Chapter 18

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I am so unsure about myself. I agreed to marry Husn but i don't know why something is wrong and my heart just does not agree with this decision of mine. I like Husn but i don't love him. That is the difference and what if this issue creates more problem between us in the future.

I wish him to understand that i have only loved Anush in my whole life and no matter what i don't think i will be able to love anyone else.

Am i being crazy? No i don't think so but how i wish all this drama did not happened. Why did he used me? Was i so bad? Why did Anush never loved me as i deserved to be loved? Why he has always hurt me? Despite i gave him so much love, care and affection he never considered me as his wife.

But what is the mistake of Husn in all this? Why am i being unfair to him? He stood by my side all these times and supported me. Can't i do something to help him? I think i should just go with the flow and whatever happens we shall see.

Yet i fear, what if i fail to be a good wife to Husn? What if he will rebuke me about my past? I will not be able to bear the fact that someone constantly poke me due to my past.

No maybe he will understand me as he has already witnessed my journey so far. I don't think he will judge me based on my past.

Oh God! This is so disturbing...



I am sure that this is the best decision of my life ever. Marrying Ziya would be a blessing for me. I know she will be a really good wife to me and moreover she will be my bestfriend which is amazing.

I can sense she is kind of nervous because of her past relationship. But on my behalf, i will definitely try my best to make her forget about her past. I will not let her suffer nor will i ever make her cry.

She is just a precious gem for me which i will never be able to afford to lose. I will not force myself on her, i will just be her bestfriend till she does not accept me fully as her husband because i understand she needs time as well.

Maybe it will be difficult to get over Anush and her son completely but i will give her the time she needs to recover. I will be by her side and help her. This is a bestfriend's promise...


Ziya's parents were still in Canada and the four of them , Ziya's parents, Husn and Ziya herself were just having a tea break. Don't know how this issue came forward by chatting that Anush invited Ziya's parents to a party where he introduced his son to the whole world. Ziya and Husn looked at each other with a shocking reaction. She wondered where Anush got a son and that too recently because no matter what it takes nine months to give birth to a child. Somewhere, she doubted it could be her son which Anush might have taken in his possession. She wanted to scream, to cry and to vent out all her pains.

After a while, Husn called her in his room and both were confused. They had a conversation:

Ziya: "Are you thinking about what i am thinking?"

Husn: "Yes. I am thinking the same."

Ziya: "But how could this be possible?"

Husn: "I don't know exactly but definitely something is wrong."

Ziya: "(crying) I wanna see my baby, i want to hold him in my arms and i want to hug him. Please Husn please. Try to find out how all this happened and whether it is my son or not."

Husn: "First stop crying. I will definitely figure out what happened exactly. Give me a few days."

Ziya: "Do you think i should go to Mauritius and find some clues?"

Husn: "Not to find clues but to meet your son directly and that too legally. I promise."

Ziya: "Thank you so much Husn. Thank you. I am indebted to you now."

Husn: "Stop making me feel guilty by saying thank you (hugging Ziya)."


On the other hand, Mehek developed a disease due to which she used to forget little things. Many incident occurs where she would forget to feed Salman or to change his diapers. Sometimes she would serve meal in a plate for herself but forgets to eat and later on she realised that the food remained untouched. Witnessing these changes in Mehek's behaviour, Anush decided to take her to the doctor where he found that Mehek was suffering from brain tumor. That is why she keeps on forgetting things. This news completely devasted Anush. He tried his best to cure Mehek and seeked international help. He contacted the best doctors in the world and Mehek's treatment started. In the meanwhile, Salman was kept with his grandmother as Anush took Mehek to America. Reaching America, the doctors clearly said that it would be extremely difficult to cure Mehek but they will try their best. Mehek pleaded to Anush to save her because she did not want to die so early. But who can fight destiny? Anush understood at any time Mehek could be gone so he returned back to Mauritius in less than one week.

While Husn gathered some information, it was clear that Anush took the baby from the hospital with the help of doctor. Husn booked Ziya's ticket to Mauritius on the same day as her parents but Ziya insisted that he comes along but he refused knowing that Ziya is strong enough to fight her battle alone. Husn wanted Ziya to be more strong than she thinks. That is when Ziya boarded her flight with her parents, leaving Husn in Canada...

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