?" Mathew asked worriedly. "We were so worried."
"I..." Jessica said then sighed. "Give me a few minutes and then I will tell you. Okay?"

All three of her children looked at her with concern but nodded their heads in agreement to what their mother said.

Danny helped Jessica upstairs and Mathew, Stephanie and Emma looked at them wondering why their mother looked so pale and tired.

Danny helped Jessica put on her pajamas then helped onto the bed. Jessica kissed Danny's lips and said. "I love you Danny. Thank you for being here me."
"I love you too Jess. I will always be here for you no matter what." Danny said softly.
"Go call everyone to come upstairs. It's time to tell them now." Jessica said as she looked down. She was afraid to tell her children and she tried to stall as much as she could.
Danny nodded then left to call Mathew and the girls.

Jessica rubbed her belly and tried to relax while waiting. She was glad they gave her anti nausea medication; her stomach was doing flips but it wasn't as bad as before. She figured maybe it was because it was the first treatment or the low dose of chemo they gave her that kept her from vomiting.

A moment later, Mathew and his sisters walked into the room and Jessica motioned them to come closer.

Stephanie and Emma climbed up on the bed and sat next to Jessica while Mathew sat on the foot of the bed and Danny stood close by.

"Mathew, Stephanie...Emma..." Jessica began. "I had to go to the hospital for an appointment I had. A few days before thanksgiving...I had my usual tests done and the day before thanksgiving, I got the test results."

Mathew, Stephanie and Emma looked on already having a feeling this news wouldn't be good.

"Dr. Mars told me that...that the cancer is back." Jessica said, tears rolling down her cheeks. "This morning I had my first round of chemo and now from now on every Friday I will be getting my treatments. I didn't want to tell you all because I didn't want to ruin thanksgiving. I'm sorry."

Stephanie and Emma were already in tears and Mathew kept his emotions in check. He was always one to keep his emotions in line until he was alone; only then would he cry.

Stephanie and Emma engulfed Jessica in a hug and she held them tightly. For a moment, they all kept quiet trying to process the fact that Jessica had cancer and that the upcoming months were going to test them.

"What about the baby? Wouldn't the chemo hurt her?" Emma asked worried for her baby sister.
"Dr. Mars said the chemo wouldn't hurt the baby. The baby is protected. Also, I'm getting a low dose of chemo so nothing will happen to the baby." Jessica said as she brushed Emma's hair back with her hand.
"Just you." Mathew said angrily. "Nothing will happen to the baby but mom, what about you?! Mom...I...I don't want to see you sick again! I hated seeing so sick in that hospital bed before. Why did this have to happen again?"
"Mathew...I know that this is scary but...we have to stay strong and stick together. Please Mat, I need you to stay strong for me." Jessica said.

Mathew stood up; he started to pace back and forth. He was so scared to see his mother have to go through this all over again.

Danny walked up to him and tried to calm him down but Mathew pushed Danny to keep him away.

"Mathew!" Jessica yelled out. "Danny is just trying to help."
"Well I don't want help! Mom! I...I..." Mathew began then he did something he normally didn't do in front of any one; he began to cry.

Mathew's tears rolled down his cheeks then he walked over to Jessica and hugged her. He cried into her chest and she cried too holding him close.

"I don't want to lose you mom! I can't lose you!" Mathew sobbed.
Jessica held her baby boy close and said. "You're not going to lose me Mat. I'm going to fight this! I've beaten this before and...I'm going to do all I can to be here for all of you. I want see you all get married and have your own children. I want to meet my grandchildren."
"But, what if..." Mathew said into his mother's chest.
"No!" Jessica interrupted him. "There will be no what if's. I can't think that way or else this illness will win. I have stay positive and hope that chemo will work. So please, all of you, don't think anything negative. Try for me. Okay?"
They all nodded and stayed silent.

Jessica held her three children close and once they all were much calmer, she drifted off to sleep.

Danny then told Stephanie, Mathew and Emma to let Jessica sleep. They all carefully left Jessica's side and left the room. Danny walked downstairs and sat in the living room.

Stephanie walked into her room, needing a moment alone while Emma stayed glued to her father's side.

Mathew grabbed his jacket having a need to go for a walk to clear his mind and fears.

"I'm going for walk." Mathew said to Danny.
"Okay bud. Just be home before dinner. Please." Danny replied.
"Okay." Mathew said then before he walked out of the house he said. "Danny...I'm sorry I pushed you. I just..."
"It's alright Mat. I know how scared you are and angry." Danny said.
"No, it's not alright. You're like a second father to me and I'm glad my mom met you. You make her happy." Mathew said as he walked over to Danny. "I apologize for my behavior."
Danny stood up and smiled. "Thank you for apologizing and I accept your apology." He said then hugged Mathew. Mathew hugged him back and smiled a little.
"I'll be back. I just need a moment." Mathew said. Danny nodded then sat back down on the sofa.

Mathew then turned around and walked out the door. As he walked out the door, the tears began again and he began to run. He ran as fast as he could; he didn't know where he was going but he in that moment, he knew he just needed to get himself calm before he went back home.

I want to say thank you to everyone who's commented and voted for this story. I'm sorry I haven't been updating like I normally do. I hope to change that and update more often.

I'm also sorry if this chapter wasn't too exciting but things will pick up in the next chapter.

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