Chapter 8

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The next morning as soon as Ziya woke up she was amazed to see herself in the arms of Anush. Suddenly she thought that maybe this should have happened earlier then she would have been more happy. Ziya was constantly looking at Anush while the latter was still sleeping. Then after a few minutes, Ziya secretly walked away so as not to embarrass Anush because she feared that maybe he will not like it if he ever woke up. She went to brush her teeth and straight into the kitchen. Ziya made an awesome breakfast for her and Anush. She knew that he liked pancakes a lot so she decided to make some especially for him.

Ziya was still preparing the breakfast when Anush woke up and found himself on the couch. He asked Ziya where did she actually sleep and she avoided this question successfully by saying "Breakfast is ready". Anush hurried to the washroom and brushed his teeth. Ziya organised the table neatly and both sat down for breakfast. After eating, both got ready as they had to roam around in Canada. Ziya choosed the best places for Anush, the ones that she had already visited and that she liked a lot. Canada's Wonderland, Lake Ontario, St.Lawrence Market South, Art Gallery of Ontario and Gerrard Street in Toronto were found on her list.

They covered all these in one day and it was quite fun together. They roamed lots of places and did lots of shopping also. They even tasted different foods locally and internationally which was extremely delicious. After returning back home they were so exhausted and practically weak especially Anush who had been driving since morning. All he wanted to do was to get in his bed and sleep. Before that, he had to take a bath definitely and he forgot his towel on his bed. Just as he was coming out of the bathroom to take his towel on the bed, Ziya opened the door and was embarrassed to see him naked. She closed her eyes, apologised to Anush and turned around immediately. Even Anush turned all red due to shyness. Ziya walked out of the room and as soon as she came out she couldn't control her laughing.

When Anush was already in his sleeping outfit, he went to see Ziya. However, Ziya was unable to face him and started to laugh at him. Even Anush laughed and Ziya said: "It was not the first time i saw you like this." This sentence made Anush feel nostalgic and horny at the same time. He approached Ziya and said: "Do you wanna feel it once again?" Ziya was lost with this question, reminding herself that never ever will she be committing fornication again. A strange sensation travelled through her whole body. All she could do was to close her eyes and go with the flow. Anush considered this as her approval. For the second time Ziya was about to have physical relationship with the man she once loved. Again, she felt on the 7th sky in the arms of Anush. While making out, Ziya burst into tears and pushed Anush away by saying "I don't want to be hurt again. I have already suffer because of you. Please don't do this and go away please."

Anush wanted to comfort her but seeing Ziya's state he preferred to leave her alone. The whole night Ziya kept on crying and remembering how Anush made her go through worst situation. She even remembered her abortion and the depression she underwent. Anush was right behind the door listening to the cry of Ziya yet he could not gather the courage to go near her. Ziya felt asleep after crying a lot, while Anush slept outside the room. When Ziya woke up in the morning, she was suffering from a severe headache. Thus, she decided to go and fetch some medicines from the first aid box which she saw in the kitchen. As soon as she opened the door, Anush was lying down on the floor without a blanket. She was so guilty. Ziya woke him up and asked him to go in his room. Anush apologised to her for his behaviour at night.

Some misunderstanding were cleared but one confusion was still on Anush's mind, whether he wants to make Ziya part of his life or just cut off the new friendship they formed because he did not want that girl to suffer continuously like that. While bathing, he kept on thinking and thinking what decision he should take. Ziya was downstairs preparing the breakfast and laying the table. When Anush came, he went on his knees in front of Ziya and proposed to her:

"I am the world's stupidest man ever that i made you cry. I know every single time i messed it up but i want to mend it now. I regret the fact that because of me you had to go through lots of difficulties and i did not support you. I know i've wronged you. Now all I want is you to be part of my life. I wanna have a future with you. We'll share every happiness and sorrow altogether. Ziya can we please forget about the horrible things that happened in the past and can we create a bright future? I promise i will never ever makes you cry nor will i let any problem approach you. I will be a responsible husband and i will keep you happy now and forever. Will you marry me?"

While hearing all this Ziya was literally crying and wiping off her tears. She was emotional, no specific words to say. Just looking at Anush in his eyes. That's all. She did not reply anything.

Anush said: "I know it is tough for you to take a decision but i will respect it. Don't be afraid of my reaction. I just want your happiness."

Ziya then replied: "I will think about it and will let you know. I don't want to hurry up with this decision."

Anush: "Yeah sure. Take your time."

Ziya: "Can you drop me back home please. By now Hania and Husn must have come back from Montreal."

Anush: "Yeah sure. Get ready and pack your cloths."

Ziya: "Okay thanks!"


While returning in the car, Ziya thought about Husn's proposal made before Anush. She was so confused. On one hand was the man she loves and on the other was her best friend. Things were getting complicated and she was quite stressed out because of that. On the way, she saw a lake and asked Anush to stop the car. Ziya did not think about anything and jumped into the cold water. Anush got terrified and jumped in the water too, thinking Ziya was committing suicide. However, the latter just wanted to refresh her mind and apart from diving she couldn't think of anything else. He brought her on the grass and asked why did she do that then Ziya told him about Husn's proposal and Anush's face was worth seeing. He was so jealous and angry. Anush feared maybe Ziya would choose Husn because he was far more better than him. Before leaving the lake, Ziya changed her cloths while Anush helped her in the middle of nowhere and even Ziya helped him to change his cloths in return because they couldn't just stay wet in such cold weather.

Once home, she asked Anush to come inside but the latter refused. Husn who was already at home, was standing on the balcony when he saw a car parked in front the building. He saw Ziya with a guy and kissing him on the cheeks. Husn knew Ziya had spent the weekend with him. "But who was he? And why Ziya went with him? Ziya basically doesn't know much people over here and definitely not this one because i don't even know him myself. Let Ziya come and i will ask her directly." Said Husn to himself.

Ziya down was saying goodbye to Anush and kissed him on his cheeks. She made her way to her apartment and was happy to see Hania and Husn. She hugged them. They gossip for a while and ordered some lunch because each one of them were tired to cook...

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