I'm Sorry

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After some time, Danny stepped outside to call Dorothy to give her an update. Of course she shed tears after hearing about Mathew's gunshot wound and what Dr. Marley had said. Dorothy wanted to be with Jessica but she would have to wait until the weekend to go over to San Francisco.

Jessica sat down in a recliner that was placed right next to Mathew's bed. She held his hand and spoke to him hoping that it'll help Mathew wake up faster.

Sam sat on the other side of the bed on a chair while Danny laid down on the small sofa that was in the corner of the room. He was exhausted from driving and not getting much sleep so he dozed off and slept.

In the morning, Jessica called Dr. Mars and told her what was going on. Dr. Mars understood, however she told Jessica she would have to come in the following day to have the c-section. Jessica then told Dr. Mars she would be going back until Mathew was awake and out of the woods.

Dr. Mars pleaded with Jessica but after while she knew it was a moot point. There was no getting through to Jessica, so feeling defeated, Dr. Mars got off the phone with Jessica. Danny had heard the conversation and he took a turn to try to convince her.

"Danny! I am not leaving Mathew! If you want to take me to court again then do it!" Jessica had said after a small argument. "You will have to forcibly and physically remove me from this room! I'm not leaving!"

Danny had to leave the room to get some air while Sam was stuck in the middle. He had wanted to tell Jessica the same thing; she needed to go back home to have the c-section. But he knew Jessica well enough and knew whatever he said wouldn't be acknowledged.

The week wore on and soon it was the weekend. Dorothy and Albert drove to San Francisco with Stephanie and Emma to visit Mathew.

Mathew was still the same; he hadn't woken up and it made Dr. Marley grow concerned. Dr. Marley thought Mathew would be awake by now.

Stephanie and Emma walked into Mathew's hospital room and of course they broke down in tears, not at all prepared to see their big brother like that.

Jessica hugged her girls tightly and cried with them. Albert held onto Dorothy as she too cried. Albert held in his tears; he was the type of man who didn't like to cry in front of anyone. The only person he did let his emotions out in front of was Dorothy, but for now, he stayed strong for his wife.

Weeks passed and Jessica was now in her eighth month of pregnancy. While staying in San Francisco, Jessica didn't move an inch from Mathew's hospital room. She slept on the uncomfortable recliner in his room each night and showered in the bathroom that was connected to the hospital room.

Usually, the hospital wouldn't be bending the rules so much, but Dr. Mars had gotten in contact with Dr. Marley and spoke to him about Jessica's condition. Strings were pulled and Jessica would get meals delivered to Mathew's room so she would eat. Also, Dr. Marley would check on Jessica to make sure she and the baby were doing okay. He would give ultrasounds to check on the baby's progress and so far the baby was still going strong.

Although, Dr. Marley had advised Jessica to rest and relaxed as much as possible. Her blood pressure was high but manageable.

Some nurses saw the love that Jessica had for her son; it was radiating from Jessica. They were so touched that they even had started giving her home baked desserts. Jessica knew she was being spoiled but was very much grateful for all they had done for her and her son.

As Jessica stayed in the hospital with Mathew, Sam and Danny would drive back and forth due to their jobs back in California. Stephanie, Emma, Dorothy and Albert would visit every weekend.

Danny felt so torn; he wanted to go back tot he court house to sue for custody but he didn't want to add on to any more stress that Jessica was already under.

One afternoon, Jessica was sitting on Mathew's hospital bed and talking to him. She brushed her fingers through his hair and said. "Mathew, you really need to wake up now okay. It's been long enough. Please, I need you to wake up and be okay again."

Just then a pain shot through Jessica's abdomen. She cried out and her hand flew to her belly. She breathed in and out, trying to ease the pain.

"Oh god...not now baby girl. You still have one more month to stay inside my belly. Plus, your big brother needs to wake up first so he could there when you are born." Jessica said as the pain subsided.

She then looked up at Mathew and said. "Your baby sister is becoming impatient. Oh my! She's doing flips right now." She chuckles. "Look, feel!" Jessica picked up Mathew's hand and placed it on her belly where the baby was kicking. "Do you feel that? She's very active."

After a moment, Jessica's heart feels heavy. There was, of course no response from Mathew and it broke her heart.

Jessica sadly sighs then brings his hand to her lips to place a gentle kiss on his hand. Then she placed it back down and tucks him in; making sure he is comfortable.

Jessica looks at the clock; Danny should be coming over soon so she decides to take a quick shower before he gets there.

Jessica grabs some clean clothes and jumps into the shower. She stays under the warm water for a while willing her aching muscles to loosen.

After her shower, Jessica comes out and finishes getting ready.

Danny walks into the room an hour later and he looks furious. Jessica hugs him and tries to kiss his lips when she notices how tense he was.

"Danny, what's wrong?" Jessica asked worriedly.

Danny pulls out a video camera from Jessica's over night bag and says. "I found this while I was packing clean clothes for you. What the hell is this Jessica!? Why did you give up?"

Tears filled Danny's eyes and Jessica stared at him wide eyed as she realized what he had found.

Danny opened the screen and pressed play. Jessica's voice suddenly filled the room.

I just wanted to say, how much I love you baby girl. I hope you can forgive me for giving up on myself. But know that because of the love I have for you, I fought so hard for you.

I may not be physically around anymore but I will always be in your heart. You have two big sisters and a big brother and I know they will tell you so many stories about me. Even the embarrassing ones. Jessica chuckles then continues. Daddy will tell you some stories too.

I know the pain I will leaving behind and it hurts me to know that I won't see you grow up....

Danny couldn't hear anymore and stopped the video. "Jessica..." He said, his voice full of sadness and pain.

Jessica's tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked into Danny's eyes and all she said was. "I'm sorry."

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