I'll Try My Best

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Jessica woke up to the bright lights of the hospital room she was in. She heard the gentle thumping of her baby's heartbeat that was being monitored closely.

Memories of what Mathew had told her came rushing back but she was too exhausted to get worked up again. She also knew there wasn't anything she could do to keep him from going.

Jessica scanned the room and saw her family sitting around her. Her eyes stopped at Mathew and she said quietly. "Mathew."

Mathew looked up and rushed to his mother's side. Jessica reached for his hand and he took her hand in his.

"Mat...please stay by my side until...until you have to go." Jessica said as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I want you by side for as long as possible."
Mathew lifted her hand and kissed it. "I will Mom. Just relax now. Okay?"

Jessica nodded her head then she turned towards Danny and asked. "How's the baby?"
"The baby is fine. You just gave us a scare though." Danny said as he leaned over and sat on the other side of Jessica. "Dr. Mars said that what you experienced was a anxiety attack. You and the baby are going to be okay. We just have to keep you calm from here on out."

Jessica sighed and continued to hold onto Mathew's hand; she wasn't going to let go.

"Matt...my baby boy. I know you nor I can control what is going to happen over there, but try to stay as safe as you can." Jessica said as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I love you Mathew."
"I'll try my best." Mathew replied. "I love you too mom." He then leaned down and hugged her. He then raised up and placed a hand on Jessica's belly. "You take care of yourself and of my baby sister. Do as Dr. Mars says, okay? I want you be better for when I get back."
Jessica smiled through her tears and said. "I'll try baby. I will try."

The next morning Jessica was still in the hospital when Mathew had to leave; it was a tearful goodbye. Danny then drove Mathew back to the house to quickly pack then he drove Mathew to the airport.

Mathew hugged Danny and told him to take care of his mother and sisters. Danny smiled sadly and promised Mathew he would.

Before they knew it, Mathew had to board the plane and he left to uncertain future.

Danny drove back to the hospital after leaving the airport. He walked into the Jessica's room and found Dr. Mars there. Dr. Mars had just released Jessica and she was free to go home.

Emma and Stephanie were ready to go home but were glad that their mother was okay.

Once at home, Danny helped Jessica shower then helped her into bed. He kissed her lips and she kissed him back.

"I'm going downstairs so you relax and get some sleep." Danny said. "I'll come back and check on you later. I love you."
"I love you too Danny." Jessica said as she closed her eyes. She didn't really get much sleep at the hospital so she was ready to get some much needed sleep.

Danny kissed her once more then walked out the door. He sighed as he closed the door behind him. He hated to see Jessica so fragile. He knew that Mathew getting deployed had taken a bit of life out of Jessica. He couldn't do anything to help Mathew but he needed to do something to help Jessica get the help she needed to defeat this awful illness. He didn't know what he could do but he knew what ever it was, he needed to do it soon, or else risk losing the love of his life.

Sorry for the short update but I didn't want to leave you all hanging for too long. More to come soon!

Happy New Year everyone! ❤️

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