What Is This?

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The days pass by and they turned into weeks; Mathew had been able to write a letter to Jessica and to his father Sam letting them both know that he was doing okay considering being in the front lines of the battle field.

Jessica took some comfort in receiving that letter from Mathew. However, her worries weren't put at ease; she would always worry regardless about her baby boy. She didn't care how old he was; Mathew will always be her baby boy.

Jessica had made it into her seventh month and was now halfway through it. Every appointment that Jessica had with Dr. Mars was becoming more and more frustrating for her.

Dr. Mars and Danny tried their hardest to get Jessica to see that chemo wasn't enough and that she had to deliver the baby as soon as possible. Dr. Mars also told them that she would be stopping Jessica's chemo treatments so that Jessica would have strength to undergo the c-section.

But each time they brought up the subject, Jessica would stand her ground saying no and that she wouldn't sign the forms that gave permission to perform the c-section. Jessica made a promise to her unborn baby girl that she would protect her no matter what.

Danny was getting desperate so he did something that he knew would hurt Jessica immensely, and he knew she would hate him after finding out what he had done. But at least she would be alive, it didn't matter if Jessica hated him. Keeping her alive was all that mattered to Danny.

After some time, Jessica was gaining her strength back and also her appetite since stopping chemo. She was gaining the weight she lost and was now looking much healthier.

Jessica's hair had thinned and she had considered shaving her head but had yet to do so. In the mean time, Jessica kept her hair covered with scarf. She used the ones she had used before.

One day while Emma and Stephanie were at school and Danny was at work, Jessica was laying down on the sofa. She had just finished cleaning up the house and was now relaxing, She had her hands on her seven and half month pregnant belly enjoying the kicking coming from within. She even would talk to her baby girl.

Suddenly, a knock interrupted Jessica's conversation with her baby girl.

Jessica sat up then she stood up and walked over to the door to answer it. She fixed her scarf before opening the door. Once she fixed
her scarf, she opened the door to find a young man in a nice suit.

"Can I help you?" Jessica said.
"I'm looking for Jessica Lange Huston." The young man said.

Jessica's eyes went wide as she thought that this young man was about to tell her some news about Mathew but then she relaxed a little. This young man wasn't dressed in an army uniform, so this couldn't be about Mathew. He held an envelope in his hands that Jessica hadn't yet seen.

"I'm her. What can I do for you?" She asked.
"You've been served." He said as he handed Jessica an envelope. He then turned around to leave.
"Wait! What do you mean I've been served? What is this?" Jessica said in a panic.

The young man turned around and said. "I'm sorry ma'am. I don't know what's in the envelope. I just deliver them."

Once the young man left, Jessica closed the door and walked back to the sofa. She eased herself down then opened the envelope.

Her eyes grew wide as she read what was the envelope. Her heart began to race, tears filling her eyes. It was an official court document that read:

Daniel Sallis Huston


Jessica Phyllis Lange Huston

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