Chapter 15

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Anush landed in Ireland after a few days but remain hidden and out of Ziya's sight. He did not want to let her even get any doubt about his presence for Ziya could run away again. Ziya's delivery date was near and could be in labour pain at any moment.  Anush's spy was the one to inform him. Hearing this news, Anush started the preparations to execute his plans. Once all the preparations were done, Anush was relaxed and waited for the right time. While on the other hand, Ziya was extremely nervous. Her instinct would warn her about something wrong to be happening but she did not know what could it be. However, Husn was always there making sure Ziya was happy and cheerful. At some extent he was successful but still Ziya's day would not end unless she thought about the betrayal of Anush and the way the latter made her suffer.

After one week, Ziya started to have labour pains as her water bag burst and Husn took her to a private clinic. Anush was already aware in which clinic Ziya was admitted. After suffering from one long hour of labour pain, finally Ziya gave birth to a healthy baby boy. As she held her son in her arms she was so emotional at the same time she was delighted. Who would have known that it was the first and last time she would be holding her son. Ziya was transferred to the post natal private ward and the baby was taken for bath and tests. Husn bought a bouquet for Ziya and congratulated her for being so patient and strong because finally it was all paid off. Husn asked her to sleep for a while as she was very exhausted. Husn remained by her side and fell asleep himself as he spent the whole night awake.

There, Anush was executing his plan. He had already paid the director of the clinic to let him take the baby away and as the doctor was bribed he agreed. But as the baby was newborn, the doctor recommended some medications and precautions as well. Anush went away with the baby secretly. After Anush left from the clinic, the doctor went to Ziya and said :

"We're very sorry ma'am. Your baby is no more. We tried to rescue him but in vain. Through the tests we found that he suffered from internal infections to which he could not survive. We are extremely very sorry."

Ziya was in a great shock, not willing to accept this news and wanted to see her baby. Husn was so furious saying that a few minutes ago the baby was all fine and healthy so how come suddenly the baby died. Actually,  the doctor picked a dead baby who died in his mother's stomach in a car accident. The doctor decided to hand over this baby boy to them. Husn started making noise in the hospital and many people gathered asking for what happened. Ziya was literally traumatised and heartbroken. She asked the doctor to take her to the baby. Once she was there, her heart refused to admit it was her son. She even picked that baby in her arms but could not feel the same she felt earlier. Ziya wanted her son back. She continously cried and asked Almighty Allah why does this happen to her and will all her desires remained unfulfilled? She kept on asking what was her mistake? She was demoralised and low. Yet, she took the dead baby with her and performed the funeral according to rituals. After that she went to the apartment back and did not speak to anyone.

Husn felt pity for her but each time he would try to bring Ziya alive he failed. Ziya was just like a corpse, no reaction, no talks nothing. She fell in deep depression. Somewhere Ziya knew her son was alive but she wondered what happened. Nothing like that came into her mind that Anush might have kidnapped the baby. Husn kept on trying and trying to have the old Ziya back but it was practically impossible as Ziya did not want to make an effort herself. She spent her days and night in silence while staring at the sky or the stars. She had even stopped eating and talking. Neither would she sleep. After continously behaving like this for almost two weeks, Husn decided to take her to the doctor as it was getting difficult. The psychiatrist confirmed that Ziya had went into deep depression and if she does not overcome this she might end up having brain tumor and other mental illness.

Husn would take Ziya out in parks where children were playing. By this way maybe Ziya would react but in vain. Nothing changed until she heard the crying of a child who had fallen on the ground. All she said was "My Baby" but soon realised it was a five year old boy and not her son. She hugged Husn and cried whole heartedly grieving over the death of her baby. She screamed and ask for her son back. Husn comforted her and took her back home. He decided that Ziya should not be staying in Ireland anymore because she would be suffering endlessly so they went back to Canada where Husn had his job too and the holidays he took were nearly over and he had to resumed back. Besides Hania could be taking great care of Ziya in his absence.

Anush was already back to Mauritius to his wife Mehek and both were extremely happy to have their baby with them finally. They named the baby "Salman" and looked after him properly. Anush and Mehek resolved their misunderstandings and were once again together. Anush was satisfied knowing he won against Ziya's game. Finally he was now a father and his wife whom people would called 'barren' was also a mother now...

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