Chapter 13

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Husn tried his level best to organise the departure of Ziya. He arranged for a new passport in the name of Janasheen (Ziya's new identity), he even got a visa to Irland for her and told her about the flight date. He even made arrangements for the stay of Ziya over there. Husn did make sure that Anush does not get suspicious he asked Ziya to say that she wanna stay at Hania's apartment for two days which could be enough for Ziya to leave without any problems. One long week Ziya felt so low and did not even want to see Anush's face. She managed to pack her luggage and sent it with Husn as she really wanted to get out of that house fast. The day she asked permission to go, Anush himself dropped her at Hania's place however Hania was not there. After Anush left, Ziya and Husn made their way to the airport and gave Husn a letter to hand over to Anush when he will come to pick her up. Husn was feeling so sad to see Ziya going but he promised to join her soon because she will need support but Ziya refused completely by saying this is her battle and she will fight it alone. This made Husn extremely upset but he asked Ziya to promise him that she will keep in touch.

While leaving Ziya was literally crying and thanking Husn for everything he has done for her. She even hugged him and apologised saying if she had choose Husn this situation would never arised. Husn comforted her and said goodbye to her. Ziya boarded the plan and she felt at peace leaving all hypocrites behind. She even destroyed her sim card and all other sources that would be a hurdle in her life or that would lead Anush to her because she knew with the money Anush had, he could easily be able to find her. Reaching Irland, Ziya did informed Husn from a public telephone booth so that if ever Husn'a mobile is being traced nobody will be able to find her. Over there in Canada, two days went by and Anush came to pick Ziya. By his great astonishment Husn told him that Ziya came only for a while and handed a letter to him and then went away. He even mentioned that Ziya did not have any conversation with him and she was actually very upset.

Quickly, Anush opened that letter and it goes as follows:

"Dearest Husband! Oh sorry, dearest FALSE husband by the time you receive this letter i shall be very far from you.

This is to let you know that I am aware of your relationship with Mehek and how you fooled me so that i give birth to your child. But guess who got fooled? YOU.

You will never ever be able to see the face of your child again in your life. This is your punishment. I know it is nothing but trust me everyday when you'll realise that you do have a child but could never see it you will suffer like i did.

I suffered a lot because of you from the very first day we met. Through what situations have i not gone because of you man. I lost my virginity, i aborted a child, i was in depression, i rejected Husn who could have been my happiness, i lied to my parents and what did you do for me in return? Lying to me and betraying me. Hats off to your guts Anush,hats off.

But you know something i am actually thankful for whatever happened because by these situations i learnt to be strong enough.

Now i will raise this child on my own and the most amazing part of this story is that i burnt the original agreement paper which was found in your briefcase. Nobody can exert his rights on my child now. Definitely not you.

Well the money you wanted to give me, you can easily spend it on bringing another surrogate mother for your BARREN wife. What? You are getting angry because i spoke ill about your loving wife? Well i am not sorry for that and if i am being rude so be it because I have had enough of your crap.

Anush i am leaving this country forever and you will never be able to find me.

You never actually knew who Ziya was unfortunately, if only you have had asked me about my consent i would have given you my life happily but what you did to me was even worst. I will never forget this. If only once you have told me i would never have felt so betrayed like i am feeling right now.

However, i am happy now that i will not be living with a hypocrite like you who kept on hurting me despite the fact that I always loved you and cared about you. No more now. It is going to be only about me and my child.

If by chance you get to speak to Ackbar say 'thanks for betraying me' to him on my behalf. The inner wounds my own cousin brother gave me is indescribable.

Anyway before your blood pressure rises go and visit a doctor, who knows you might even get a heart attack after reading this letter hahahahahaha!

It hurts, isn't it? You came so far with this mission 'surrogate mother' and now you've lost everything. Poor you but yes you will live with this pain now on Anush. One day or the other you will pay for your sins as well.

You may return to your Mehek now, because it is all over. I will not come back to you and you will never be able to know how your child looks like. Take good care of yourself! Oh that part of duty belongs to Mehek. I forgot. GOODBYE MR.ANUSH.

From your sweet ex-false wife, Ziya".

This letter blew off Anush's mind and he was going crazy, asking Husn different questions and the latter managed so good at hiding the whereabouts of Ziya. Husn continously asked what happened but Anush had no answer to that. He left from there and once in his car, he phoned Mehek and started crying by saying everything was over. Mehek was unable to understand what was going on. She asked Anush to calm down first and then narrate to her what happened. When Anush told Mehek that Ziya ran away, Mehek was speechless and did not expect this situation would arise in their life. For the first time ever, Anush called her barren and said that it is all because of her. Mehek was so heartbroken that she was crying and letting Anush vent out his anger till the latter hanged up the call and drove back to Toronto.

Once he reached home, he took out his briefcase and eventually the papers were missing. He opened the wardrobe and found no cloths of Ziya and not even her personal belongings. Anush checked her bank account and all the money was already withdrew and she even closed down her business. This left him in a huge shock. Wanting to have access to Ziya, he even checked all the flights that day but in vain. There was no such passenger in the name of Ziya. He knew that he had lost everything for sure because all he wanted was a baby and that too is gone. Anush wanted to scream but couldn't. He remembered the words of Ziya that he will suffer and eventually he was suffering so much....

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