Chapter 41

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In fear of Jason and his stupid threat towards what he'd do to Austin, I did nothing but avoid him.

It just baffled me as to how he could just expect me to not speak to someone. I know it was easy for him to do and also say but I was the complete antithesis.

I didn't hold grudges. I never let something ruin a friendship if it's not really worth and most importantly I could never become friends with someone and genuinely like them as a person and then in the next second, not speak to them ever again.

The fact that I felt so bad about speaking to Austin even after Jason telling me he didn't want me to shows just how much Jason actually meant to me. I didn't know that until now.

As I walked out of the school building looking down at my feet as I had Sally to my side blabbering on about her recent encounter with her semi crush, i heard turn her attention away from our conversation.

"Hey Austin" she greeted making me look up seeing Austin now walk towards us causing us to come to a stop.

"Hey" He said with his usual smirk before looking down at me. "I haven't seen you all day? You haven't been avoiding me right?" He said as a joke laughing. Yes, that's exactly what I've been doing.

"Where have you been?" He asked raising his eyebrows "Oh you know, just here and there" I answered sounding like a freaking robot.

I knew Jason was here, standing with his friends in their usual space in the car park and I already knew he was watching.

"Are you okay? You kinda sound like you're mad" he muttered making me shake my head "No! I'm not mad at all I promise, sorry I'm just tired I guess" I quickly told him to save him from asking any further questions.

And really to get this conversation over and done with.

"Okay then... Well am I not going to get a hug?"  He grinned. Oh no. I awkwardly laughed hoping that would just be enough but no, he had already opened his arms out and was expecting me to hug him.

Sighing, I closed my eyes and hugged him wanting nothing more but to disappear out of this horrific situation because I knew that Jason had seen and I could already suspect he was more then annoyed.

"Why do you look so freaked out?" Sally asked as I walked ahead hoping she'd follow behind. "Huh? I'm not." I told her keeping my eyes to the ground.

"Um did I miss something?" She asked as we got to my car. I shook my head "Come on, Get in" And with that, we both got in to my car and I was quick to drive off and out of the car park. Out of Jason's eye sight.

"You're being hella weird Bella, what's up?" She asked again, I wanted to tell her. I wanted to tell her about Jason and how we had kissed and how because of that one thing, I've been going insane thinking about him. My mind was fabricated with just him only and I loved every minute of it, as bad as that sounds.

"It's too difficult to explain whilst driving. I'll tell you everything but not yet okay?" I told her making her sigh finally agreeing.

I drove back in silence which was literally inhuman as we never shut up. Ever.

However, once we got to my house, I locked my car before unlocking my front doors and letting us in to the empty house as my parents were both working.

"Home alone again tonight?" She asked noticing the silence.

I nodded "When am I not?" I told her as we went upstairs. "You should really tell them to sometimes stay at home. They're literally workaholics," she paused as I opened the doors to my room "And clearly y'all have a whole lot of money so it's not like they need to be working 24/7 to earn more." She continued making me shrug

"I just let them do their thing, it's nice sometimes to have a house of silence to myself. As weird as that sounds" I answered making her laugh.

She sat down on the carpet of my bedroom, taking her textbooks out of her bag as I turned my tv on switching it to my box set series of Keeping Up with the Kardashian's, a classic must have for me and Sally. We were obsessed and needed it in the background whilst we attempted to get our school work done.

"Pizza?" I asked raising my eyebrows already knowing the answer "Is that even a question needing an answer?" She replied making me laugh nodding my head before I picked up my phone and was quick to order us a large pizza. We were small girls but capable of devouring a whole pizza to ourselves. Trust me.

"So... you wanna let me know what's been bugging you since forever?" She asked breaking the silence as I typed up my essay on my macbook.

I paused looking over at her as she sat with her legs crossed now looking at me.

"I was hoping you'd forget about that" I told her as I stretched yawning.

"You're an idiot. How can you hide shit from your best friend and not feel bad about it?" She asked acting overly shocked making me grin, she could never be mad at me for too long.

"Because once you hear what I have to say you're going to wish I had never told you."

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