Chapter 34

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"I can't stand Tiffany, she honestly makes me gag" the sound of Zak complaining was heard as I joined them at the cafeteria table.

"Who's Tiffany?" I asked frowning. "Her." They all just said in a blunt way making me look over in the direction they were looking in to see a girl stood leaning against the wall with a guy in front of her, she had shortish brown hair and wore a dress which I was surprised she was allowed to wear considering it showed literally everything.

"Isn't she just like another Roxy?" I shrugged not seeing anything different about her.

"Oh girl, she's worse." Zak angrily said glaring at her "And irrelevant" Sally interrupted "Moving on" she continued making me laugh because I knew that would of annoyed Zak.

"Austin was looking for you. I told him you were in class and I think he went to the library to see if you were there with Ryan working on the project" Sally informed.

"Awh he was looking for me?" I gushed, he was so cute it was hard not to praise him.

"Not the point, I told him to wait for you outside because the poor guy just wants to see you and we're out here hiding you away too afraid of Jason fucking McCann" She continued rolling her eyes.

"I guess this is my chance to actually speak to him without feeling guilty" I rolled my eyes hating the situation I was in.

After they all agreed, I was quick to leave the canteen and go to the front courtyard seeing Austin sat on the brick wall type of thing looking down at a textbook.

As I got closer to him, he looked up from his book and smiled standing up "Hey" I smiled as he pulled me in to a small hug but still, it was cute.

We both sat down next to each other on the wall. "What are you reading?" I asked peering t the textbook. He closed it showing me the front cover to see the words 'Calculus' written in large letters.

"No thank you" I instantly said, I hated math with a passion.

He laughed "How are you?" He asked me looking directly in to my eyes as he squinted because of the sun shining down basically blinding him.

His hair looked blonder than ever and he was a golden colour because of this sun which blessed his face even more.

"I'm good, you?" I asked. He nodded "Been good... I was semi tempted to pull you out of class" He mentioned making me look at hi confused "Why?" I questioned wondering why he'd feel the need to pull me out of class when he would see me at lunch.

"So I could do this" he suddenly said before leaning in and pushing his lips against mine. It was a very quick move by him but I couldn't help but kiss back to his soft lips, laughing as he pulled me closer to him allowing me to wrap my arms around his neck.

This kiss was much more... intense than the first, it wasn't majorly pda but it was fun and hella sweet.

Pulling away I smiled, i was so whipped it was so cute.

"You have some nice lips" He muttered making me laugh as he pecked my lips once again.

"So are you just going to kiss me every time you see me now?" I asked making him shrug as he ran a hand through his messy looking hair "If you're lucky" he smugly said but obviously jokingly as he was the least cocky boy ever.

I grinned looking down at my lap as I fiddled with the rings on my fingers. "We got company" he suddenly muttered making me look up, my heart instantly began to race at a quick speed and my lips parted slightly as my smile dropped.

Jason stood in front of his car, his eyes staring directly in our direction. The boys also joined him but acted as if they weren't looking but it was pretty obvious they had all just seen me and Austin kissing.

But Jason. He stood with anger, a glare in his eyes, if looks could kill...

"Why is he staring like that?" Austin said laughing aloud.

He found it funny, anyone would, but I knew this was far from a funny situation and I actually feared for Austin because so far from Jason all I keep remembering his how he practically threatened that he'd lowkey kill any guy that touched me.

"We should er, go inside" I suggested standing up.

"Because of him?" He asked as he looked up at me. I shook my head "Please?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

He sighed rolling his eyes at the thought of Jason ruining things for us before nodding. He took a hold of his textbooks before standing up and joining me at my side. Was it bad that I wanted to have a clear distance between me and Austin, avoiding him from holding my head?

I knew it hurt Austin but I literally did it without thinking, stupidly.

I looked down at my feet as I could feel Jason's eyes follow me until I reached inside the building and out of his sight.

It literally looked like they ALL had an issue with Austin, weirdly. They just watched him with anger or annoyance and it kind of confused me but I guess that's just an act of being in a low-key gang.

"Are you okay?" Austin asked me as we made our way to the cafeteria.

I nodded looking up at him and smiling at him.

"I wouldn't let those guys bother you. They're bad news and work hard just to make every single person in this school feel shitty about themselves. And of course bring them down. Trust me, I know."

I found it crazy confusing how adamant Austin was in what he was saying as if he had come with major experience but i had been told that Austin was the least of the boys worries and how they had never really had any conflict. I found it weird at first that Austin was the one person in school that they hadn't argued or had contact with but then again, Austin was like an angel and it was hard to actually be mean to such a innocent and handsome face.

It was Jason who had the issues, so I doubt Austin really had anything to do with them.

Not that I knew off.

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