Chapter 45

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' Protective '

It was all about stacking money, smoking good weed and living the life every other man begged to have, specifically? Having ladies by our sides like loose change. Everywhere.

This was the industry. The industry of crime.

It was almost like baggage that came with gang life. You get the gang, loyal boys and high ranks, but you also get easy pussy, any type of girl you wanted if you paid enough and of course, a life of luxury.

That was all Carter and his boys paid interest to. Of course they had the bitchy trait of wanting beef with other gangs but they always got their ass beat because let's be honest, carter was a 22 year old gang leader with barely any members in different locations. His brother was his only ride or die accomplice. The rest would ditch him if they had the opportunity to.

As I said, everyone's to caught up on how much money they make to care about what the fuck they're actually doing.

I on the other hand, along with my boys, earned my money by working hard. I built bombs that no other man or woman on this earth could quite possibly make. I traded all over the world and made millions yearly. This wasn't just a game for me, because there was no end point to it. My money would keep on coming as I achieved the shit I have now, unlike all the other pussies in the gang world.

And so attending shit like business meetings with rival gangs to try and come to a sort of conclusion was a part of making my money.

I was now in my newest addition to the motor family, my blue Ferrari 458 Italia. It was a special one.

I drove my car to the infamous restaurant and possibly most expensive in Calabasas, solely because it was a way to show of wealth and so that's why Thiago chose to invite Carter and his boys to this particular restaurant. To show what he was up against.

I stopped my car out front where the valet worker opened my car door for me holding his hand out for me to give him my keys so that he could park.

"If I see a single mark, I'll fucking kill you. Got it?" I told him sternly. He quickly nodded his head, fearfully taking the keys before leaving.

Ryan and I proceeded to walk towards the restaurant where they opened the door for us and we were met by the bright ass chandeliers all over the fucking ceiling.

"Reservations- Mr McCann! Mr Butler!" The same manager cheerfully said, fuck I hated cheerful, happy people.

"Follow me!" He exclaimed smiling wide as he led us away from the front desk.

We went up a flight of stairs before we reached the top floor, opening the large double doors we entered the private area which Thiago had booked out solely to having 'meeting'. I mean who would want to dine with a fucking rapist like Carter I guess.

There was one large table in the middle of the room and around were windows with the entire view of Calabasas. Again, chandeliers fucking everywhere.

"Try not to kill someone tonight bro, this place has some bomb ass food I don't want to be banned from it." Ryan whispered making me roll my eyes, trying not to laugh as I wanted to keep a strict guard to show I wasn't fucking around.

And instantly my mood was switched back to the 'dont fuck with me' mode as soon as I made eye contact with Carter.

"Jason, Ryan, join us" Thiago spoke as he sat at the table, Thiago and 4 f his gang members sat opposite.

Carter stood up looking at me with his ugly ass smirk that made me want to beat the fuck out of him but I kept my calm.

"Been a while McCann, good to see you again" He smirked, holding his hand out for me to shake it. I kept eye contact as I firmly shook his hand making sure I gripped it tightly, I could almost see the pain through his eyes but he kept his posture and simply smiled as I let go.

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