Chapter 7

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The next morning, Husn knocked at Ziya's door and asked if they could talk. That is when Ziya realised she had a conversation with Husn but she forgot about it completely as she met Anush. However, she asked Husn to come in.

Ziya: "Come and sit please. I am extremely sorry about yesterday i had to rush to the school and i forgot to give you an answer. Well i need sometime before saying yes and also before telling you my truth. I hope you will surely understand me."

Husn: "Yeah i understand perfectly. Take all your time but i definitely want to say yes (smiling)."

Ziya: "Only time will tell so. Anyway let's have breakfast quickly because we are already running late."

Walking down the stairs, Ziya shouted for Hania and she did not get any response. Ziya went to checked in her room and by her surprise Hania was still sleeping. As she touched Hania's hand she found that the latter was having fever, high fever. She called out Husn and he could figure out that Hania was unconscious. They rushed to the hospital, worried. There the doctor examined Hania and said it was because stress. Upon so many requests, Hania finally said she was stressed because Arshad do not want her to continue with her job after their marriage. But Hania was not ready to leave up her job.

Ziya talked with her for a while and made her understand that every relationship is based on compromise. With lots of difficulty Hania got calmed and she was even able to go home. Ziya went directly to the school from the hospital, she had already informed the director that she'll be late.

There, Husn was at home looking after his little sister. In the evening, Ziya brought some groceries to cook a supper for Hania. Husn and Ziya provided great care to Hania. While watching the TV, Ziya got a phone call from Anush. She was hesitant to pick it up in front of the two others so she made the excuse of bathroom and went to her room. She attended the call and Anush said:

"Assalaamualaikum, how are you?"

Ziya: "Walaykumasalaam, i am perfectly fine and you?"

Anush: "Fine too, just checking if you haven't forgot about our meeting which is on Saturday."

Ziya: (laughing) "Oh no, not at all. I do remember what I've said. Don't worry."

Anush: "Did i disturbed you? Seems like you don't want to talk."

Ziya: "If that was the case, i would have told you that i am busy."

Anush: "So you mean you wanna talk with me? Right?" (Laughing loudly)

Ziya: (shy) "No i did not even said that."

Anush: "Chill dear! I am just kidding. By the way i bought a new house in Toronto. If you wish tomorrow after the school hours i could pick you up and you can visit my new home."

Ziya: "Oh wow! That's great. Congratulations. But isn't it a bit strange,  you got a home so early. It has only been a few days since you migrated."

Anush: "Yes it is. But money has the power to acquire everything in life, everything except love" (with a sad voice-remembering Mehek).

Ziya: "Okay okay! I will come along. Wait for me near the school itself."

Anush: "Okay done. So tomorrow at 1:30 p.m?"

Ziya: "Yeah done. See you then."

Anush: "Goodnight, sweet dreams."

Ziya: "You too, bye."

There, Husn found that Ziya's behaviour was really strange and the way she replied was quite unexpected. He wanted to figure out what was wrong with Ziya but the latter kept on ignoring him. As if she feared something. Husn didn't know what to do actually so he preferred to distract himself from this situation and decided to go to a seminar at Montreal for his company. He did inform Ziya about going there and it seems that Ziya was not even bothered about the going of Husn. Maybe Ziya was giving all her attention to Anush and forgot about her best friend.

The next morning, Husn rented a car and was about to travel alone when Ziya mentioned about going to Toronto in the evening. Husn then decided to take his sister along as she was still sick. Hania and Husn went to Montreal. With this decision of Husn, Ziya could see herself alone for the upcoming weekend so she phoned Anush and asked if he would mind that she stay in Toronto with him as they had to roam so why travel these distances twice when they can easily spent a night under the same roof. Anush had no problem at all but he did asked Ziya to bring along her clothes as his cloths would not fit her. Both laughed and hanged up the phone.

After school hours Anush was waiting for Ziya near the school itself. Anush even bought a new car and Ziya was the first one to travel with him. As soon as Ziya sat, Anush kissed her on the cheeks while greeting her. Then he started the car and drive to Toronto while taking with Ziya. Both of them were joking and teasing each other. They shared a fun moment. They sing along and were high on life, doing all their madness. Anush decided to stop at a drive-thru to buy fast food so that once they are home they can eat because he had nothing in his kitchen basically. The drive took 3 hours and it was quite long.

Once they reached Toronto, Ziya was elated to see the beautiful house of Anush. As she entered the house, it was more spacious and in order definitely. Anush paid some interior designers to make his home a lovely place but he forgot about the groceries. After having dinner, Ziya washed the dish though Anush was not allowing her. Anush then said to Ziya: "I feel like now my house look like a heaven with someone like you taking care of it properly."
Ziya blushed away, not wanting to have any other feelings or think about impossible things.

Anush then remembered that there was nothing in the kitchen, how will they eat breakfast in the morning. Also he would not want to embarassed his guest so he said to Ziya that it was Friday and the supermarkets would be opened till late so he even asked Ziya to accompany him as he knew nothing in the kitchen. Both went to the nearby supermarket and bought the groceries. After returning back home Ziya arranged every single items properly in the kitchen and told Anush where the things are kept so that he know about it later on.

After that, Ziya took a bath and was extremely exhausted. She wanted to sleep but Anush insisted to watch a movie. She could not refused. They sat comfortably on the sofa next to ecah other. It was a bit cold outside thus Anush brought a blanket and covered himself as well as Ziya. They watched the movie until Ziya fell asleep on the shoulder of Anush and the latter did not want to disturb her. So he wrapped his arms around Ziya and soon Anush also felt asleep...

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