Chapter 21

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Ziya's parents were out for shopping and when they came back Ziya narrated the whole incident to them. She did not want to hide the truth from them anymore, she felt that she has been punished for doing such acts behind her parent's back. Ziya was now regretting it and decided to tell her parents whatever happened with Anush since the beginning that is, her relationship with Anush in her teenagers, pregnancy, abortion, meeting Anush in Canada, getting married, giving birth to a child and losing it through kidnap done by Anush. Eventually her parents were quite shocked yet they understood her and the pain she went through. Her parents felt upset for not being able to support their daughters in her tough time. However, they promised to protect their daughter now afterwards and they will constantly be by her side. Ziya was relieved. Her parents advised her concerning the marriage and told her to accept it but the last decision was in Ziya's hand.

However, being in doubt Ziya contacted Husn and asked for his advice. The latter was shattered to hear the proposal of Mehek yet he encouraged her to accept it for their son as Salman deserves to be grown up with his parents. Ziya was in a strange dilemma, on one hand was her son on the other, her bestfriend. She wanted to take a fair decision so as no one would suffer. Consequently, Ziya planned of something really big which would shocked everyone but she was only waiting for the right time. She just wanted to make justice, that's all. Few days went by but Ziya was constantly missing her son and decided to go to meet him in his house. She phoned Mehek and asked if she was home as she wanted to see Salman. Mehek agreed for the meeting but not at home as Anush's parents knew nothing about this matter so she preferred to meet in a park. The next morning, Ziya went out to the park where she was waiting for Mehek and she ended up waiting for 2 hours. She then called Mehek and the latter forgot completely about the meeting. It was nothing but her disease. Therefore, they postponed the meeting for some other day!

One evening, Anush contacted Ziya without letting Mehek know about it. He asked her to come over for coffee in a cafetaria as he had to talk with her. Ziya agreed, doubting it would be about Salman only. So without hesitating she went to meet Anush. When Ziya reached to the table, booked by Anush she did greet him. Like a gentleman, Anush offered her a seat and they started talking.

Anush: "I hope you're doing well?"

Ziya: "Yes i am very well thank you and what about you?"

Anush: "I am fine too. Well you must be wondering what is the reason for which i called you over here today."

Ziya: "Yes, so if you could just say it. That will be great"

Anush: "So basically, it is about Salman. You must have guessed it by now. Let me tell you i love my son extremely."

Ziya: "To the point that you kidnapped him at his birth, yeah right."

Anush: "It was my greed for a baby. I know you would understand that but you just want to make me feel guilty. Isn't it?"

Ziya: "Oh no! Not at all. I was just saying that casually. Anyway go ahead and speak. What's the matter?"

Anush: "Seriously speaking, you know that Mehek's condition is deteriorating day by day and it is getting even worse. In this case i would want you to come over at my place and look after Salman."

Ziya: "Like a nanny!"

Anush: "No! As his mother."

Ziya: "Are you kidding me right now?"

Anush: "I said as his mother, not as my wife."

Ziya: "I never had any intention for that too."

Anush: "It is actually getting difficult for me to cope with the situation now. Most of the time Mehek keeps on forgetting about Salman and i personally think it is dangerous for my child. I cannot stay at home as my business needs me for now and i have to devote most of my time to the office. I want you to look after him so that i don't have to stress too much worrying about his state."

Ziya: "And your family? Will they be okay with it?"

Anush: "I have already spoken to them about this matter and they know what happened between us. Though they are angry with me right now but maybe with time they will forget it."

Ziya: "Oh yeah. As if it is so easy to forget about things that hurts us."

Anush: "Don't be so sarcastic."

Ziya: "I was just saying like that. Don't take it too personal."

Anush: "So what is your decision?"

Ziya: "I don't mind at all, infact nothing would makes me more happier than taking care of my son and spending time with him."

Anush: "So when will you be shifting over?"

Ziya: "As soon as it is possible."

Anush: "Well i don't have any problem with that, you are free to come when you want to. I guess you need to do some packing also, so tomorrow will it be okay?"

Ziya: "Yeah, sounds perfect."

Anush: "Great, see you then."

With this conversation, they ended drinking their coffee and made their way back home. Anush even asked Ziya if she wants a lift but the latter refused, thinking about her self-respect. She did not think it was right to go with that man. Ziya was impatiently waiting for the next day and packed her lugguage in less than 2 hours. She took along with her all the necessary things and even did buy a few things for the baby. She was really excited and happy too...

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