Chapter 20

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With a very heavy heart and guilty feelings, Mehek proceeded to Ziya's house with Salman in her arms. She knocked at the door once and heard a voice saying 'coming'. Her heart was pounding because it was Ziya's voice. When Ziya opened the door she was shocked seeing them as she did not expect such thing. For a moment she did not say anything until Mehek asked "can we come in please?"
Ziya invited her inside and before saying anything she offered her guest a glass of water and the sat on the same couch. Ziya was constantly looking at Salman, knowing he was her son. Even Mehek could understand that Ziya must be yearning to take Salman in her arms so she just hand the baby to Ziya while she drank the water. Ziya felt the same warm touch of the baby as the day she gave birth to him. Tears rolled down her eyes. She hugged him and kissed him. She continued to look at him while the latter was snuggling in her arms maybe he knew that Ziya was his mother.

Mehek started the conversation while Ziya was listening to her quietly. She said:
"You must be wondering what am i doing here. Actually i came to clarify some unspoken things and to clear some misunderstandings. First of all i apologise sincerely for ruining your life. It is all my mistake. I am extremely very sorry (crying and her voice changed from all of a sudden) Just because i could never be pregnant i played with your life and somehow i destroyed it. I am ashamed for whatever i have done. I just could not bear it when everyone would say that i am barren and neither Anush because he loves me a lot. He wanted to be a father but i could not give him this happiness ever. In this way, we approached Ackbar because he was the only one who could have helped us at that time. But trust me, even Ackbar did not know that Anush would leave you afterwards because Anush told him that he will look after you even after you give birth to this baby. You must be thinking that Ackbar betrayed you but this is not the case. Ackbar thought only about your well being and he was happy to know that you will be getting the love you desire with Anush. So please, try to contact him as soon as possible because he is very angry with me and Anush for hiding this matter from him. Now i am being punished for my deeds, Almighty Allah gave me such a deadly disease that i won't survive longer. Yes Ziya, i have brain tumor. I want you to get married to Anush because that is your rightful place to be, as his wife! Besides, Salman needs his real mother which is you. Please don't refuse and consider this for your son. I know i've been a really bad friend, i used you for my own benefit. I am truly sorry. Forgive me if possible. Why are you silent? Say something. You must be really boiling out of anger."

Ziya: "What do i say more. You have already spoken so much that i am confused right now. I am glad that today Salman is here with me but at the same time i am sorry to hear about your health condition. Never ever would i wished something like this even for my enemy. But marrying Anush? No way Mehek. I won't be able and i am truly sorry. Don't get me wrong but for any reason i will never ever accept such thing. I have already been hurt twice not this time Mehek please. I hope you understand this. I will happily take the responsibility of Salman because he is my son but not Anush because we don't share any relationship."

Mehek: "Anush is the father of Salman, how come you don't share any relationship with him. Atleast think about Salman, he is just a baby. Don't you want him to have both his parents by his side? Do you want him to grow up without the support of a father? Is this what you want?"

Ziya: "Well since you've spoken about the father thing. I don't think Anush would be a good father for my son. Yes, he might be rich and he will be able to afford the basic things Salman needs. If you're wondering who will be his father let me tell you i am engaged to Husn and we'll get married very soon. According to me, Husn will be a wonderful husband and father. He might not be too wealthy but the love he will give Salman i don't think Anush will be able to do so."

Mehek: "You got engaged?"

Ziya: "Yes, why? Shouldn't i have done it? I have moved on in life Mehek that is why i am telling you i don't want Anush back, i just want my baby (looking at Salman who was in her arms and realised he fell asleep) Oh wait, let me put him on the bed."

She walked towards her room when Mehek's phone rang and she could hear her speaking to Anush by saying she was at her place with Salman because Anush had been looking for her. It seemed that Anush was getting angry. Ziya came back in the living room and Mehek said she will have to get going as Anush will come to pick her up. Mehek walked to Ziya's room and took the baby in her arms. While leaving Mehek said to Ziya that she can come at her place to meet Salman whenever she wants and that nobody will restrict her from doing so. Ziya felt so upset as she wanted to spend more time with her son. However, she walked Mehek outside and saw Anush in his car which made her nostalgic about the day Anush came to fetch her from school. She controlled her emotions though and walked in sitting on the couch. She was thinking what will she do now. It was totally confusing for her...

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