The Call

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The day after New Year's, Jessica finally told her children about the cancer spreading. They were hurt that Jessica didn't tell them sooner but it quickly turned to fear and sadness. All three of her children held her close and they didn't want to let go.

Mathew was struggling more than his sisters. He wanted to stay home and be with Jessica as she continued to fight for her life. But, Mathew had obligations with the U.S. army and he had to fulfill them. He only had two weeks left of his leave; he was dreading going back.

A few days after the new year, things just kept getting worse for the Huston family.

Mathew got a call from the army and it was a call he and his family were dreading but also hoping wouldn't come. Unfortunately, it finally did.

Mathew was called up to fight in the war in Afghanistan and he had to leave sooner than was planned. Mathew was terrified to tell his mother the news.

Once he got off the phone, he walked up to Jessica's room where she had been laying down. She had just had her chemo the previous day and she was still feeling ill. Her higher dose of chemo making her more sick than before.

Mathew peeked into Jessica's bedroom and knocked softly. Jessica was awake and was gently rubbing her belly; the baby moving and kicking from within. Danny was lying next to her and he held her close to him.

Jessica and Danny looked towards the door and Jessica smiled weakly. She motioned for Mathew to come in and he did so.

Mathew smiled a little at his mother and sat down next to her. He reached for her hand to hold and held on tight.

"What's going on Mat?" Jessica asked as she sat up a little against her pillows.
Mathew took a deep breath and said. "Mom, Danny...I...I just got the call."

Jessica gasped and it felt as all her breath had been knocked out of her. She knew immediately what he meant when he said "I just got the call."

"No!!" Jessica said as she sat up more and pulled Mathew towards her. She hugged him tightly and held on. "My baby boy. Please, god no!"
"I'm sorry Mom. But...but we knew this would be a possibility when I signed up. I love my country and I will fight for it. I leave tomorrow morning." Mathew said as he stayed strong for Jessica.

Tears rolled down her cheeks; she began to sob hard and she was having trouble catching her breath.

Danny and Mathew panicked and Danny took Jessica into his arms and tried to help Jessica catch her breath.

"Jess, baby, come on breathe for me. Come on, in and out." Danny said as he began to breathe in and out so she could copy him.

Jessica did her best but because of her weak state she couldn't catch her breath. One hand on her belly while the other held onto to Danny's arm in a tight grip.

"Mat, call 911." Danny said.

Mathew did as he was told and called 911. Danny grabbed a magazine from the nightstand and began to fan it in front of Jessica's face to help give her some air.

Emma and Stephanie heard their father's raised voice and heard him say 911; they rushed to Jessica's bedroom and fear rushed through their bodies when they saw Jessica struggling to breathe.

"Mom!" They said in unison.

"It's going to be okay. The ambulance is on its way. Mom is going to fine." Mathew said. He was trying so hard to be strong; he felt guilty for telling Jessica the news. Maybe he should have waited but then again he felt that this would have been the same result had he waited to tell her.

Jessica looked into Danny's eyes and said weakly. "Not...not my baby...boy Danny. I...want...him...stay."

Suddenly Jessica went limp in Danny's arms.

"Jess?" Danny said lightly tapping her cheeks. "Jess, baby wake up."

Emma and Stephanie were sobbing by the doorway of their parents bedroom. They then heard the doorbell and Stephanie rushed to answer it.

Soon the paramedics rushed upstairs and quickly began to work on Jessica. They then put her on a stretcher and loaded her into the ambulance.

They quickly put an oxygen mask on Jessica and sped away towards the nearest hospital. Danny went with Jessica in the ambulance while Mathew drove himself and his sisters to meet the ambulance at the hospital.

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