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The next morning, Danny took the girls to school as usual then came back home to pick Jessica up for her appointment to find out the results of her tests.

Jessica was a ball of nerves; again she felt sick to her stomach. She hardly ate anything for breakfast. When Danny pulled up in their driveway, Jessica grabbed her purse then walked out the door, locked it and walked to the car. She got in and they were on their way to see Dr. Mars.

When they arrived, Jessica signed in then sat down next Danny in the waiting room. Danny held her hand and she gave it a gentle squeeze. Danny wrapped an arm over Jessica's shoulder and she leaned in to him. She closed her eyes and soon became emotional. Her eyes filled with tears as her fears washed over her. Danny could feel her shaking.

"'s going to be okay." Danny said softly.
Jessica nodded then laid her head on his shoulder.

A few minutes later, Jessica's name was called and she and Danny walked to Dr. Mars's office. They sat down and waited for the doctor to come in.

Dr. Mars came in soon after and she smiled at the couple but Jessica could tell that they had found something wrong with her; she could see it in Dr. Mars's eyes.

"Jessica, Danny, how are you this morning?" Dr. Mars began.
"Nervous." Jessica replied. "Please tell there something wrong with me?"
Dr. Mars took a deep breath and said. "The cancer is not back."
Danny and Jessica sighed in relief.
Dr. Mars continued. "However, after I tell you what we did find, you will have a difficult decision to make."

Jessica looked on with confusion as her grip tightened on Danny's hand.

"'re pregnant." Dr. Mars said.

Jessica stared I shock, then she couldn't help the laugh that followed. "Pregnant?! No, that's not possible. I'm going through menopause."
"You are in the early stages of menopause." Dr. Mars corrected her. "It's really rare, but you can still ovulate while going through menopause."

Jessica looked at Danny who still hadn't said anything; he was too stunned to move a muscle. Jessica looked back at Dr. Mars and said. "Ellie...are you...1,000 percent sure I'm pregnant?" Jessica just couldn't wrap her mind around being pregnant at this point in her life.
Dr. Mars couldn't help but chuckle. "Yes, I'm 1,000 percent sure." She said then she became serious. "Jessica, Danny, I have to tell you about all the risks that are involved. For one thing, if you continue with this pregnancy, you will have to stop taking your medication."
Jessica's eyebrows shot up as she realized what that would imply. "But...those medications are to keep the cancer at bay...if I stop taking them..."
Dr. Mars nodded. "If you stop taking them, then you are at risk of the cancer coming back. Also, because of your age, you will be considered high risk and with that we will have to monitor you and the baby much more closely than normal. And of course, there could be a risk that your baby will be born with a birth defect or with Down syndrome."

Jessica had tears rolling down her cheeks; she was so overwhelmed with all the information she was told.

"I know it's a lot to take in, so I will let you both go for now so you can talk things through and I hope to hear your decision really really soon. Jessica...I don't want to rush you but the sooner you make a decision, the better. We need to know which course we will have to take." Dr. Mars said. Dr. Mars then stood up and hugged Jessica and Danny.

Danny and Jessica walked out of the office together hand in hand in silence. When they reached their car, Jessica finally reached her breaking point. A sob escaped her and Danny quickly wrapped his arms around her. Jessica clung to Danny and said as she sobbed. "What are we going to do Danny? What are we going to do!?"
"'s okay Jess." Danny said softly; he had tears in his eyes and he worked hard to not let them fall. "Come on. Let's get you home so you can rest and we talk about all things Dr. Mars has told us."

Jessica took deep breaths to calm down and when she finally did, she looked up at Danny and placed a kiss in his lips. Danny kissed her back; they then pulled away and Danny opened the car door for Jessica to get in. Danny closed her door and walked around to the drivers side and got in.

Jessica stared out the window watching the scenery pass by but not really paying attention to what she was looking at. Her mind raced at all that she had learned and now she knew that she and Danny had to talk about so many things and different scenarios. Either they keep the baby and risk having her cancer come back or terminate the pregnancy killing the life they had created. Either way, everyone's hearts will truly be broken.


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