Chapter 12

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I heard my tires skid against the gravelled drive way as I pulled the handbrake before getting out of my car. I slammed the door shut before making my way to the large all too familiar front door way. I'd been here one too many times and swore to never willingly come but I always ended up going back on my word.

The all to familiar smell of a mixture of weed and cologne lingered as soon as I entered the mansion.

It was owned by the Brazilian gang leader Thiago Santinó. Our gang leader.

This may all be confusing as fuck for you as well apparently I'm a high schooler. A typical 18 year old studying hard to graduate and go to college to make their families proud. Their parents proud. Right? No. I was 20 years old. I had been a part of a gang pretty much since the day I was born. My father, Jeremy McCann was Thiago's best friend. It was him who built this empire, his empire of a gang. 

My father was a gang leader before I was even born let alone my brother Alex. It was run by his father who passed it down as a legacy to his son, my father. My father died 3 years after I was born by being shot to death by a rival gang leader who is now 6 ft under being burnt for his sins. For murdering my father. Typically he was supposed to pass the gang leadership down to his eldest son however refused to as he did not want his children to be leaders of well, crime.

Though he did specifically tell Thiago that he wanted me and Alex to be properly trained, properly aware of the world around us and fuck, I knew everything now. My father and Thiago were like brothers, he would always refer to him as his brother and so on his death bed my dad declared one of two things. The person who killed him to be brutally murderer for taking a father away from his two children, and also for Thiago to take charge and be the leader of the gang. And so he was.

Ever since I was a child I looked at Thiago as if he were my second father. He nurtured and protected me at all costs and treated me as if I was of his own blood. Until a couple years down the line, he discovered I was growing and I was becoming in a sense much more stronger than he ever was. I learnt everything almost over night, I could fight, shoot, and was trained to handle all cases. I knew what I was doing and I knew he didn't like that. I was a threat to him. Though he doesn't explicitly say that he fears I'll turn against him and take everything from him, knowing I could do so, he acts as if he is completely guarded and completely careless for what I could do.

However, he still cares for us, he still makes sure we are his first priority and the rest of the gang members are just servants for him. I just knew his mentality and quite frankly, it was amusing.

I made my down the hall before going downstairs to where he always was. Half naked girls surrounding the area and mostly drunk men sat as if they were the shit. Little did they know he was just using them to get information out of. A quick case of getting them drunk on the best kind of alcohol and letting them do all the talking. Something I never did, I didn't have the patience to wait for them to get drunk and then slowly spill the info. I preferred violence, threat, it always worked.

He sat at his desk, stacks of money decorating the centre as he threw each of them in to his safe behind him.

"Ah, Jason! I was wondering where you got to" he greeted.

"Traffic" I muttered sitting down on the couch as far away as possible from the drunk men sat near his desk smoking cigars and sipping on whiskeys.

"Gentlemen, continue telling Cory about your recent encounters with Doket, I'll be back" Thiago smugly spoke. Clearly manipulating them.

He came and sat on the couch opposite me before lighting a cigar. Taking a smoke from it he then handed it to me, I shook my head slightly not wanting to do so right now because it always fucked with my head and made my anger increase for some reason.

"Come on Jase, you deserve it. You've been working hard lately, I'm proud of you" he told me, handing the cigar to me. I hesitantly took it before taking a smoke from it, instantly feeling relaxed as it intoxicated my lungs but felt so good so fuck it right?

"Now what's this I've been hearing about you fighting some footballers. I thought we agreed that you weren't going to let these bitches get a reaction out of you son, we cannot blow this cover" he said as he raised his eyebrows.

I shrugged slouching back in my seat feeling 10 x more relaxed then I did before.

He chuckled noticing my sudden calmness due to the cigar. It really messed you up but in a good way.

"Come on man, you gotta control this anger of yours. It's getting out of hand"

I groaned "Alright, I get it" I answered making him nod.

"I've also heard that a certain girl may be a potential threat for us right now" He added making me look at him "Meaning?" I asked sitting up.

"Isabella Montana, that name sound familiar to you?  The surname may sound familiar, Sheriff and detective Montano? Newest county sheriff." He reminded making me instantly feel angered by the name. The authoritative figure of a 'sheriff' or a 'cop'.

My hands balled in to fists and I cleared down at the coffee table in front of me.

"It's taken care of" I told him, remembering her face when I threatened her to keep her mouth shut. The only thing it should be doing is sucking my dick but unfortunately that wouldn't be coming so easily considering she was the daughter of a cop. The biggest enemy.

"Are you sure McCann? We can arrange for a little more persuading on the side of the girl to make sure she doesn't talk. She's beauty and I'm pretty sure Marko or one of the boys will be lucky to-"

"No" I was quick to cut him of. If anyone was to be threatening and 'taking care' of things with her, it would be me. No one else.

"Okay son, make sure you get it done. I don't want no cops knocking at my door any time soon, it's not a good look" he joked before getting up.

"Keep grinding boy, you're making a lot of money, getting a lot of bitches and getting stronger. Don't let anyone get in your way but don't let anyone mess shit up for us." He advised making me nod.

Taking one last smoke of the cigar I put it down on the ash tray before leaving.

He was right. I was getting stronger, I was making money and getting pussy left right and centre. Everyone feared me and everywhere I go I'm looked up to, feared.

And especially by her. I was not going to let her fuck shit up for us, for me. And I'd make sure of that.

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