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As time passed, Jessica continued with chemo treatment and it was working. The cancer cells were going away and Jessica was on the road of beating cancer for the second time.

Jessica had gained some weight back and she felt some strength returning to her as well. She was grateful for that so she could take care of Sophia.

Dorothy would go over everyday and just be there for Jessica if she needed help. Ninety percent of the time, Jessica took care of Sophia on her own but there were days where Dorothy had to take over.

Sophia got used to Jessica and grew to love her mother immensely; she quickly became a mama's girl.

Jessica loved every moment with her baby girl and was so happy at the turn of events. Also, she was able to catch up with her older daughters. Stephanie and Emma had expressed what they were really going through while Jessica was in the hospital. Jessica sobbed as she listened to all of their fears of having a parent with cancer and all they were feeling.

Jessica's heart broke for them of course and wished they hadn't been through so much due to her health.

She made a promise and made it her mission to make sure to keep herself healthy. She would make sure to take the medication that was needed after completing chemo and whatever else that needed to be done.

Mathew had been doing great in therapy and after a long recovery, he was able to walk again. His speech was back to normal and after five months in the hospital, he was finally able to come home. Mathew moved in with Sam and would visit Jessica every other day.

Mathew was honorably discharged from the army and was now on the road to move on with his life away from the army.

Mathew hit a road block for a time; he was suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. He would wake up in the middle of the night due to the constant nightmares. Also, loud noises would set off a panic attack. He has been seeing a therapist and is on the road to recovery for his PTSD.

Mathew also made a decision to go back to school so he could become a therapist so he could pay it forward and help any veteran dealing with PTSD or is having trouble adjusting to life after leaving the army.

When Sophia was five months old, the day that Jessica had been waiting for had finally come. She completed her last round of chemo.

Dr. Mars and some of Jessica's nurses threw a small party for Jessica so they could celebrate this wonderful news that she was now cancer free.

After becoming cancer free, things went back to normal for the Huston family. They weren't living with fear, worry or tears anymore.

Jessica couldn't wait to start this new chapter with her family. She was excited for what life had in store for her and her family.

Jessica woke up on a beautiful Saturday morning. She opened her eyes and yawned then smiled. The whole family were able to sleep in a bit since it was the weekend, plus they were about to celebrate a very special moment and it was going to be a long day.

"Danny...wake up! Let's go wake up the birthday girl!" Jessica said excitedly.

Danny rubbed the sleep from his eyes and yawned. He then smiled and got up from bed.

Jessica grabbed her robe and pulled it on then tied it closed. She and Danny walked over to Sophia's nursery then walked in.

Jessica walked over the crib and bent down and rubbed Sophia's back. "Good morning baby girl."

Sophia stirred and opened her eyes then closed them. She rubbed her eyes with her chubby fists then opened her eyes again and smiled up at her mother.

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