Beautiful Future

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The girls and Danny finally got home a few hours later. Stephanie and Emma were oblivious to what their father had done.

They rushed to hug their mother who they found in the nursery. Jessica and Danny had been decorating and furnishing the baby's nursery throughout the weeks. Although, most of the time, it was Danny who had done most of the work with Jessica's approval.

She had been moving things around trying to get her mind off of things and she just wanted to concentrate on her baby girl.

As soon as her girls came into the nursery, she pushed her anger aside and hugged her daughters tight.

When they went downstairs, Jessica avoided Danny. She didn't look his way or acknowledge him.

Some time later, Jessica began to cook dinner; she wanted to keep herself busy. Danny gave her some space for now; he didn't want to bring up their situation. Especially in front of their children.

Jessica talked to the girls about their school day. Stephanie and Emma could feel the tension coming from their parents. They wanted to ask what was going on but they gave each other a look; without saying a word they decided not to ask.

Once dinner was over, Jessica cleaned up and washed the dishes. Again, she was doing any little thing to avoid Danny.

Once Jessica finally finished with everything, she went upstairs to change into a nightgown. She was so exhausted and she just wanted to go to sleep.

Danny walked in and tried to engage with Jessica. He sighed when Jessica shut him out when he tried to talk to her.

He gently placed a hand on her shoulder; Jessica moved away from his touch and said angrily. "Don't you fucking touch me! Get out of this room and sleep on the sofa. I don't want you near me."

"Jessica, please talk to me." Danny pleaded.
"There's nothing to talk about Daniel. You're suing me for custody of our unborn baby. I'll see you in court. Now go!" Jessica said looking at Danny with angry eyes.

Jessica felt dizzy suddenly and had to sit down on her bed. She closed her eyes, breathing in and out hoping it would pass.

Danny took a deep breath and decided to try again. He kneeled down in front of her and caught her gaze when she opened her eyes. Danny had tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Jessica...I love you with all my heart. I filed for custody because I love you too fucking much to let you kill yourself. I've said this before and I'll say it again. I don't want to lose you to this god awful illness." Danny said keeping her gaze.

Jessica could see the love and pain in them; her tears soon rolled down her cheeks. "I understand why you don't want to deliver our baby girl early. I love her so much but Jess...what if by keeping her inside of you kills you? What if she is born full term, and you are in her life for a little while but you die some time after? You won't get to see her grow up. You will miss every moment with her and she will not get to know you. Also, what about Stephanie, Emma and Mathew? You'll miss graduation, you'll miss Mathew's homecoming. You'll miss our girl's graduation, their first boyfriends, engagement, their'll miss getting to know our future grandchildren. You will miss growing old with me. Jessica please, I beg you. I'll drop the custody suit if you get the c-section. You know what an amazing doctor Dr. Mars is. She and her team will not let anything happen to our baby girl. Please, get the c-section then you can get the medication you need to kick cancer in the ass! Please!"

Danny was sobbing by the time he finished and so was Jessica. Jessica launched herself into Danny's arms. They both held onto each other on the floor. All that was heard was their sobbing.

After some time, Jessica pulled away and looked at her belly; one hand gently caressing her it while holding onto Danny's arm with the other.

Jessica took a deep breath and said. "Okay. I'll do it. I'll have the c-section. But I want do it a week from now."
"Oh Jess, thank you! But, why a week from now? Jess, we need to do this as soon as possible." Danny said.
"I know but, I want to have one more week with our daughter inside of me so I can relish every movement, every kick. Plus, maybe this one more week will make a difference to her health. Maybe she won't be as weak. Please Danny. Just one more week?" Jessica said pleadingly.

Danny sighed and closed his eyes. He then opened them and nodded his head. "Alright Jess, one more week. We'll have to see Dr. Mars tomorrow so we can get your c-section scheduled."
"Okay. We will go talk to her tomorrow." Jessica said weakly. Being so upset had taken a lot out of her.

Danny kissed her lips then helped her into bed.
He tucked her in and kissed her once more. "I love you Mrs. Huston. Always." Danny said with a warm smile.
"I love you too Mr. Huston." Jessica smiled then closed her eyes. "Always."

Danny smiled then walked over to his drawers to get some pajamas then he got ready for bed.

Jessica was terrified that her baby girl was going to be born early but, she knew this is what must be done so she could live to see her baby girl grow up and to see everything the future had planned for her children.

Jessica drifted off to sleep and dreamt of a beautiful future. Hopefully, it wasn't too late to achieve that future.

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