My Baby Boy

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"...Mathew's been shot." Sam said with tears in his eyes. "It happened two days ago and...he wasn't strong enough to be transfer out of where he was. Lieutenant Porter said that, that his heart stopped but the doctors were able to bring him back."

Jessica was sobbing as she listened to Sam speak. Danny held her as she cried.

"Mathew is stable at the moment and if he stays that way, Lieutenant Porter said Mathew will be transferred to a hospital here in California." Sam went on. "Lieutenant Porter said that he will keep us updated."

Jessica threw herself at Sam and hugged him tight. "Not our baby boy Sam! Why did this have to happen?!" She sobbed.

Danny watched on but he didn't get upset or jealous. He and Sam had an understanding and they both had a strong friendship. Plus, he knew that in this moment, there wasn't time for any of that nonsense. Jessica and Sam had a son together and they needed each other now.

Dorothy and Danny's mother heard Jessica's loud sobs coming from the living room. Both looked at Jessica and Sam hugging each other for dear life then they looked over at Danny.

He quickly stood up and rushed over to explain what was going on. Dorothy immediately ran to Jessica's side and Jessica broke her embrace from Sam and hugged her mother tightly.

"Mom! I can't lose my baby boy! I can't lose Mathew." Jessica sobbed. "I wouldn't be able to bare it."

Stephanie and Emma heard all the commotion and walked to the living room.

"What's going on?" Stephanie asked when she stood next to her grandma Zoe.
Zoe looked at her granddaughters and was saved from explaining the situation by Danny.

Stephanie and Emma began to cry and hugged their father.

"Jessica, I know you don't want to hear this right now, but, you have to calm down. Think of your baby girl inside of you." Dorthy said as she rubbed Jessica's back. She then began to breathe in through her nose and out through her mouth, trying to get Jessica to do the same.

Jessica took deep breaths in and out; they came in and out harshly until Jessica finally calmed down a bit.

"I want to be with Mathew! I need to be near him." Jessica cried. "Please, we need to go!"
"Jess, he's still over seas and we can't do anything but wait until he gets back on U.S. soil." Sam said gently.

Jessica shut her eyes and leaned into her mother. She was feeling lightheaded and the room was spinning.

"I...don't feel too good." Jessica said breathlessly.

Suddenly she began to heave; Emma was closest to the small trash can they kept in the living room.

Emma grabbed it and made it just in time. Jessica grabbed it from Emma and vomited into it.

Zoe rushed to make Jessica some mint tea and Dorothy stayed close to Jessica and helped her through it.

Finally, Jessica's stomach was empty and she placed the trash can down then sat back in the sofa.

"Here sweetie, drink this. It'll help." Zoe said soothingly.

Jessica took the cup of tea and sipped it. After a few seconds, her stomach began to settle.

Jessica had calmed down immensely but still had tears rolling gently down her cheeks.

Everyone knew that the next few days were going to be long and restless.

Didn't want to leave you all hanging for too long so here's a quick update.

Hope you all are enjoying this story so far.

More to come soon! ❤️

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