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Danny and Jessica sat in Dr. Mars's office the next morning. They had just told her that they were not going to terminate the pregnancy.

Despite the seriousness and the unknown of what could happen, Dr. Mars was happy for Danny and Jessica.

"Well Jessica, I want you to stop taking your medications and I'm going to prescribe you some prenatal vitamins and few other medications to help you and the baby stay healthy." Dr. Mars said. "Now, you should know that the next coming months are going to be filled with constant doctor appointments for you. I want to see you every two weeks so we can check on the baby and of course to make sure the cancer doesn't come back. But, if it does, then we will take action as soon as possible."

Jessica held onto Danny's hand tightly; she was taking in everything that Dr. Mars was saying. Danny too was listening intently; he knew these coming months were going to be filled with both happiness and worry.

After going over a few other things, Dr. Mars then said. "So, shall we go check on baby Huston?"

Jessica nodded with a smile then she and Danny followed her into another room.

Jessica laid back on the examination table with her blouse pulled up to expose her belly. Dr. Mars squeezed some gel onto Jessica's belly then pressed the transducer and turned the screen so Jessica and Danny could see.

Danny held Jessica's hand the whole time; Jessica's eyes filled with tears when she saw her baby on the screen. Then her tears rolled her cheeks when she heard the heartbeat.

In that moment, Jessica knew she was doing the right thing. All her fears left her body; she was determined to bring this baby into the world.

Danny couldn't help but let his tears fall; seeing their baby on the screen made him feel less afraid and couldn't wait to meet this new little person that would make their family complete.

"It looks like you're measuring between eight to nine weeks." Dr. Mars said. "The heartbeat sounds great. Everything looks good Jessica."
"Thank you." Jessica said softly as she wiped her tears away with her free hand.

Dr. Mars handed Jessica and Danny some tissues to help wipe their tears then she took some stills of the ultrasound.

Soon, Jessica and Danny were headed back home feeling extremely happy. Jessica told Danny to wait to till anyone, even their girls about the baby until she was in her second trimester. He agreed then they pulled up to their driveway.

Danny dropped Jessica off at home and he was going to go back to work to catch up on work that he had missed.

Jessica was going to pick her girls and made sure she stayed up this time, not wanting what happened last time to happen again.

Time marched on and before Jessica knew it, she was fourteen weeks pregnant and in her second trimester. A tiny bump had appeared but was easily hidden by Jessica's clothing.

It was a Saturday and she and Danny were going to finally tell Stephanie and Emma that they were getting a new sibling.

Jessica went to her scheduled appointments for testing and ultrasounds and so far, the cancer hadn't returned and the baby was doing well. Jessica and Danny hoped that it would stay that way.

While Jessica cooked breakfast, she said to Danny. "Once we tell Stephanie and Emma about the baby...I think it best if we tell them exactly what is going on."
"Jessica, I don't think we should." Danny said worriedly.
"Danny, I want to protect them too, but, if...if anything happens, then, I want them to at least be prepared. I don't want to keep them in the dark. They are now old enough to understand." Jessica said softly.
Danny looked at Jessica and nodded his head; he took a deep a breath and said. "You're right. If anything were to..." he sighed then continued. "If anything were to happen, they wouldn't forgive us for keeping something as important as this from them."
Jessica walked over to Danny and kissed his lips. "I love you Mr. Huston."
Danny smiled and said. "I love you Mrs. Huston."

Stephanie and Emma walked into the kitchen as their parents had gone back to kissing each other.

"Ew! Mom, dad! Please! Get a room!" Stephanie said with a disgusted face.
Jessica and Danny chuckled as they pulled away. They quickly kissed once more then Jessica went back to stove to start serving her family.

After breakfast, Danny and Jessica sat down with the Stephanie and Emma in the living.

"Stephanie, Emma...your mother and I have something to tell you." Danny began; he held Jessica's hand as they faced their daughters.
"What is it?" Emma asked as she sat next to her big sister.
Danny looked to Jessica and smiled. Jessica nodded then looked to Stephanie and Emma.
"Girls...I'm going to have a baby." Jessica said. "I'm pregnant."

Stephanie and Emma wore identical shocked faces. After a few moments of silence, Emma was the first to react.

"We're getting a baby brother or sister!" Emma exclaimed. "Oh my goodness! I'm going to be a big sister!"
Emma smiled wide and wrapped her arms around Jessica.
Jessica smiled and hugged Emma. "I'm glad you're excited."
Stephanie followed her little sister and hugged Jessica. "I'm excited too! I can't wait! How far along are you?" She asked. "Is this why you were so sick before?"
"Yes, that's why I was so sick before. I'm fourteen weeks. I'm sorry we didn't tell you both sooner but...we wanted to wait till I was in my second trimester." Jessica said.
Stephanie's brow furrowed and asked. "Why? Was there something wrong?"
Jessica took a deep breath and said. "Well, no there wasn't but because of my age, I am considered high risk and a lot of things could have gone wrong and still can go wrong. But don't worry, the baby and I are fine."

Danny then showed Stephanie and Emma the ultrasound photos of their new sibling. They gushed over the photos and were already making plans of what they would teach their new sibling.

Danny brought Jessica close to him and he could tell she was struggling to find her voice to tell the girls the rest of their news. He kissed the top of her head and she smiled up at him.

Jessica took a deep breath, let it out then said. "Stephanie, Emma...there is more that I have to tell you."
Stephanie and Emma placed the photos on the coffee table then looked at Jessica expectantly.
"When we found out that we were having a baby, Dr. Mars explained to us that...that there was chance that the cancer could come back." Jessica said. "She gave us the option of terminating the pregnancy but..." Jessica placed a hand on her belly then continued. "But, I fell head over heels in love with this baby and your father and I decided to keep them. I've been seeing Dr. Mars every two weeks to make sure the cancer hasn't returned. Which, it hasn't so far. If it does, well, Dr. Mars will know what to do."

Emma didn't know how to feel about this information she had just heard, so she just stood up then sat next to Jessica and just hugged her. Jessica wrapped an arm around Emma and held her close.

Stephanie however was angry; she stood up and stood in front of Jessica. "Mom...so you're saying that, because you decided to keep the baby...there's a chance that the cancer could come back!" She said, her voice rising as she spoke. "Because of this baby your health is at risk!"

Jessica kissed Emma on the top of her head then stood up and she tried to comfort Stephanie. Stephanie stepped back and glared at her mother.

"You should have gotten rid of it!" Stephanie yelled, tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Stephanie!" Danny yelled back as he stood up.

Jessica just stood still staring at Stephanie with tears streaming down her cheeks. She couldn't believe her daughter's reaction.

"Stephanie, please don't say that." Jessica sobbed. "This baby is a part of our family! I would never "get rid" of them."
"I don't want to lose you mom! If...if the cancer comes back then...then I'm not going to stand by and witness you slip away from us!" Stephanie said as she turned around and ran straight to her room.

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