Little Star

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Jessica stared wide eyed after hearing the results. Tears instantly appeared in her eyes and she held onto Danny's hand tightly.
She felt as if the room was spinning; she took a deep breath and kept herself together.

"I'm sorry to be telling you this right before thanksgiving but, I really wanted to make a plan as soon as possible." Dr. Mars said. "We caught this early and I want to take immediate action. So, the day after thanksgiving, I want to start you on chemo."
Jessica shook her head and said. "But, what about the baby? Wouldn't chemo harm them?"
"There has been research and the answer is no. After the second trimester, the baby is pretty much protected by the placenta. The baby wouldn't be affected." Dr. Mars replied. "Unlike before however, I am going to give you a low dose of chemo and hopefully that will help you beat this again."
"What if that doesn't work?" Danny spoke up. "What will happen then?"
"Mr. Huston, I know that you're concerned but for now, let's just take this one step at a time." Dr. Mars said gently. "Let's try this first then if this round of chemo doesn't work then we will talk about to do next."

Jessica and Danny stayed for another thirty minutes speaking to Dr. Mars as she tried to ease their minds, especially Jessica's. All she was concerned about was her baby's life. She hoped nothing would happen to her baby.

Once they left Dr. Mars's office, Danny and Jessica drove back home in silence, they were too emotional and scared to speak.

When they pulled into the driveway of their home, Danny put their car in park then turned off the engine. They both sat in the car for a few minutes; Stephanie and Emma were on Thanksgiving break from school so they were home. Mathew was also home and Jessica and Danny didn't know what to do. They weren't sure if they should tell their children now or wait till after thanksgiving.

Jessica had tears rolling down her cheeks, she finally turned towards Danny and said. "I'm sorry."
Danny looked at her as if she had gone crazy.
"Jess, honey, why are you sorry? There's nothing to be sorry for." Danny said.
"Because I knew the risks and, I wanted to keep our baby. Now..." Jessica said as she sobbed.
Danny pulled her into his arms and hugged her. "Are you regretting your decision to keep the baby?" He asked.

Jessica pulled away and looked into Danny's eyes. She stayed quiet for a moment; yes she was scared and she had a moment of weakness, but she would never regret keeping their baby.

"No. I don't regret it all. I'm just...scared." Jessica said as she sunk back into Danny arms.
"I'm scared too. But, I know you can beat this. You've done it before." Danny said. "Hey, why don't we go take a drive so we can talk before we go inside and face the kids? I know you wouldn't want to tell them about this right now."
"Okay, let's go. I need to get myself under control before I face the kids and every one else tomorrow." Jessica said as she agreed with Danny to go for a drive.

Danny drove around town and by this time Jessica was much calmer now. During their drive, Jessica had made peace with the fact that she had cancer again. She was scared for her baby but she trusted Dr. Mars and she knew that Dr. Mars would do everything she could to help Jessica and keep her baby safe.

Also, Danny and Jessica talked during their drive and they decided to not tell anyone about the cancer returning until after thanksgiving. Once Jessica starts chemo, every one will know.

Finally after driving around for more than an hour, they decide to head back home. When they walked through the front door, they heard Stephanie, Emma and Mathew's laughter coming from the living room.

Jessica smiled as she saw her children playing a board game together. They were playing monopoly and were having fun.

Emma looked up from the board and saw Jessica and Danny walk into the room.
"Mommy!" She said as she went over to hug first Jessica then Danny. "Daddy!"
Stephanie and Mathew stood up to greet them too and Mathew asked. "How was your appointment? Everything went alright?"
It took a lot for Jessica to remain calm; she smiled and nodded her head. "Everything is fine. So, who's winning?" She said as she tried to change the subject.

Jessica breathed a sigh of relief when it worked. They all took a seat and Jessica even joined in on the game for a while.

After some time, Danny announced that he was going to pick up the cake they had ordered that would reveal the gender of the baby. Also, he said he would bring home dinner since Jessica, Dorothy and her sisters would be cooking all day for thanksgiving.

Jessica nodded and kissed his lips before he left. She then returned to the game as a way to distract herself from her health situation. After all, the coming months wouldn't be much fun and they will be filled with worry and fear.

On thanksgiving day, all of Jessica's and Danny's families came over and thanksgiving was in full swing. Dinner was being prepared and everyone mingled and caught up of what everyone had been up to.

Everyone was excited to find out the gender of the baby and almost all of them wanted to touch Jessica's belly to feel the baby kick.

Jessica was so emotional and had to excuse herself a few times to rush to the bathroom to cry. Of course some family members had seen her outbursts and asked if she was okay.

Jessica told them that she was fine and that her hormones were just wrecking havoc. Danny played along and said. "She's fine. The other day, she even cried because her favorite nail polish rolled under the bed."

Jessica was grateful to have Danny in her life. She smiled through her tears and kissed his lips. He smiled and kissed her back.
Everyone "awed" then went back to what the were doing before.

Later once dinner was done, everyone sat down and before the food was served, everyone went around the room to say what they were thankful for. When it was Jessica's turn, again, she cried but she passed it off as hormones and no one questioned her about it anymore. They just stood up and hugged her to comfort her which made her break down all over again.

But once Jessica calmed down, the food was served and everyone ate. When they finished eating, they picked up their plates and placed them in the kitchen. Dessert was brought out and everyone knew what was coming. They all gathered around and the excitement was contagious.

The cake was blue and had a pink ribbon wrapped around it with stars and a moon on it and it had a nursery rhyme written on it.

It said: Twinkle twinkle little star, how we wonder what you are....

Danny and Jessica picked up a knife and cut the cake at the same time. They then pulled the piece of cake out then placed it on a plate. Everyone cheered and shouted with happiness.

Jessica and Danny forgot about their worries for the moment and hugged each other. They smiled wide and looked back at the cake to make sure of the color. The color peering back at them was pink.

"It's a girl! Another granddaughter!" Dorothy exclaimed as she jumped for joy.

Jessica and Danny stared at each other and Jessica said. "Another little girl Danny! I'm so happy! Well, I would have been happy either way." She chuckled.
"Me too Jess but...I can't deny that I wanted another girl." Danny said with a chuckle.
Jessica placed her hand on her belly and said. "I love you Danny. Thank you for giving me another little star." Jessica said lovingly.

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