Chapter 12

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Anush proved that he could be a good father. He used to take Ziya out for shopping though they did not know about the baby's gender but they choosed cloths of random colours which will suit both baby girl or boy. Ziya loved cute toys and selected some fluffy and soft toys. Anush decided to redecorate the room besides for the baby. He thought about white and silver color. He bought new furnitures, cradle and decorative pieces. He was so happy and wanted the baby to come out soon. In the meanwhile, Ziya expanded her business and Anush also was working hard from home itself. Their focus were on the baby's future. Five months went just like that with the preparation of the baby's birth.

One fine day, Ziya decided to go visit Husn and Hania because it has been a long time since they have not met. With the permission of Anush, Husn came to pick her up in a taxi as she wanted to stay over there and did not want to trouble Anush for such a long distance. She said goodbye to her husband and went away. On her way, she was feeling a bit weird and restless so she asked Husn to drop her back home. She will surprise Anush. Ziya entered from the back door secretly without making any noise. As she was about to walk up the stairs, the phone rang. So she picked it up while Anush already picked the phone in the bedroom itself and said:
"Hello baby".

Ziya had no idea to whom Anush was saying baby but then she heard the voice of Mehek replying:

"Hey love. I missed you so much."

Ziya continued to listen to their conversation as follows:

Anush: "I missed you too. Thank God Ziya went away today and i am able to talk to you. Otherwise i was like in a prison. She would keep interfering in everything that i do."

Mehek: "It's okay hubby. After all she had this much right. She is doing so much for us."

Anush: "Yeah right. But she doesn't know for what reason i got married to her."

Mehek: "You haven't told her yet? Anush what if she file a case against us? You should have let her know."

Anush: "She will not be able to do so baby. The legal papers that i made her sign in the court which she thought was our marriage paper was actually the agreement. I made her signed it and she did not even read it. (Laughing)."

Mehek: "You're such a cunning person love."

Anush: "I know! I know! Well finally we are going to be parents honey. Ziya is unaware that i married her falsely so that she give birth to our child and after that she will go on her way alone and i will come back to you. Unknowingly she is actually the surrogate mother of our baby. After giving birth to our child, i will not keep any contact with her but I will surely give her lots of money. I know you were feeling so low for not being able to conceive but thanks to the consultation of Ackbar we were able to get a solution. I knew that Ziya was still in love with me and it was not difficult to make her fall in love again. I gained her sympathy and pity. She thought i was heartbroken because you left me, little does she know we got married but had to put on this drama in order to have our child. Besides nobody could have done this job for us and additionally she had been pregnant with my child before that which meant she could be pregnant again. That is why we had chosen her for this task."

Mehek: "But yeah indeed a big thanks to Ackbar, he convinced Ziya that you were perfect for her while she was unaware it was our plan."

Anush: "Hehehe yeah. Baby only 4 months more and we'll be together with our baby. I promise. A little more patience and yeah it will be risky for us to keep in touch however i will text you from time to time."

Mehek: "Yes i completely understand. But be careful."

Anush: "I will. Anyway tell me did my baby boo missed me?"

Mehek: "Obviously I miss you!"

Anush: "And you want me?"

Mehek: "A lot!"

Anush: "What will you do when you see me?"

Mehek: "Secret."

Anush: "Tell no. I want you so much. I missed you and want to see you."


Ziya was literally in tears while listening to this conversation. She left the phone on the table itself. She walked out on the streets alone in a really cold weather. She cried out loud and stopped in front of a shop. Husn went to buy something over there and while coming out he saw Ziya in tears. He ran towards her and embraced her. Ziya could not even speak a single word. She continued crying and crying even more loudly. Husn tried his best in calming her down but in vain. He took her in the taxi because it was so cold outside. Yet she continued crying and not willing to say anything. Husn hugged her so tightly and after a few minutes she was quiet. Ziya was so tired and feeling sleepy. Husn asked whether she will go home. She denied. She just wrapped her hands around Husn's arm and slept. In such situation, Husn took her with him to their apartment.

But once they reached there, she was feeling so weak and her heart beat was dropping. She was unable to walk and Husn hurried to the clinic where the doctors examined Ziya and said stress was the main factor for which her b.p was low. They injected a bottle of glucose inside her body. Soon she was feeling better and decided to go back. Before leaving the hospital Husn asked what happened and what was troubling her. Tears rolled down to her cheeks and she finally split it to Husn how Anush used her and made her feel disgusted about herself. She did not want to go back to Toronto while Husn was getting mad for this behaviour and wanted to punch Anush in his face. Ziya asked for help from Husn as she did not have the courage to see the face of Anush again. She just wanted to get away with it and end her life. She was so devastated but Husn said he will find a solution that will definitely hurt Anush badly.

Husn pacified Ziya to go back home and he will figure out something really soon but for now Ziya had to behave normal and act like nothing happened until they come out with a plan. Ziya agreed. Husn dropped her back home and she was so furious to see Anush at home. Anush acted to be extremely happy to see her back that he was about to hug her but Ziya pushed him away by saying she was tired. Anush left her on her own. Ziya locked herself in the bedroom and went to sleep. When Anush came and knocked, his wife was not opening. He felt maybe Ziya is in a deep sleep so without disturbing her Anush went to sleep in the guest room.

There, the whole night Husn kept on thinking what to do. He was getting so frustrated and angry. He wanted to kill Anush once and for all but then he decided of something. He called Ziya the next morning on her phone and told her that she should just ran away without letting Anush see the face of his child. This would be a big slap for him and you'll finally take the revenge for all the tears you've wasted upon that stupid guy. Ziya thought it was a good idea but lots of planning was needed. Husn assured that he will take all responsibility, she just had to follow the instructions of him. Ziya obey to the command of Husn because she knew it was the only way for her to be in peace because her womb is not for rent and she had to teach Anush a good lesson...

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