Chapter 19

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Ziya reached Mauritius safely with her parents and stayed with them. She informed Husn about her arrival and Husn wished her all the best for her battle. But at the same time, Ziya was very nervous and restless too because of her son. She wondered how will she fight alone. Yet she decided to execute her plan as she thought. But for that Husn had to send the legal proofs to her so that she will be able to expose Anush. Husn had been trying his best to get the proofs in papers. Once done, he contacted Ziya and told her that she'll receive the documents in a few days. Ziya was happy and at ease now that she will be able to see her son.

There, Mehek's condition was deteriorating day by day and one fine morning she spoke to Anush:

"You know (by holding Anush's hand) maybe i am being punished for the injustice i've done towards Ziya. Now i sincerely regret it. For the greed of a baby i have destroyed her life. No wonder in what condition is she. Has she been able to recover from the loss of her son or not i don't know. But i really want to apologise to her before dying. I will have to answer my Rabb (GOD) after departing from this world and what will i tell Him that i was selfish and stone-hearted just for the sake of a baby! This is not fair, i wish i had realised that before and maybe i would not have been in this condition."

Anush: "Whatever was supposed to happened had already happened now. Don't blame yourself. You will be fine (tears in his eyes) Stop worrying about all this and rest for a while."

Mehek: "No Anush! You cannot deny the fact that what i am saying is true. If i ask you for something, will you give me?"

Anush: "Yes ask."

Mehek: "First promise me."

Anush: "Okay promise."

Mehek: "After my demise, marry Ziya."

Anush: "Are you out of your mind. You are not going anywhere. I won't let you go (literally crying)."

Mehek: "Please don't cry and don't make it difficult for me. I want you to be happy and also Salman needs his mother. I am not his mother and maybe i could never have been his mother. That is why Almighty Allah is calling me. Marry Ziya and in this way Salman will grow up in the hands of his very own biological mother. Please Anush, i beg of you. Do it for my sake."

Anush: "I will think about it."

Mehek: "No, you've already promised me and you will have to keep your promise."

Anush: "Please stop it. Just stop! I cannot. I have only loved you and Ziya? She was just a way to entertained myself during my days of youth and lately she had only been the surrogate mother of our child. Nothing else. I was never attracted towards her and never will be. I don't even love her. How will i live with her?"

Mehek: "Anush! Not all relationships are based on love. Some are based on compromise while others are based on compassion. What surrogate mother are you talking about? Salman is her son, her own son and that little angel is yours and hers. I was never in this story. Maybe that is why i am going away from you all."

Anush: "You know what i don't want to argue with you. I am going out."

Mehek: "Going out? Anush i am going, and that too forever. Do you realise that? And you don't want to fulfil this last wish of mine despite you promised me."

Anush walked away because all the words of Mehek was only hurting him. He wondered that indeed he has been really wrong and maybe because of his mistake, now his love Mehek is going through such difficult situation. He knew that at any time Mehek might die. He really wanted to help Mehek but he knew he won't be able to do anything this time. After calming down for a while, Anush went to see Mehek again and told her that he is ready to accept Ziya. Mehek was extremely happy, knowing that Anush and Salman both will be in safe hands because Ziya will give them lots of love, care and affection.
Mehek then asked him to go and bring Ziya back from Ireland. With his contacts, he tried to get the location of Ziya but he was shocked to know that she was in Mauritius only.

When Anush informed this news to Mehek, she asked him to go to her personally and brings her over here because she really wanted to speak to Ziya one last time. For that task, Anush gathered lots of courage but somewhere his ego came in between and would stop him from going to Ziya's place. Mehek would constantly beg of him to go but each time Anush would make excuses. Nearly one week went by with the same routine but Anush avoided this topic until Mehek herself decided to go along with Salman and that too without informing Anush...

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