Chapter 10

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Once they were at the table, they greeted each other with a smile. Anush had no clue who that guy was but somehow he tried to figure out that maybe it could be Husn, the guy who proposed to Ziya first. However he did not keep any grudges against that guy. He talked in a polite way and both boys were being friendly. After a few minutes, they ordered for food and they had chosen Indian food, Ziya's favourite. They had a great time together and after dinner, Ziya asked Anush to come home as she had some important things to tell him which could only be possible once they go home. Anush agreed and even drove them home. In the car also had fun while singing and talking. Singing was a hobby for Ziya.

Once they reached home, they had some coffee prepared by Ziya. After that, the latter came out of the room with her Ipad. Both were wondering what is going on and Ziya asked them to wait for a while. She called Ackbar on Skype and presented him to Husn for the first time ever. Ackbar already knew Anush as he was his brother-in-law.

The thing was that last night Ziya phoned Ackbar after one week. Both had been busy and forgot about contacting each other. Ziya told him that she was lost and needed some help. She narrated the whole thing to her cousin and Ackbar promised to help her out with this. He knew that in such situation Ziya would need guidance. Therefore Ackbar wanted to talk to both of the guys at the same moment to decide which one is worthy for his darling cousin. That is why Ziya had to ask Anush to come at her place.

Then Ackbar's interrogation started after speaking briefly to both of them.

Ackbar: "Ziya's favourite colour?"

Anush: "Blue".

Husn: "Purple".

Ackbar: "It is actually purple, anyway.. Ziya's job interest?"

Anush: "Businesswoman".

Husn: "Teacher".

Ackbar: "Wrong Husn, she wanted to be a businesswoman and she is working on it! Ziya's favourite beverage?"

Anush and Husn at the same time replied: "Coffee". And it was the right answer.

The question session continued like this. In the end, both had equal points according to Ackbar. It was a tough decision for him to choose someone who is worthy for his cousin. Ackbar wanted to talk to each one in private. Husn went inside the room with the Ipad first. Ackbar made it clear that he would never want a guy that will hurt his cousin and that he wants to know Husn in depth in order to be sure. However, Husn assured Ackbar that he will always keep Ziya happy. They talked for about 10 minutes and then Anush went in. Anush took only 5 minutes. Maybe because Ackbar already knew how his brother-in-law is that's why.

Once, the two guys finished with the meeting it was Ziya's turn now. Ackbar wanted to speak to her. Ackbar convinced her that whatever decision he has taken was for the welfare of Ziya only as he knew her deepest feelings. Ziya literally was about to cry, she got so emotional. Then the three sat in front of the Ipad screen and Ackbar choose Anush over Husn by saying that:
"Ziya! I know you have always wanted to have a family and by giving yourself to Anush you had seen this dream of yours coming true but unfortunately it did not happened as you wanted. Yet, today Anush realised his mistakes and want to mend it by marrying you and trust me his feelings are genuine. I am not saying that Husn is faking it but i know perfectly what your heart desires. Besides Husn wants only your happiness, don't worry about him. Think about what you have always wanted. The opportunity is here. Go baby, grab it! I am not choosing Anush because he is a family rather i am choosing him because he is the only one that you have always loved and i know you will continue to do so. If i had chosen Husn, maybe 3 lives would be destroyed. So better you listen to your heart and be happy. One is your love and one is your friend. Both will be there for you i guarantee you."

Even Husn encouraged her to be with Anush and asked her not to worry about him, he'll get any girl. But yes, Husn did warn Anush in front of Ackbar itself that if ever he makes Ziya cry. He gonna regret his life. Ackbar told Ziya that she should be proud to have such a good friend supporting her. Ziya could not stop herself from hugging Husn and thanking him for everything. Ackbar mentioned that they should get married as soon as possible and better to have a court marriage and Nikah. Husn voluntarily said he will be the witness. This made Ziya happy at the same time she wondered ehat she will say to her parents because they will not agree definitely. Ackbar said that: "Don't worry. As soon as you both come  back to Mauritius we'll organise a family meeting and i will inform everyone myself". Ziya was assured with this sentence. Then they hanged up the call and Ziya went to drop Anush down. Anush promised to come and take her away really soon. Ziya blushed away. She was extremely happy. They said goodbye to each other and Ziya came back upstairs. Husn said that the Nikah arrangements will be his responsibility and asked Ziya to not worry about anything else as he will plan a memorable wedding for her. Ziya was overwhelmed the way Husn made her feel special. She wished that every girl gets a friend like him.

The Nikah was scheduled for the weekend after. Basically Husn had only 14-15 days maximum to organise everything. Husn even fixed a date for the court marriage as well which will be held one week after the Nikah. Ziya could not still believe she was getting married. She missed her parents a lot but as Ackbar said only when she come back to Mauritius she will be allow to let her parents know about it.

Days were going so quickly and Ziya had not even done any shopping yet. Hania would continuously request her to take off from school but Ziya did not agree as the students exams were coming up and she did not want them to fail. She did her best in making the students eligible to take part in the exams.

Only two days before her Nikah she went with Hania to buy her wedding dress. She choose a simple beige gown with light golden beads and high heels in golden color. She even bought some hijab accessories which would compliment her scarf (hijab). She was not so fond of jewellery but Hania advised her to take a beautiful pair of bangles in golden color with silver studs in it and a matching ring as well. She took it. Then they went to make appointment in a salon for Ziya's makeup and fortunately the person in charge said that for bride, a makeup artist can come personally at their place but it would cost a little more. Ziya happily agreed to pay extra money instead of coming to the salon herself. Now she was having this strange feeling of nervousness of getting married.

There Anush also went for shopping with Husn. Anush was looking for a suit in white color with beige shirt and gold tie. And it was a bit tough to get it however with a bit of hardwork they finally come across a boutique where they got their cloths. Then Anush went to a jewellery shop and bought a beautiful wedding ring for Ziya as her "Mahr"(gift). Husn really like the ring Anush bought because it was sweet but simple. The preparations were ongoing and the wedding day was coming...

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