Dear God

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Danny stayed behind and asked so many questions. After Dr. Mars had answered all of his questions, he apologized for Jessica's outburst then he walked out of the office and went in search for Jessica.

Of course he didn't have to search too hard because he knew she would be waiting in the car.

Jessica was sitting inside the car with tears running down her cheeks. Danny opened the drivers side of the car and got in.

It was quiet, neither one spoke; Danny just listened to his wife sniffle. Finally after a few moments, Danny had had enough. He reached over and brought her close to him so he could hug her. Jessica melted in his embrace and was now sobbing.

Danny let his tears fall and he too sobbed. He knew whichever they decide, someone's life was still going to hang in the balance.

"Danny...please....I can't have our baby early. She needs to stay inside me for as long she can!" Jessica said as she cried.
Danny pulled away and looked into her eyes. "'re life is at stake here. If you don't deliver our baby girl, you are at risk of the cancer taking you away from us." Danny said with so much emotion. "I don't want to lose you! I can't lose you Jessica! I love our baby girl too but...we need to do this."
Jessica shook her head and said. "Danny...please understand what I'm going through. I know the risks, and I know I could die. But I want my baby girl to be healthy before she comes into this world."
"Jessica..." Danny began but Jessica cut him off.
"No! I'm not doing it!" Jessica said with her voice raised. "I've made my decision and I am not changing my mind. Oh, and we are not going to tell the kids right now. Again, I don't want to ruin a holiday."

Danny took a deep breath then sat back with head resting on his seat. He knew he couldn't push her. Jessica is stubborn and he knew no matter what, Jessica was going to do what she was going to do. Or in this case, not do.
Danny just shut his mouth and started the car.
He dropped the subject for now; he was determined to make Jessica change her mind.

Once they got home, Danny had to go back to work so he dropped Jessica off at the house, he kissed her goodbye then he was on his way.

Jessica made her way to her bedroom and changed her clothes then got into bed. Mathew was out hanging out with some friends so Jessica had the house to herself.

She laid on her side gently rubbing her belly and was just relishing in the feeling of her baby's kicks. She smiled with tears in her eyes. "It's all going to be okay baby girl. I won't let them change my mind. You are going stay nice and cozy and safe inside my belly until you are full term." She said talking to her baby. "I love you my little star. I will always protect you."

Some time later, Mathew came home and found Jessica fast asleep. He slowly left her room and went down to the living room. He watched some tv show that was currently on then at 3:45 pm, he left the house to pick up his sisters.

When they got home, Mathew started on dinner while his sisters changed out of their school clothes. They were now officially on Christmas vacation and they didn't worry about any homework they had been given. They knew they had plenty of time to do it at a later date.

After they changed, they went into the kitchen to help Mathew with dinner. As they worked, they talked and laughed and just enjoyed spending time together.

"I'm going to miss you so much when you leave Mathew." Emma said sadly. "I don't want you to go."
"Me too!" Stephanie said.
"Awe...I'm going to miss you both too." Mathew said. "I know it's hard. It tears me apart when I leave you all. But, I love what I do. Now, I know it may seem like forever but in a few years, I'll be able to come back home and I won't ever leave again."

Emma and Stephanie smiled and hugged Mathew. They pulled away and continued on with their task.

Jessica had woken up and heard the commotion that was coming from downstairs. She walked towards the kitchen and saw her children cooking dinner and making happy memories together. She stood at the doorway and had tears rolling down her cheeks.

She had a hand on her belly while with the other held onto the doorway to lean against. In that moment, she felt so conflicted. She loved her three children that were before her and she also loved the baby that was still growing inside of her.

"What am I going to do?" Jessica thought to herself. "I love my children with all my heart but am I being selfish for wanting to keep my unborn baby safe? I know I could lose my life but...I don't want to lose my baby girl either. Dear God, please give me strength and help me get through this!"

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