Chapter 10

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Jason's automatically radiated anger and aggression yet had a look of amusement which foreshadowed his actual mood which remained constant. Anger.

"I'm surprised you showed up man" Dion answered, amusement in his voice as he folded his arms.

"Why wouldn't I? As soon as I found out Dicky Dion was talking shit once again, I couldn't miss my invitation to beat your ass once again" Jason replied causing people to encourage on by cheering.

Dion laughed aloud clearly exaggerating.

I stood not far from them with my arms folded as I watched carefully, a part of me was hoping nothing happened because I completely hated violence.

"I really hope Jason beats his ass again" I heard Austin say as he watched them too.

I looked up at him confused "but isn't Dion like... a part of you guys?" I asked as they were all jocks. I thought they'd all be besties.

"Dion is an outcast in my world. I hate the prick. You'll hate him soon too" he answered before looking back at the two who were now just having a stare of.

"Think wisely McCann. Remember my dad is a lawyer right? I bet he can't wait to bring you down for something, so go ahead" Dion smirked.

I could tell Jason's anger was increasing by the second as he balled his hand in a fist. Maybe he just didn't like authoritative figures.

"And oh... little miss montano here has a little connection to the popo" Andrew, who stood closely behind Dion shouted out.

Now all eyes were on me. Including Jason's.

I literally froze, my hands automatically began shaking and I felt my anxiety take over me slowly.

"Isn't your dad a cop? Can he arrange a little meeting with McCann over here. Im pretty sure he wants to catch him out on something" another one of the jocks laughed.

"Fuck off Jay" Austin spoke up, thank god.

I avoided all eye contact, especially Jason's.

"Leave her outta this," he continued "Im pretty sure her dad would wanna know a little about what you get up to every Saturday night"

One thing led to another and this Jake guy had pounced literally on Austin causing one of the tables to literally break causing them both to fall on the floor. Quickly Austin pried Jake of him and was now on top throwing punches. Everything so quickly and I struggled to understand what I was actually supposed to do in this situation. Finally their friends helped out and pulled each other apart

"This is bullshit. Can we get down to what everyone is really here for?" One of Dions friend spoke up causing everyone to turn their attention back at Jason and Dion who were currently just staring at each other in rage

"You wanna make the first move McCann?" Dion smirked "So you can call it defence? Pussy boyyy" Za sang making everyone laugh

"I'm smart you see. I have witnesses, you hit first I hit back, I call it self defence and you get put away for assault. That's how life should be for you" he paused "Everyone knows that you and your friends aren't typical highschoolers. Going around dealing in Echo club? Oh and what about the little gun you keep in your side Jason? Bet you didn't think anyone knew about that".

I could tell Jason was getting angrier and angrier but I advised he didn't act on his anger as it would mean he'd get in trouble for it.

What Dion was saying, was it actually true? Or was he just bluffing to annoy Jason? Why would anyone just make something like that up. More importantly, were Jason and his friends not who they said they were?

"Fuck it Jason, we ain't about to fight a pussy. We got shit to do. Let's go" Ryan spoke up, clearly he was the wise one of the group.

"Yeah that's right McCann, run away" Dion laughed.

"I would beat you senseless, but shits gotta be done in time. You'll learn that" Jason smartly answered.

I looked at Austin next to me who had a bleeding lip but wasn't as bad as Jake. "Wanna get out of here?" He asked me making me nod quickly. This was a mistake coming here

As we left the diner, I caught eye contact with Jason who just stared at me as we walked out. I was quick to break the contact and leave.

"What was that even about? Why do they hate each other?" I asked truly confused.

"No one really fucks with Jason and his group. No one really wants to. And that's why Dion hates them, because he wants to be mr big guy and for everyone to be afraid of him when in reality he's nothing compared to those guys" Austin replied as he leaned against my car.

"Okay so what he was saying about them, was it true?" I questioned further.

He just shrugged "who knows? They seem sketchy and for sure have been in crime, but fuck em, as long as they're not in my way I don't bother with them" he simply replied. Everyone should really have his mindset. It seemed like everyone was obsessed with the Jason and his friends and envied them at the same time.

Mid conversation, the sound of heavy footsteps approached us making me turn around. A very angry Jason made his way over to us, his usual glare framing his face.

"Whatever you heard in there, if I find out you've gone and told your dad all that shit, I will make you live to regret it. Keep your mouth shut and you won't have any problems. Got it?" He spat. I felt completely powerless under him as he stood tall in front of me.

I slowly nodded, not capable of speaking at all.

He looked me from head to toe, completely angry, before walking away.

How was I suddenly involved in this without actually doing anything.

All I knew was that I did not want to be in his way, or even be associated with him. Despite his crazy hot looks and how bad boyish he was with his hot tattoos and angry visage, he was bad news and I stayed away from that. I wasn't changing that just because he was insanely attractive.

I had to otherwise I'd get caught up in the things I never wanted to be a part of.

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