Chapter 25

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The wedding day was finally here. Ziya, in a beige gown just like a princess with her crown on her headscarf. The high heels added elegance to her look and the bouquet she was holding was extremely beautiful in white pearls and creme roses. Her makeup was done by a professional, it was sweet and sober. Husn, looked dashing in the white costume and beige shirt with white tie. That little brooch on his suit was remarkable. He was matching with the outfit of Ziya. Without forgetting the little prince, all dressed up in arabic style. The Nikah ceremony took place in their house itself and everything went on well. After that they proceeded to the hall where the reception would be held.

The hall, decorated with golden and white drapes looked outstanding. The natural flowers arranged on the stage added more beauty to the whole hall. Every guest were already there and were waiting only for the newly wedded couple. Husn, holding Salman in his arms and Ziya wrapping her hands around Husn's arms walked in the hall. Every guests were left speechless, it was the first time they ever saw such entry of the bride and groom. However, the guests did applaude for their wonderful entry. The couple sat on the stage and Salman remained with them itself. In each and every photo Salman was involved. Whenever any family or friend would come to congratulate the couples, they would pick Salman in their arms and click pictures with him. It seems that Salman was the highlight of this wedding. Once dinner was ready, every guests were asked to have their food. It was a peaceful moment. Husn and Ziya also had their dinner. After a while, guests started to leave the hall as they had already eaten. Then it was time to go home for the couple.

When they reached home Hania, Arshad and her parents welcomed them in a warm way. After that, Ziya was directed to her bedroom and Husn was asked to join in after a few minutes. As soon as Ziya stepped in the bedroom, she saw rose petals scattered all over the bed and candles were lightened up. Ziya was feeling shy. Then Hania told her she will keep Salman with her tonight so that she will not be disturbed. Ziya agreed. After a few minutes, Husn came in the room and was confused to see such preparation. He asked Ziya what was all these and the latter replied it was for their wedding night. Before going ahead with the rituals, Husn asked Ziya if she was ready to complete the wedding night as per the recommendations of the Holy Prophet(pbuh) and Ziya did not answer anything, she just closed her eyes and went with the flow. Husn took her silence for a 'yes'. Eventually, that night they had physical relationship just like every husband and wife. This was a proof to Husn that Ziya meant whatever she said and she accepted Husn completely now.

The next morning, Ziya woke up early even before Fajr prayers and performed ghusl (complete bath) and then went to check on Salman. The little angel was sleeping peacefully in Hania's room. Ziya then went to wake Husn up so that he perform ghusl too. When they finished, they offered prayers together in their bedroom. Then Ziya went to prepare breakfast for everyone. When the rest of the family woke up, they had breakfast altogether and it was worth to see their happiness. The little family of Ziya was completed, with a husband, a son, her parents, Hania and Arshad. No matter what her desires were fulfilled and she was the most happiest woman on earth that day. It was just the beginning of a new life!


A little message to all the readers:

~ Mistakes are another word for human beings. Everybody do make some mistakes in their life but it does not mean that everything is over and it is the end of time. No! Mistakes are always forgivable if one has the courage to admit them. Never judge a person for their mistakes, judge a person on how they fix them. Realising your mistakes is one of the greatest thing ever. Don't mind when people judge you. Keep doing what you feel is right.

~ Dear virgins, while the world mocks you for your inexperience, God is smiling at you for your strenght. You don't know the treasure you have as long as you're a virgin. Safeguard your body from any evil and anyone else. This is your body. You decide what has to be done with it. Don't lose your honour for a moment of pleasure. Your naked body should only belong to those who fall in love with your naked soul. Be proud of being a virgin until you are married to the one who truly deserves your virginity. Remember Mr.Wrong will compromise your purity then disappear. But Mr.Right will protect your purity and then change your last name.

~ For girls: Don't trust boys so easily because they can do anything to make you believe that they love you and they will marry you. Until they finally gets what they want, they will just leave you. Know somebody very well and do not hurry up with things. Feel free to share your personal things with your mother especially, she will always be there to help you. Do not hesitate to ask questions because at a certain age, girls become more curious and sometimes they end up in problems because of their curiosity. Be careful girls. Don't be fooled by the 'love' men and boys show you nowadays. Be mature and responsible. Don't take wrong decisions in order not to regret it later.

~ Dear men, if you love someone truly then touch her heart and not her body. Steal her attention and not her virginity. Make her smile and don't waste her tears. Most importantly, a father is not defined as the man who makes the baby but rather a man who extends his hands and time to help with the child's raising and his heart to love the child through anything. Blood does not always make you a father, being a father comes from the heart. Any boy can make a baby but it takes a real man to be a father and to raise a child.

~ The best love is the kind that awakens the soul, that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our heart and that brings peace to our minds. In a relationship, don't try to be perfect just be honest because honesty is very rare nowadays. If you love someone truly, try to understand their words as well as their silence. Don't hurt each other and don't do stupid things that will ruin your relationship.

~ If you are good to others, indeed good things will happen to you. But if you betray someone, one day or the other you will be betrayed too.

~ If you have the intention of accomplishing something in life, you will make it possible only when you have determination and you can risk it all to achieve that particular thing. Never give up because the fruit of patience is always sweet.

~ If ever anyone hurts you, ignore it. Forgive that person but never forget what damage it has caused to you. Because the things that hurt you today will give you strenght tomorrow.

~ Learn to distinguish between a man who flatters you and a man who compliments you, a man who spends money on you and one who invests in you, a man who lusts after you and one who loves you.


No desires can remained unfulfilled as long as you make the right choice and you keep that fire burning inside your heart, the will power of achieving anything in life.


Thank you everyone for reading my stories and for voting. It means a lot. Stay blessed each and every reader. This is my third story and this story is very close to my heart. I will appreciate your comments and critics as well. Hope you liked this one and you have benefit from my little message above. Do comment if you want me to write more stories so that i know you are interested in my stories.

Thank you,

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