Chapter 2

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After a stay of nearly one month in Paris suddenly Anush told Ziya that he will be coming back to Mauritius in one week as he got a job offer. Ziya was shocked, unable to think of what will happen next now. Anush was happy with the thoughts that he will have fun now but on the other hand Ziya was nervous. She felt she was not actually ready for all this. As soon as Anush came back, they made plans of when to meet and where. It happens thrice that their plan failed as Ziya mother did not allow her to get out for no reason.

After much attempt, finally one saturday afternoon they decided to meet at a guest house. Ziya was extremely nervous but she was also satisfied knowing maybe after that she will be able to express her feelings for Anush. They met near the guest house and made sure no one saw them. But maybe they forgot that Almighty Allah is witnessing everything.

They entered the bedroom, Anush went directly on the bed and told Ziya :

" I am going to sleep, bye".

Ziya stood still in front of the door, still nervous yet she laughed because Anush was really funny.

She said : " Okay then I am going home, bye" (making her way out).

Anush : " Wait, Come here".

Ziya knew it was going to start. Her heartbeats increased and she was extremely nervous. She did not know how all this goes on. She feared the fact that she might not satisfy Anush as he wanted.
Anush came so near to Ziya that Ziya closed her eyes.

Anush grabbed her waist and said :

" I don't know where to start".

Ziya : " I am all yours, do whatever you want".

Anush pushed her on the bed, kissing her neck, taking off her clothes and in a few moments Ziya was no longer a virgin. Ziya and Anush were so close that day. She gave that man her body, heart and even soul. Anush was pleased with Ziya and they had a wonderful time together. Anush took the virginity of a girl for the first time. But it was not just about sex for Ziya, she loved that man and she was ready to give him everything. She waited so long to be with Anush and finally it came. She enjoyed each and every moment with him. Apart from sex, they talked and joke. They even spoke a bit about life and some problems.

Ziya was thinking :

" why can't time stop here and i have Anush for myself alone. I want to tell him that i really love him but am still scared for i know he does not feel the same. But if ever he says that he wants me over and over again am gonna tell him the truth".

After spending nearly three hours together it was time for them to go back home. As Anush took his father's car, he thought of dropping Ziya home as they live in the same area. But before going back home Anush stopped at a pharmacy to buy contraception pills for Ziya as he messed up. He dropped Ziya in a small lane near her home safely and while leaving Anush did not even look at her. Yet Ziya continued to look at his car until it disappeared from her eyesight.

Reaching home, Ziya was exhausted and feeling swollen. She was unable to walk properly. Hurrying, she took a bath and got ready as she had to go for a function. She forgot to take that pill because she was in a great rush. Unexpectedly, she saw Anush there. He was walking down the stairs and Ziya was looking at him, he smiled at Ziya and that girl blushed away remembering the meeting they had earlier.

After dinner, Ziya was sitting with her family members and Anush's mother was among them. Anush came and with his talks he made everyone laugh. When it was time to leave that place, Ziya felt a bit sad and upset. She wanted to be with Anush once more. She was already missing him...

After that day, Anush and Ziya remained in contact and their friendship continued to grows. Weeks went by and suddenly Ziya realised she had not got her menses and told Anush. He panicked thinking if Ziya is pregnant he'll get in big trouble. Therefore, he asked Ziya to do a pregnancy test and by Ziya's great shock it was positive. She was a bit broken and a bit happy. Anush there was so much terrified as he did not love Ziya and would not accept such thing.

Anush asked Ziya to take another pregnancy test to confirm the news. Again it was positive. Ziya, who wanted to fulfil her desires and achieve something in life was completely devasted. Unable to understand whether to keep the baby or not as she was only eighteen. Anush advised her to act as if she is having her menstruation so that Ziya's mother would not find anything fishy. Ziya did exactly what she was told to do. Soon Ziya started to face mood swings, nausea and stomach ache. She was so irritated with Anush. Sometimes she would talk to him nicely and politely but sometimes she would be so rude and mean.

Anush understood that this issue is going to the next level so he decided to get Ziya's abortion done as soon as possible. Meanwhile, there was a function in the family where Anush was also present but his face became so pale after he saw Ziya falling sick suddenly. That day Ziya's dad car was broken and Ackbar took her to the hospital in an unconscious state. Consequently the doctor addressed Ackbar and told him about Ziya's pregnancy. Ackbar was shocked.

There Anush was constantly thinking his truth will be exposed. However, when Ackbar came to know about it he had a personal talk with Ziya. Upon several requests Ziya finally split it all out by crying and admitting that Anush is the father of the child. Ackbar was so angry, unable to figure out why Anush did this to Ziya but the latter told him that she was equally responsible for this act. Ackbar even wanted to take the responsibility of the unborn child but Ziya refused.

Once they reached home, Ackbar handled the situation very well and he asked Anush to come out for he had to discuss something really important. Anush instantly realised he was gone now for Ackbar was a really strict and straightforward person. Anush then blamed Ziya for everything that happened which made Ackbar even more angry. Then Ackbar told him that he'll find a way out to solve this problem. Ziya became quiet and lonely after that. No one was there to understand her emotions. Anush was not supporting her at all.

Fortunately with the help of Ackbar, that poor soul felt a bit better. Ackbar convinced her to undergo the abortion because her future would be destroyed if she becomes mother at such a young age and also because Anush was neither ready to accept her nor ready to form a family. Ziya was heartbroken completely as according to her, abortion was not permissible in Islam (though it is valid depending on some reasons). Besides she already committed a big sin, fornication and now going through abortion made her feel more guilty. She wanted to scream and yell. But one day Ackbar took her secretly without letting her know they were going to a clinic. Once reaching there, Ziya understood she'll soon going to abort her child. On the bed, she cried and held Ackbar's hand refusing to go through this step.

After much efforts that Ackbar has put into convincing her, she agreed unwillingly. After aborting her child she said no words. She stopped talking with Anush as well for that guy pissed off her and did not care whether she was alive or not. For him, his problems were solved and he was at peace now. He even blocked Ziya on every social media...

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