Forever and Always

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Hours later, Dorthy, Albert, Stephanie and Emma arrived at the hospital to meet the new baby. They also brought flowers and balloons for Jessica and small gifts for the baby.

Also, Jessica had Danny call Dr. Marley to check in on Mathew and to give Mathew the news that his baby sister was born. Mathew was happy to hear that his baby sister was born and that his mother would soon, hopefully, be on the road to recovery.

It was quickly approaching noon and Jessica was getting emotional. She held Sophia in arms and she didn't want to let go.

Throughout the night, Jessica had been able to nurse Sophia and was now nursing her for the last time.

Jessica's tears rolled down her cheeks and spoke to her daughter. She looked down at her baby girl as she suckled on her breast and said. "My sweet Sophia...this is the last time I'll be able to nurse you. You'll have to take a bottle after this. Also...I'm going to be going treatments and...there will be a time when I won't be able to carry you or hold you for a while." Jessica sobbed; Sophia looked up at Jessica as she spoke.

There wasn't a dry eye in the room; everyone was on edge. It was day one and even though they knew this day was coming, they still weren't prepared for what was to come.

"I love you so so much Sophia." Jessica continued. "I promise you that I will fight this so I can be here to watch you grow up. I want to be here for you through everything that life has to offer you. I will fight for you, your brother and sisters and for your daddy. I will fight so I can stay here with all of you!"

Sophia finished nursing and was now fast asleep. Jessica covered herself back up and placed Sophia on her chest to sleep.

Jessica wanted to relish the feeling of her baby girl in her arms. She knew that once she had her treatments, she would be too weak to hold her baby.

All too soon, Dr. Mars came into the room with a wheelchair to take Jessica for her tests and her for her chemo treatment.

"I don't want to let her go!" Jessica sobbed as she struggled to hand over Sophia to Dorothy.

Jessica took a deep breath and kissed Sophia's cheek. She then placed Sophia in Dorothy's arms. She hugged everyone one in the room and took a moment with Stephanie and Emma before being wheeled away by Dr. Mars.

Danny went with her and held her hand through most of the tests then finally when she got her chemo.

Since Jessica got a high dose of chemo, by the time she was done, she was exhausted and she felt sick.

When they got Jessica settled back in the hospital bed, Jessica asked for Sophia. Jessica's body was screaming for sleep but she pushed through it because all she wanted was her baby girl in her arms.

Danny placed Sophia on Jessica's chest and Jessica put her hands on the baby's back. She smiled softly and kissed on top of Sophia's head.

Everyone sat back and watched Jessica try to keep her heavy eyelids from closing.

Danny kissed Jessica's lips then said. " should get some sleep. While you sleep, we'll take very good care of Sophia."

A tear rolled down Jessica's cheek and nodded her head. She knew she couldn't fight the exhaustion anymore. She kissed Sophia's head once again then handed her over to Danny.

As soon as Sophia was in Danny's arms, Jessica fell asleep. She slept for hours until she woke up and vomited due to the chemo medication.

Her stomach was doing flips and it just kept coming up. Danny held the small trash can so she could vomit into and rubbed her back in a soothing way. Once her stomach was empty, Jessica slumped back in her pillows.

She sniffled and wiped her tears away; she looked at Danny and smiled a little. The first thing she asked was for Sophia.

Danny brought Sophia over and put her into Jessica's arms. Jessica smiled weakly and held her daughter close taking in the pleasant newborn baby smell.

After that, Jessica had a small burst of energy and was able to stay awake and be there with her family until it was time for Dorthy and Albert to leave. They took Stephanie and Emma home so they could pack some clothes so they could sleep over at their grandparents house while Jessica and Danny stayed in the hospital.

Jessica was able to sit up a bit and feed Sophia a bottle. She cried because she wanted to breastfeed her baby, but now that she was receiving chemo, she wasn't able to do that anymore.

"I love you Sophia. Sleep tight." Jessica said as she placed a kiss on Sophia's cheek then she passed her over to Danny so he could place her in the little bassinet.

Danny kissed Sophia's cheek then placed her down and walked back to Jessica's side.

He laid down next Jessica and held her in his arms. Jessica cried in Danny's arms; she hated cancer. She hated having to go through chemo. She has never been through radiation and she knew that she would hate that too. But she knew she must go through it so she could get better.

"I love you Jessica. Forever and always." Danny said as he kissed her lips.
Jessica sniffled and kissed him back. She pulled away and said. "I love you too. Forever and always."

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