Chapter 5

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Ziya completed her studies and she was graduated. She received her degree and her parents were present during the convocational day. She felt a peace seeing the smile on her parent's face. She realised she had achieved something really precious.

She returned back to Mauritius and after a month and a half she was shocked with the invitation card received by Anush's parents for the wedding of their son happening next month. Though Ziya was able to forget Anush a bit and moved on in life. But she did not expect such thing to happen neither did she even thought about it. But she agreed to herself that she will go for that wedding, not for Anush but for one of her childhood friend Mehek (Anush's would be wife).

The wedding day was approaching and Ziya even did some shopping so that she look representable at the wedding. The day finally came. She got ready all decked up. She was confident. She did not have any grudge nor complaints.

However due to some circumstances Ziya could not attend the wedding as she had received a letter of confirmation for her job in Canada as teacher. She had to leave immediately and she happily agreed to go. Even her parents encouraged her to look forward for a nice career. The day she went, all her relatives and close friends went to drop her at the airport! She was elated to see their love. At the same time she was really sad because she did not knew when she will come back.

There she was given a flat on behalf of the school she was teaching. In the beginning it was getting difficult for her to adjust to the atmosphere over there. But gradually she got used to it. She befriended new people and her colleagues also. Ziya was not that much timid but she preferred when people would talk to her first. She did her job well and achieved many compliments.

Ziya used to live alone in her flat and thus for time pass she decided to open a small business of customised products and it started off well. With this, Ziya was able to earn additional money that she used to send to her parents every month and it was enough for them to manage the house. Ziya's parents were satisfied knowing their daughter was their support and they had nothing to worry about.

Canada became a turning point in the life of Ziya. She fulfilled her dream of becoming independent and she was happy. But on the other hand, something was really troubling her that is her one and only desire of having her own family. She used to wait for the moment when she'll be able to get the world's most wanted happiness.

The daily routine of Ziya was waking up, brushing her teeth, changing in her jumpsuit and going for jogging, a warm bath, breakfast, going to school, returning back to the flat, take a bath, relax while watching TV for a while, cooking food and dinner, correction of copybooks or preparation for next class and late night she would check her mails and video call with her parents also she would handle her business transactions. Her life was going on smoothly.

Ziya had a good friend, Hania who was a Muslim too and they had a good bonding. They used to teach in the same school. Ziya was in the Urdu language department and Hania was in the Arabic language department. Very often they used to have interaction and their friendship grew day by day.

Ziya and Hania would hang out very frequent. They used to depend on each other for they had nobody in that foreign country. They would help each other. One day Ziya asked Hania if she would want to shift in a wider flat, just the two of them because the flat allocated by the school was quite small and not so spacious. Both agreed unanimously. A few days later they shifted over there and the rent was paid off by the directory of the school itself.

They decorated the inside of the flat very nicely and as the flat consisted of 3 bedroom they choose one each and adapted it to their manner. One room was left for the guests in case there was any. They shared the household chores and responsibilities as well. Both had a strong relationship and they continue to maintain their religious aspect as well. They would pray together also...


After a few weeks it was the birthday of Ziya and Hania planned a surprise for her. Hania has been busy since this morning in preparing all the stuff and to not let Ziya doubt about anything. She pretended to be sick so that she would not go to school and she arranged everything properly.

In the evening she entrusted he colleague Amnah the task of keeping Ziya busy. Ziya could not doubt it was going to be a surprise for her. The same day Hania's brother, Husn came to Canada. As Hania was busy the whole day she could not go and pick up her brother but she did send a taxi.

When Husn came, he could not even relax as Hania jumped on her by asking for help. He was the elder brother of Hania , only 3 years older. He got the job of a graphic designer in one of the top companies in Canada that's why he came to stay with his sister. As the flat consisted of 3 rooms, Husn adjusted very well.
After having done the basic things in his room, Husn went to help Hania with the decoration, cake and food etc...

Once every guests came, Hania texted Amnah and told her to bring Ziya home. It was already dark and Ziya was complaining about getting hungry but somehow Amnah managed by the situation. As soon as the bell rang, nobody was opening the door. Ziya thought Hania was out so she tried her keys and found all the place dark. She was a bit annoyed because she was always taught to switch in the light as soon as the sun sets. As she walked nearly five steps, and switching on the lights herself everyone shouted "SURPRISE" and Ziya was so overwhelmed.

Tears of happiness could be seen in her eyes. She celebrated her birthday with enthusiasm and thanked Hania for this wonderful surprise. Just then she was asked to cut her birthday cake and she saw a stranger in front of her, not willing to embarrass anyone because she was not aware whose relative was he so she remained quiet. When she saw how the stranger,  Husn was continuously looking at her she called Hania in a corner and asked her who was that guy. Hania laughed out loud saying Husn was his brother. Ziya felt so embarrassed and she turned all red.

Then Hania introduced both of them and they started talking little by little. All the guests were entertained by the preparations of Hania. They had an amazing dinner as well. When all the guests were gone, Hania brought Ziya to her room and show her another surprise. She brought sheesha as Ziya really liked to smoke sheesha and that too strawberry flavour. Hania and her smoked secretly when suddenly Husn came in without knocking the door.

By seeing the girls like this, Husn was shocked. Yet he entered the room and joined them. They enjoyed the small sheesha party. In the meanwhile Husn and Ziya were talking and getting to know each other a bit. The three of them shared a good moment...

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