Chapter 9

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Husn waited for the right moment to ask about the guy he saw earlier when Hania was out with Arshad. He knocked at Ziya's room and asked for the permission to come in. Ziya said that such formality was not needed. They had a conversation.

Husn: "So how was your weekend?"

Ziya: "Not bad and yours? The seminar went well?"

Husn: "Yeah it was really interesting. Got to learn about many things."

Ziya: "That's nice."

Husn: "Yeah... So, what is the name of the friend with whom you have spent the weekend?"

Ziya: "Oh! That friend... Hmmmm her name is euhmmm.... Anna."

Husn: "Non-Muslim friend?"

Ziya: "Yeahhh.. we met recently and became good friends." (trying a lot to hide Husn about Anush but was unaware that Husn saw both of them)

Husn: "Why do you lie when you cannot even lie properly?"

Ziya: "Lying? Me? Why do you think so?"

Husn: "I don't think so. I am pretty much sure you are lying. You think you can hide things from me. Am i so untrustworthy that you have started to lie to me? I saw you coming in a car and that too with a guy. Now don't cook stories and tell me it is not true (with a furious tone)."

Ziya: "See. I did not want to tell you nor Hania about my stay at his place. I am sorry for not telling you but i was so confused."

Husn: "Confused? About what?"

Ziya: "I don't know myself (taking a deep breath) That guy, was part of my past. You remember i wanted to tell you about my past. Guess what the same day i came across him and i was feeling very nostalgic. His name is Anush and long time back i used to love him, i was only seventeen maybe. I even gave him my virginity and aborted his child (tears filled up her eyes). We did not have any contact after that until we met this week. I acted normally because frankly speaking i was getting over that situation. Maybe destiny had other plans, besides he was going through a difficult time so i just lent support to him. That is why i decided to take him along for the visitation of Canada, just to cheer him up. I couldn't gather the courage to tell you about it because i feared you might end up hating me (started crying)."

Husn: "Hey sssshhhhhh! Calm down please and stop crying (wiping off the tears from Ziya's eyes). It is okay. Everything will be fine. Be strong (hugging Ziya) I am proud that you told me the truth and did not hide it from me. I appreciate your sincerity and trust me i won't judge you by what you've been through. I was your friend, I am your friend and I will always be your friend. Just forget about the past."

Ziya: (still crying) "one thing I did not mention is that before dropping me over here, Anush proposed to me."

Husn: "Oh (taking off his hands from Ziya's shoulder) so i guess you said yes to him for he is the one you have been in love with."

Ziya: "No i didn't. I was not able to understand what I should do so i did asked him for a some time before I take any decision."

Husn: "Is it because if my proposal you said that?"

Ziya: "A bit yes. However i do need some time before i could say anything. I need my own space."

Husn: "My only advice to you is listen to your heart and follow it but do not forget to take your brain along."

Ziya: "I will definitely take a mature decision. But please promise me you will not disrespect my decision."

Husn: "Oh ma'am hello. Have i ever disrespect any decision of yours? I really admire you and i pray that you take a good decision. You can count of me to be by your side whatever decision you take."

Ziya: "Aww.. thank you Husn! You are so sweet that is why i love you. Thank you once again."

Husn: "Oh so you love me. Right?"

Ziya: "Yes, a lot."

Husn: "C'mon stop buttering me now. You rest for a while. I will go and take a nap because i am also very tired:"

Ziya: "Okay you go. We'll catch up later."

Husn: "Yes sure."

Husn made his way out of the room and Ziya felt a bit light after sharing her thoughts with Husn. She was sure enough that no matter what decision she will be respected.

Yet, she was feeling very strange as she was unable to make a proper decision. Whenever she wanted to accept the proposal of Husn she remembered how she used to love Anush and all those memories were coming over and over on her mind. As soon as she thought about Anush, her friendship with Husn was coming in between. She thought that Husn really supported her and made her overcome the past she had. Poor Ziya! She was in such a dilemma. That night she did not even sleep. All she was doing was thinking and thinking. She stressed herself too bad that she walked out in the middle of the night. She walked to a nearby park and sat over there for about half an hour. In such cold weather Ziya was outside, thinking! At last, she could find a solution but she waited for the right time to announce it. She returned back to her apartment and slept well.


The next day, she woke up in a good mood and Husn was glad to see her like that. Hania and Ziya got ready for school and that day Husn accompanied them to the school. They talked a lot on the streets and joked around.

After school hours, Anush was there in his car waiting for Ziya. The latter was a bit surprised as Anush did not even informed about coming. Anush invited Ziya for dinner in a restaurant. Ziya could not refuse as it was a good opportunity for her to speak out her decision. Then Ziya and Hania walked back to their flat. When Husn came back from work, Ziya asked him to get ready as they would be going to have dinner outside. Husn was really glad thinking it was going to be a date. Ziya and Husn wore outfit in the same colour, blue navy which is their favourite. Husn did not know that a third person also was going to be part of this dinner. By seeing Anush at the restaurant, Husn's face turned out all pale...

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