Chapter 24

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Before getting married, Ziya decided to have a talk with Husn as she knew the latter might have some misunderstanding concerning their relationship. She approached him while Husn was playing with Salman in her room and said:

"Isn't he the most adorable baby ever (looking at Salman)".

Husn: "Indeed and he is the most luckiest child to have a mother like you."

Ziya: "Oh please! Don't embarass me now."

Husn: "No i mean it, seriously. You are a wonderful mother Ziya."

Ziya: "And... do you think i will be a wonderful wife as well?"

Husn: "Without any doubt. I am 100% sure you will be an amazing wife."

Ziya: (a bit hesitant) "That's what i wanted to talk about. Our future relationship!"

Husn: "Oh okay. Yeah i do understand that it will be difficult for you to forget Anush all of a sudden and to stop loving him. But don't worry, i will give you the time you need to recover from all these. I will respect every decision of yours. I will never ever force you for anything. You can relax. If you don't want to have children after our marriage, i won't mind as long as Salman is with us. You just don't have to stress about anything. I will always be there for you, even if you can't accept me as your husband. I will just be your friend."

Ziya literally laughed at him and poor Husn was unable to understand what he said that Ziya found his talks so funny. Upon asking Ziya said:
"Wow Husn. You spoke a lot without even taking a single breath i guess. Whatever you said was just cute and it really touched my heart. But i was about to say something else (laughing). You shocked me completely as i have never seen this face of yours."

Husn: "What do you mean by something else?"

Ziya: "Well, i wanted to tell you that i am thankful to you for accepting me the way i am. For acknowledging my son as yours. For being a really good friend and for never leaving me alone. You might think this wedding is just a compromise between us. But that is not true. I am accepting you as my future husband. For me, you'll be my only partner and the love of my life. I will not be able to think about anyone else. I will try my best to keep you happy and to have a family with you. It does not mean that i will never want to have a baby for you in the future just because i already have Salman. No! You deserve every happiness in the world and i am ready to give you that. I will be the best wife to you and the best mother to Salman. I might have been a really bad daughter since now because i betrayed my parents, however i am repenting for that and i will prove myself that i will give my child the best education and best manners. For that, i will need not only my bestfriend but my husband also. We will nurture Salman and provide him with the parental love he needs because i know, he could not have a better father than you."

Husn: "I am speechless. Seriously, whatever you have said just mean a lot to me. I promise that i will not only be a good father to Salman, but i will also be the best husband to you (looking at Ziya and found that her face turned pale all of a sudden) what happened Ziya. Why are you so upset?"

Ziya: "I was just wondering that every wife dream of giving their husband a unique gift on their wedding, and that is their virginity. But i don't even have that to give you. I feel so miserable."

Husn: "You are wrong! The most precious gift amongst couple is honesty. I know that you are honest and our relationship will be a sincere one. Don't worry about anything else. Besides, nobody is perfect. I love you for your flaws, your insecurities, your darkest secrets and your fears. You're one of the most beautiful soul i've met and i pray to Almighty Allah that we'll be together in Jannah, Insha'Allah (kissing Ziya on her forehead)."

Ziya: (tears in her eyes) "I am very lucky to have someone like you. You are everything to me. I love you too. Aameen (holding Husn's hands for a while). The beginning of our relationship will be beautiful hopefully and nothing else will come our way except happiness."

Just then Ziya's mother knocked at the door and came in as Hania was downstairs. They had to talk about the wedding preparations. The discussions were going on smoothly without forgetting to mention about the shopping. Everyone worked really hard to make it to the big day. Both Ziya and Husn decided to have a simple wedding, with just a few family and friends. Nothing extra lavish nor anything exaggerating. Just simple and beautiful. For that, they booked a hall to accomodate their guests and for the menu, they decide to put up a buffet because most of their friends were not muslim. So it would be unfair to give them something they don't like to eat as meal. They outfits were choosen by Hania as she has a really good taste in cloths. Decorations were done by Arshad's professional friends who are decorators. Basically, everything was ready and everyone was just waiting for the wedding day.

A few days before the wedding, Ziya received a mail from Anush stating that:

"Dear Ziya, I have lost against myself. I thought money could buy anything. But i was wrong. Today i have million of rupees but neither do i have a wife nor a son. My family remained incomplete. What is the use of such wealth when it did not bring happiness to anyone? I am tranferring my whole property to Salman, including my business, my houses, bungalows, cars and other funds. I hope you don't mind me giving this little gift to my son. I beg of you, please do not hide the fact from Salman that i am his father. Let him know what a terrible person i have been and tell him not to be like me. Rather be like you, sweet and sincere. I will never meet Salman in my whole life but do show him my picture and tell him that i love him. Please do that for me. I am going far away from everyone because all i do is just to keep on hurting people that love me, first you, then Mehek, Salman and now my parents. I cannot take it anymore. That is why i am taking this step. You will not be able to contact me nor will i ever disturb you again. I am truly sorry for everything i have done to you, do forgive me if it is possible and do not hate me. I repent sincerely. I wish you all the very best for your future life and i know you will be a really good mother and an excellent wife. Believe in yourself and everything will be possible. Give lots of love to Salman on my behalf. God bless you. Take care and ALVIDA.


Ziya cried after reading his mail. She could sense the true repentence of Anush. However, it was impossible to contact him again. He was gone, forever and that too in a place where no one will be able to find him. Ziya showed this mail to Husn and the latter had no problem at all to tell Salman who is his real father. Ziya knew Husn was a true gem...

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