Chapter 16

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After five months literally Ziya returned back to Canada. Their flight landed at night and they took a taxi to go home. They met Hania with great enthusiasm while hugging her. Because of the jet lag, Ziya was feeling tired and sleepy and went straight to her room. Fortunately Husn had already informed Hania about their coming thus, the latter could make proper arrangements  and tidy-up everywhere. Ziya slept and woke up the next morning with a really big surprise. As her eyes opened she found balloons all over with HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZIYA written on a banner. It was Ziya's birthday but because of the stress and everything she did not even remember however her best friends did not forget about it. Hania baked a cake all by herself and Ziya was asked to cut it. Husn and Hania sang happy birthday continously. Husn was overwhelmed to see Ziya smiling after such a long time. It was a happy moment indeed. Husn gifted an envelope to Ziya and asked her to open it. She found the receipt of two tickets to Canada. Upon asking, Husn revealed that he paid for the tickets so that Ziya's parents could come over and spend some time with her because he knew how Ziya must be feeling. This made her cried out of happiness and sadness also, she had such a mixed emotions that it was indescribable. For Ziya's birthday, Hania's fiancé, Arshad took them to a restaurant for lunch and paid the bill himself. It was a treat for Ziya on his behalf. Ziya thanked them for making her day special. On that occasion, both Hania and Arshad announced that next month he'll be getting married, everything had been finalised and both were very excited. Ziya congratulate them and she was happy that it is going to be a new life for Hania.

After returning back home, suddenly Ziya felt a deep breast pain and she could not bear it. She was crying out of pain. When Husn took her for consultation it was found that because her baby was not drinking her milk, it was getting accumulated inside and had to be taken out else this pain will not stop easily. With a sunction pump the doctor removed the milk and collected it in a container. After that Ziya felt a bit better but she was missing her baby a lot however she had learnt how to control herself as she did not want to hurt her loved ones. On the other hand, Salman was continuously crying and refused to drink milk from the milk bottle which made Mehek upset because she was not able to understand what to do to make him quiet. Anush took the baby to the pediatric clinic and the doctor proclaimed that the baby needs to drink his mother's milk otherwise he'll fall sick. Anush was unable to understand what to do now. How will he make his son quiet? Where will he get milk for his son? He was going mad by thinking over it. He asked the doctor for other ways to make the baby quiet but the doctor suggested that mother's milk is the best for a newborn baby to consume. It seems that mother and child have a deep connection, where the mother's breast is in pain, on the other side the baby is feeling restless to consume his mother's milk.

After returning back home, Ziya did not allow her smile to disappear because she knew others would be upset if they saw her in a depressive state. Hania had prepared some yummy snacks with hot coffee and the four sat to have a break. After a few minutes, Arshad went away as he had received an emergency call. Hania had some work to sum up so she went into her room. So basically Husn and Ziya was alone in the living room just having a talk. Ziya then remembered how once Husn proposed to her but she refused. She said she was sorry for that action of hers because if she had accepted the proposal she would have been happy. Then Husn explained to her that we never know what life reserved for us. Only time can tell so. He even asked Ziya not to worry about it because he will always be by her side and their relationship does not literally need a name. Ziya felt so lucky to have someone like  Husn in her life. She just couldn't afford to lose him now. Husn assured her that nothing can changed the respect and love he had for her which literally touched her heart. They shared a moment of silent...

Anush there, tried his best to get mother milk. He used his money but in vain. No mother was ready to sell their milk. This was a big slap for Anush for he thought that money could literally buy anything whether by hook or crook. Unfortunately not this time. Days went by and the baby still refused to drink. Anush was going crazy and talked with Mehek asking if he should go and get the milk from Ziya. Mehek instantly refused by saying this time they will lose the baby forever if Ziya gets to know about the truth. Anush then tried international help and fortunately a clinic was ready to sell the milk for a huge price as half of the money was to be given to the donor but as Anush was wealthy he did not mind to spend the money. By coincidence or luck, Ziya's milk went to Salman. But yes the doctor did inform Ziya that her milk was to be sent abroad. She did not mind at all until it would only benefit a little angel. Little did she know that her son would be drinking her milk only. Salman drank the milk and was healthy again. He gained much energy and seeing him like this made his parents happy...

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