Chapter 3

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Sitting alone in a corner of her room and talking to herself about Anush while crying and suffering (tears in her eyes and pain in her heart).

What was my crime? That i loved you?

I admit falling in love with you
I knew you would never be mine but still i gave you my time
Someday i hope we'll be friends like before...

Our relationship will get better
Until then i think it will be good if we stay like strangers with memories

Though it hurts when i see you and when am unable to speak to you..

All those memories trouble me where i blame myself for giving you my heart my soul my everything..

That day i was the happiest for giving you my everything...i was glad that it was you who received my body my soul my heart
I trusted you...

I don't regret giving you my virginity!

If it was not you it would been someone else and maybe i would have regret it at that time.

Am at peace knowing that once a time i would be able to see you and remember about the past
I know you have no feelings for me but no one gave you the right to make me stop loving you..

I just regret the only thing of letting go my child whom i felt in my womb. I was able to feel it and i knew it was inside me. What will i respond to my Lord on the Day Of Judgement? I know i have made a mistake but the price for such mistake would be like this, that i did not expect. Not even in my dreams.

One thing that hurts me more is that you told me no matter what the situation is you will always be friend with me and now you do not even talk. Was i so bad?

Everyone cheat on me, betray me or leave me. Why? Why can't someone be with me. Maybe i don't deserve anyone and i am such an unfortunate girl.

With this thoughts Ziya felt asleep on the floor....



Well, i had already told Ziya that i am not interested in her nor will i ever fall in love with her. I know i messed up but i even tried to rectify my mistake.

Will she ever understand why did i do all these? Or will she hate me?

The way she spoked to be the last time i began to hate her. She made me feel disgust about myself. We could have remained friends but i did not like the fact she got me into trouble by revealing the truth to Ackbar who is my brother in law.

She should have told me before telling him or she could have said something else rather than just telling him about me. Now Ackbar will see me in a way that i am such a vagabond.

I fear the fact that Ackbar would ask me to get married to Ziya for i don't have any feeling for her. I hope one day she will be able to understand that she was equally at fault for everything that happened.

I admit refusing to Ackbar and blaming Ziya for what happened but it was just to save myself for i know how strict Ackbar is and if by mistake he told this to my father i would be dead.

I blocked Ziya on every social media because i don't want her to get hurt when she will see that i am leading my life normally. Her life changed completely after the abortion but for me it was something meaningless.

I can't stop myself from talking to others girls and getting close to other girls. By seeing this maybe she would be broken completely. I don't want her to suffer more because of me.

Though i don't love her but i would not want to hurt her as well. Everytime i see her i feel a kind of guilt and i do have regret in my heart. Whenever our eyes meet , i have to lower my head out of shame but maybe she thinks it is my arrogance or maybe she thinks i don't care.

Yes i do not want to keep any contact with her because i don't know what to talk to her anymore. Maybe everything is over between us and nothing can mend our relationship...


Whole 6 months went just like that. No one got into contact with each other unless there was a ceremony they would only talk with their eyes. All complains that Ziya had against Anush she would express it through her eyes itself because in such situations words do not work.

Ziya completed her studies and then the results came out. She was listed among the first in Mauritius for the Urdu Language and she received a scholarship to India for higher education.

All of her family, relatives and friends were so happy. Everyone was extremely happy except Ziya for everyday she missed Anush and would think of him obviously with tears in her eyes. She knew something was still missing.

Due to the reason that Ziya had passed with flying colours her parents threw a party. In that party even Anush was present. By seeing Ziya's pale face, he wanted to approached her but he could not muster the courage.

Just then Ackbar sat next to her and said : "Hey princess where is your smile?"

Ziya : "There he is". (pointed towards Anush)

Ackbar : "Oh please Ziya! Stop this madness. You know he does not love you right? So why behaving like this?"

Ziya : "Bro! I loved him, i love him and i will always do. Whether he loves me or not. Love is not a feeling that can be created just like that or can be stopped like something never happened".

Ackbar : "Yes i know but what is the use of such love that you get only tears and sorrows in return. Nothing else".

Ziya : "Is love only meant to do so as to receive something in return. Or one should love without any conditions? You only tell me".

Ackbar : (calling Anush by raising his hand) "come here fast Anush. It is urgent".

Ziya : (suddenly with a panicking voice) "Hey what are you doing?"

Ackbar : "You just shut up".

Knowing that now Ackbar was furious, Ziya remained quiet. Anush came closer and Ackbar asked him to talk with Ziya and just let everything out for once. Ackbar told them to go inside and have a talk while he will manage everything out.

Shivering, Anush could not even refused the order of Ackbar as he saw that Ackbar was in a very bad mood. He could not utter a single word. Once they reached in Ziya's room, she locked it so that no one get to know they were inside. This was suggested by Ackbar....

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