Chapter 23

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Ziya's day started with Salman and ended with him also. She yearned the moment she will be able to take care of her son. Now the day was here and she was extremely happy. She looked after her son in the best way, she provided love and affection to him. Moreover, the wedding was approaching and Ziya had lots of preparation to do.

Husn lived in the apartment itself but frequently would come at Ziya's place to meet her and Salman, as well as his future in-laws. It was decided that after the Nikah, Husn will stay will them like a perfect family. Husn realised a huge responsibility is awaiting him as he is not the real father of Salman but he promised himself he will love him and protect him as his son. Even if Ziya would not want a second child, he will not force her. Husn was so comprehensive, though being a man leads to ego problems but he was not that type of person. He had the fear of Almighty Allah and for that reason he would think twice before doing anything. Husn had always wanted a family and for him, he found his family in Ziya and Salman.

When Hania, Husn's sister came to know that Ziya was back to Canada and that too with her son. She was eager to meet her. The day she landed in Canada, she went directly to Ziya's place ans surprised her with flowers. Arshad also came with her. They were really glad to meet each other. Hania went for a business tour along with Arshad that is why she was not here. But when she heard the news of wedding, she was elated and wanted to do the best arrangements for her brother. Ziya was also very happy to have a bestfriend and a sister-in-law like Ziya. She was not like those typical jealous sister-in-law, rather she was very lovely and understanding. She wished Ziya best of luck as she knew, any girl who would marry her brother would be the luckiest and nothing could be more great than having her bestfriend as her brother's wife. The moment Hania saw Salman, she fell in love with that little angel. She saw the reflection of Ziya in him, those sparkly eyes, his nose and the lips were just like Ziya. Hania was so happy to become the aunty of Salman. She even bought some gifts for the baby as Husn already told her about the baby. Ziya was so thankful. Arshad also was happy for Ziya, he knew through which difficult situations that poor soul has gone through but soon it will be over because everyone knows the nature of Husn.

After meeting Ziya, Hania went to her brother's place and they talked about the wedding arrangements. Hania took the responsibility and asked him not to worry about anything for she will look after everything. Arshad assured his brother-in-law that his wedding day will be a perfect one. They talked a bit and went back home. Husn was tension-free now as he completely trust his sister and knew the latter will make his wedding a memorable one.

On the other hand, Anush was restless and feeling helpless for not being able to do anything to keep his son with him. He realised it was his own deed that brought him to such situation. He was unable to cope with Mehek's illness and decided to leave her at her parent's place. Anush had the feeling of being a loser. He thought about his mistakes and felt like he was paying for his sins. He rejected Ziya because in his eyes Ziya was not the prettiest girl ever, she was just a way to entertain himself. But Anush failed to see the inner beauty of Ziya. He cursed himself but it was too late. He was left all alone, he neither had the love of his life, Mehek nor his son. He thought how situations would have been different if only he had married Ziya and settled down with her. Today he would have been with his family instead of being alone. Anush learnt a really good lesson and decided to go away from these things. Before going somewhere far from these problems, he went to meet Mehek at her parent's place but it was too late. Mehek passed away infront of him. He was unable to save his wife. Anush realised how miserable he is. He mourned the death of Mehek and grieved. Nothing could bring his wife back. For the first time in his entire life, Anush realised he had been so wrong all the time. He held himself responsible for the death of Mehek but her mother explained to him that birth and death are in the hands of Almighty Allah and human beings have no control over these things. Yet he was not convinced, the last wish of Mehek kept on haunting him. Every night he would see Mehek crying in his dreams and asking to get Ziya and Salman back. This was stressing Anush out but he decided not to be a hurdle to Ziya's happiness. He had already caused so many damages to her but not anymore. He only wanted Ziya to be happy with Husn. He knew he lost his place because of his own mistakes but he repented and asked for forgiveness to Almighty Allah and decided not to hurt anyone else again.

Anush wanted to contact Ziya but hesitated as he was not aware of her reaction then he remembered that Ziya herself told him that he was allowed to meet Salman he decided to face time her as he was missing his son but going to Canada right now was a bit impossible. When he called Ziya, she picked up the phone and Salman was in her arms itself and the first thing Anush saw was his baby. He literally had tears in his eyes. He looked at his son and talked with Ziya a bit and gave her the death news of Mehek. Ziya felt sorry for him. Suddenly there was so much noise in the background and Anush felt disturbed. Upon asking, Ziya told him that the wedding preparations were going on and then the only thing Anush could say was 'Congratulations and best of luck'. Ziya was about to say 'thank you' that he hanged up the phone. Anush cried that day, he was so hurt and felt devasted. He saw how everything was falling apart and how in the end he was all alone. He wished to go back in the past and rectify all his mistakes. Unfortunately, it was impossible...

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