You Can't Leave Me

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Danny slumped onto the sofa that was in the room, letting the camera fall next to him. He covered his face with his hands and sobbed into them.

Jessica sat down next to Danny and pulled him close. Danny wrapped his arms around Jessica and cried into her chest.

"I'm not giving up. I'm still going to fight for my life." Jessica said. "But, Danny...I don't know what is going to happen. I can fight until my body cannot fight anymore. I may die. That's a fact. It's scary as hell and I don't want to die but...if it happens then I want to leave behind these videos for you and the kids. These videos I've recorded have messages to each and every one of you. Some are for special occasions which are labeled and some are for just because."

Jessica's tears rolled down her cheeks; she was staying strong for Danny's sake.

When Dr. Mars had told Jessica that the cancer was spreading, Jessica turned on her video camera some time after Danny returned to work and started recording video after video.

She had completely forgotten about the videos she was making when she heard about Mathew. She had wanted to save those videos for a later time; like she told Danny, she was going to still fight and hope she never had to leave those videos behind. But when Danny showed her the camera, she knew her secret was out.

"Danny..." Jessica said as she lifted his face so she could look into his eyes. "I promise I will fight this horrible illness. Just please try to understand why I made those videos."

Danny just nodded; he was too overcome with emotion so he just hugged her.

They stayed in that position until Danny cried himself out. He and Jessica sat back on the sofa and they held each other close. They both had their hands on Jessica's belly feeling their baby kick. They had even managed to smile at the strong movement coming from their unborn baby.

"I love you Jessica." Danny said after some time.
"I love you too Danny." Jessica replied. "Always."

Suddenly their moment was interrupted by loud beeping coming from Mathew's bedside. Jessica jumped up and rushed to his side.

"Mathew! Baby boy what's going on?" Jessica said in a panic. "Mathew!"

Danny rushed to call a nurse and doctor.
Jessica held Mathew's hand tightly and continued to talk to him. Mathew looked as if he were choking on the ventilator tube that was down his throat.

"Mathew please! You can't leave me! I need you here with us! With me!" Jessica pleaded.

Jessica looked up at Mathew and let out a gasp when she saw Mathew's eyes staring up at her.

Sorry for the very short chapter but was scared to post anything due to the issues that Wattpad is having. So hopefully this chapter will stay up and delete itself.

I hope Wattpad gets their you know what together! I miss updating lol

So please be patient and more updates will come soon.

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