At All Costs

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The following week, Jessica's treatment took a even bigger toll on her. After her treatment, Jessica laid on her bed feeling weak and tired. Even though they had given her anti nausea medicine, she threw up anyway.

Danny was worried of course but he had to go back to work after her appointment. He dropped her off and helped her into bed then Mathew had assured Danny that he would make sure Jessica was going to be taken care of.

Mathew stepped up and made sure his little sisters ate breakfast and drove them to school. Then when he got home, he cleaned the house even though there wasn't much to clean. He felt the need to do something to help his mother out. Also throughout the day, Mathew had checked on Jessica. He had found her either sleeping or found her with her head leaning over the toilet bowl. He would hold her hair back while she vomited and comforted her the best he could.

When it was time for Stephanie and Emma to get out of school, Mathew picked them up and drove them home.

As soon as Stephanie and Emma walked through the door, they rushed to their mothers side.

Stephanie and Emma saw how much weaker Jessica was and it made them much more afraid for the next treatment. What would their mother be the next time she received chemo?

They spent some time with her before going off to their rooms to work on their homework while Mathew stayed with Jessica and they both talked before she drifted off to sleep.

That night for dinner, Jessica didn't have an appetite and just stayed in bed. Mathew had cooked dinner and was ready by the time Danny got home.

Danny thanked Mathew for taking care of things around the house and for taking care of his sisters.

Before they knew it, it was the fourth week of Jessica's treatments; it was a week before Christmas and Mathew took it upon himself to decorate the house with Christmas lights and put up the Christmas tree. Usually Jessica would decorate and make things more festive. She loved Christmas but at the moment, she was asleep in bed.

Jessica was tired and weak all the time and only had very few good days. Her hair had thinned but it didn't fall out like the last time. Again, she figured it was due to the low dose of chemo she was receiving.

Also, all of Jessica's family and friends had already been told of the news. Everyone was in tears and were scared of what was to come next.

Dorothy had come over almost everyday to help Jessica with whatever she needed and to be there for her grandchildren. Dorothy took on the duties of dropping and picking up Stephanie and Emma from school, cleaning, and taking care of Jessica.

Throughout the weeks, the baby was doing well while Jessica felt horrible. Even though she was miserable, Jessica was happy her baby girl was doing well; she was in her sixth month. She made sure to eat for the baby even though most of the time she didn't have an appetite. She did lose a bit of weight but the baby was doing well nonetheless.

Danny stayed strong for Jessica, but, on the inside he was filled with fears and anxiety. He kept it bottled up and he just hoped that he wouldn't burst with everything he was keeping inside.

Danny brought up some soup for Jessica to eat in bed. He helped her sit up then placed the tray of food on her lap.

Jessica gently grabbed his hand then pulled it a little so Danny could bend down. She then brought his face close to hers then placed a kiss on his lips.

"Thank you Danny. I love you." Jessica said softly when she pulled away. She smiled at him and cupped his cheek.
Danny smiled back and replied. "I love you too."

Jessica ate all of her soup and crackers; when she was done, Danny took the try away and Jessica fell asleep by the time Danny turned back around from putting the tray on their dresser.

He couldn't help but smile. Jessica looked so beautiful and peaceful. He walked back over to her side and kissed her lips. He then covered her with her blanket and turned off the light and left the room to let her sleep.

The next day, Jessica was seeing Dr. Mars to see how things were going. She was hoping that Dr. Mars would give her some good news that the chemo was working.

Jessica and Danny sat next to each other, holding each other's hand tightly.

Dr. Mars walked in and her face immediately gave away that something was wrong. Usually, Dr. Mars could hide her emotions but she had become more than a doctor to Jessica; she saw Jessica as a friend and Jessica felt the same way. Dr. Mars's emotions were getting the better of her.

"Jessica...Danny...I'm not going to beat around the bush here and just tell you what we found." Dr. Mars took a deep breath then said. "The cancer is spreading and we need to take immediate and more aggressive action to stop it from spreading even more. I want to start you on radiation as soon as possible. The sooner we take action the better. I think it be best if we deliver the baby once you reach seven months then we..."

Danny had tears in his eyes and Jessica just stared at Dr. Mars with no emotion. She had tunnel vision and could only think of her baby.
"No! Absolutely not!" Jessica interrupted Dr. Mars. "I will not risk my baby's life. I am going to make it to full term and deliver my baby when she is strong enough to survive on her own without machines and wires coming out of her tiny body! No! I will not allow it!"

Jessica stood up and stormed out of Dr. Mars's office. She couldn't think about herself right now. Her mama bear instincts kicked in once she knew her baby was in danger.

She rushed outside and made it to their car. Jessica was in tears and she leaned over the hood with her arms keeping her up. She sobbed her heart out. As much as she was terrified of death, she felt the extreme need to protect her baby girl at all costs.

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