Chapter 13

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"Yas girl, swing those hips you saucy Latina mami" my eyes widened as the sudden voice of Zak Karlos sung. Speaking quite vulgarly in front of many people who were now staring.

"Shut up!" I blushed as the eyes of many guys turned this way and certain whistling sounded from the now all too familiar jocks who were actually my friends now.

"Jheez you're so embarrassing. The poor girl is basically already meat for these vile dogs and you're just adding to the fire!" Sally exclaimed being her usual overly exaggerated self which I absolutely loved.

Okay so I now had friends? I know, crazy. Who would of thought the most anti social, more of a staying in bed and re watching old episodes of 90210 on a Saturday night, shy girl would make friends of her own with having to completely change my personality. Mind blown I know.

But I had made friends of my own. And I already loved them.

Zak was a tall, tanned dark brown eyed brown haired cutie who was over the top pretty much his entire life with the most out going eager and open minded personality ever. He was sort of the 'gay best friend' that every celebrity had in la. Which in my case was completely out of order because I didn't see him as my 'gay best friend'. Him being gay was not a staple piece for me to show off about. It was his sexuality not a label piece for me to make a friendship out of.

I had met him in my history class and we also shared a passion for fashion as he had stopped me many times in the hallway just to tell me my outfit was cute. We bonded over complete support and love for each other's look and it was my favourite kind of friendship.

Then there was the beautiful, charming yet closed book sally who basically was me but a little more social. She was shy yet out going in the weirdest way. She loved people, she was very sociable and somehow could hold a conversation longer than 5 seconds with a complete stranger with no trouble at all. I know, goals right?

She had shoulder length brown hair with bangs that looked so freaking cute on her it made me envy how she could make them look so good. She had blue eyes and pale skin. We met in the library. I know, so fun. But actually we were both in there for the same reason. We wanted to leave the class for a couple minutes and told the teacher we had left something in the library and magical I saw her in the 'romance' isle dropping 3books which I helped her pick up and from there we shared a bond of laughing and gossiping making it in to the best kind of friendship as well.

We also had two other friends. They were twin sisters who were identical.i struggled figuring out the difference and they were so cute.

They had brown hair, wore the same clothes and had the cutest dimples. Their names were Aria and Ana and I actually met them through Sally and Zak who were all kinda in a group before I came. They were very inviting and now here we were. The bestest of friends and all due to luck.

They were basically the reason why I was now enjoying high school, and especially not thinking about Jason McCann. But that was mainly because he hadn't been in school for a whole week and my mind no longer lingered the fact that he was here and somehow going to pop up once again to kill me or something.

They also knew about the whole situation and honestly, telling them was the best thing ever because they literally went on a half hour rant about how they had to make sure I stayed away from him as in their words they didn't want to 'ruin my innocence or have it taken away from me'. Basically, I was protected by my new friends and I loved it.

"Boo you hoe" Zak answered making me laugh as I sat with them on our bench which we had already taken ownership of.

"Can you guys believe what Sandy did with Anderson Pattins?" Sally scoffed "Gross bitch I know" Zak answered pretending to be sick.

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