Chapter 11

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The wedding date was finally here. It was Asr time, Ziya's apartment was fully decorated in white and gold color. The guests were already here and Ziya was getting ready inside her room. Hania was helping her out. The beautiful bride looked even more beautiful in the beige gown, just like a cute princess. Before stepping out of the room, Husn came to ask her whether she accept Anush as her husband and three times continuously she said yes. Ackbar was video calling her at the same moment for he was the 2nd witness. She literally had tears in her eyes. It was such an emotional moment that cannot be described.

Then Husn took her out in the living room and the close friends and neighbours were there to join in the celebrations. Anush was also waiting for his bride to come after he had accepted thrice to marry her. Now both were married in the Islamic way. It was such a delightful moment. Everyone was happy. Ziya and Anush received lots of gift as well. They exchanged rings, cut the cake and the photo sessions went on until it was Maghrib and also time for dinner. Every guests sat down and ate the meal together, a delicious 'biryani'. Time was speeding and it was nearly Esha time, also the time for Ziya's rukhsati. Husn helped in bringing the suitcases downstairs and load it in the car. After that Ziya bid farewell to everyone and hugged them. She cried the most while hugging Husn and Hania for she had spent lots of time with them only. It was a really emotional scene. She sat at the backseat in the car, one of Anush's friend, Ahmad was driving them home. She said goodbye and waved her hand. Then she hugged Anush, already missing her loved ones and also guilty for not being able to tell her parents about her marriage. But Anush comforted her and she calmed down.

It was a really long and tiring journey that Ziya felt asleep on the shoulder of Anush. After 3 hours drive, finally they reached Toronto. Anush woke her up and they both entered the house together. Ahmad who is also Anush's neighbour parked the car in Anush's garage and went to his home by saying "congratulations" to both of them. Ziya was still tired and sleepy. She opened her suitcase, took out her sleeping cloths and towel. She headed towards the bathroom and took a long shower. While Anush also took a bath and waited for Ziya in the bed. After the bath Ziya was feeling very fresh. As soon as she came in the room, she saw Anush aslept. She found him so cute that she kissed his forehead and went to sleep in another room.

In the morning, Ziya woke up a little before Anush and prepared the breakfast herself. When Anush came down the first question he asked Ziya was:

"Didn't you slept in the same bed as me last night?"

Ziya replied: "No! I slept in the room besides."

"But why?" Said Anush.

Ziya: "Because i didn't want to disturbed you".

"For your information we are married now. There is no such disturbance as you just mentioned."

Ziya: "I am sorry! I was a bit nervous as well."

Anush: "That's okay. Don't worry."

Then Anush was literally amazed to see a variety of food. Fruit salad, pancakes, toast, boiled eggs, sausages, tea, juice etc... It was hard for him to make a choice. Anush asked Ziya to sit down with him and he fed her with his own hand. Ziya was so happy, admitting that her desires were being fulfilled. She was happy having a husband like Anush. After breakfast, they watched a bit of TV together while cuddling. Anush held her hand and took her to their room where they got intimated. Ziya felt on the 9th cloud. She felt so secured in the arms of Anush, she did not want to let him go. After having physical relationship they performed ghusl(bath) and relaxed a bit in bed while holding hands and talking a bit. Then Anush took her out for lunch, a romantic one. They shared a good bond that they forgot about all the past grudges.

Returning back home, they spent a good time together. The first day of Ziya's marriage was a memorable one. The next day, Anush joined the office while Ziya resigned from her job. She wanted to devote her time to her house and husband. Anush would take great care of her and never let her miss anyone. The love and affection that Anush gave her was so satisfying for Ziya. One week went by, Anush and Ziya's court marriage took place. Hania, Husn, Ahmad and Arshad came as witnesses. Without reading, both signed the papers. After the legal marriage, the 6 people had lunch in a chinese restaurant celebrating the new life of Ziya and Anush.

A couple of days went by and Anush was extremely busy with work. He would come really late at home which made Ziya upset as she started feeling lonely and wanted Anush to spend some quality time with her. Yet she did not complaint or anything. She wanted Anush to realise it by himself. However Anush couldn't realised how much his behaviour and attitudes were hurting Ziya that she would cry herself to sleep at night. Though they continued to maintain their physical relationship but Ziya could not feel the same passion that Anush had for her.

A few weeks went by and Ziya learnt that she was pregnant. When her husband was back home in the evening, she told him about the good news and Anush was so happy of becoming a father but Ziya was unsure about herself becoming a mother. She even said to Anush:

"I don't feel it is the right time for us to become parents."

Anush: "Why are you speaking like this? Is there any problem?"

Ziya: "Look Anush! It has been practically only 2 months since we've got married and if you think about it you will know that during these two months the only time we were close was in the first week only. After that you was so busy that you could hardly give me your time. Now becoming parents and that too when you will not be by my side will actually be extremely difficult for me. If i am not happy, the baby also will not be happy. Complications might arise and consequences can be really upsetting. I am so hurt. I seriously want to spend time with you and be with you. It seems you're going far from me. Don't you love me anymore? Is it the case? Tell me please. It is so disturbing."

Anush: "First of all, i am so sorry for my behaviour. I did not know that my attitude will hurt you so much. But trust me, i had no intention of causing you trouble i was actually working on a really huge project and i wanted to surprised you. I really love you baby and for your happiness only i was far from you."

Ziya: "Surprise? What kind of surprise?"

Anush: "Wait! (Taking out a file from his briefcase) Here. (Handing the file to Ziya)"

As Ziya opened it she was shocked to see that Anush had established a company in her name to allow her to fulfil her dreams of businesswoman. She hugged Anush out of happiness. She apologised for not being able to understand Anush but the latter did not mind it at all. From that day, Anush decided to work from home itself and devoted his time in taking care of Ziya as he wanted to prove himself thathe can be a good father and that he would mend his mistakes as well...

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