Chapter 47

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You know that feeling you get when you're completely content with your life and how it's going and then you realise that you have the worst luck ever and something was bound to mess up eventually? Yeah, I had the same feeling right about now.

I was the biggest procrastinator and over thinker ever. I took something small and made it in to something major, there's no need. I'm aware.

But when you're semi dating one of the well known criminals, it's the inevitable to be overthinking everything.

I say semi dating because I'm unsure as to whether Jason considers me to be his girlfriend or not. Jason McCann having a girlfriend? Isn't that like, illegal

As I walked down the crowded hallway, I wanted nothing more but to throw my books in my locker and leave school as I felt the worst headache of my lifetime begin however I couldn't as I still had half of the day left to suffer.

I looked up knowing I was close to my locker leading me to feel shock as I saw Jason stood leaning against it, consciously glaring at each and every person that passed him. Specifically the jocks.

I was shocked because Jason and I never spoke in front of anyone, apart of my group of friends and his as they were aware of most things. Actually I don't know what Jason has told his boys about us as I am aware he's a pretty closed book when it comes to sharing his feelings, or anything really. I doubted he had even bothered to fill them in and they probably guessed for themselves.

Jason specified that we shouldn't be seen around each other alone in school as he knew people would begin to notice and things could get out of hand. In my opinion I think he was just afraid of the truth and didn't want it to be revealed as he hid from his own feelings.

But here he stood, in a crowded hallway, by my locker clearly waiting for me.

I approached him slowly as his attention turned to me, his eyes were covered by his black sunglasses however I could faintly see his eyes look at me from head to toe, licking his lips.

"Hi" I said tucking a my hair behind my ear as I looked up at him confused.

"Hi" he muttered, that's it? Not going to enlighten me on this sudden optimism of speaking to me in front of people.

"Um is everything okay?" I slowly said as I  turned to unlock my locker, maybe he came to tell me some terrible news, yeah, that could be it.

"Everything's fine" he answered, he had a semi blunt tone to his voice but I couldn't quite make out if he was mad or it was just his usual persona.

"So um, why are you here? In front of... people" I didn't know how to say it without it sounding rude but also confused at the same time. As that was what I was. Confused.

I should really just appreciate the moment.

"You think I give a fuck about what these bitches have to say about me? Or us?" He bluntly said staring in to my eyes. He always did that, it was the most controlling things ever somehow but i lowkey liked it.

I nodded my head not wanting to question any further because I knew how quickly Jason got. Mad, it wasn't fun.

"I came to tell you that I want you to come back to mine today after school, boys are going to be out so you won't have to worry about their usual bullshit" He muttered as I closed my locker turning to look at him.

"Okay but will you drop me off like, before 8? I have to be home" I told him as he pushed himself of the lockers, standing tall in front of me with his arms crossed, how could anyone not find him hot as hell, he didn't even have to try.

He raised his eyebrows "Why? Tell your mom you're sleeping at one of your friends houses?" He questioned.

I shook my head "It's not that, my brother is coming home today, he'll be back by 9 so I have to be home" I explained.

He slowly nodded his head slowly "Okay, i gotta head out of school for an hour or two but I'll be back to pick you up, don't leave school okay?" He told me making me look at him in confusion.

"Where are you going? Don't you have class?" I always wondered how he hasn't been kicked out by now as his attendance was terrible.

"I have something to take care of, don't worry bout' it," he paused as the bell rang meaning I had to go to class unfortunately.

He always did this. He always has so many secrets to him and expected me to stay in the dark about it.

He could see I was about to say something, and in the quickest swift motion, Jason had pushed me against the locker and his lips were now against mine and slowly his lips moved against mine. His tongue running along mine as he held my chin between his thumb and index finger, tilting my head upwards to reach his mouth. At that moment, everything else was a blur and I had completely forgotten about the teen flooded hallway who were most likely all staring at us, I could just feel it but mostly I could feel his soft but rough hold on me, allowing me to not only feel protected but completely under his control. It was then when I realised he smirked in to the kiss knowing exactly what he was doing, knowing that I had to go to class and his hand which was now placed on my ass was soon going to end up ya both wanting more however he had it all under control, hence the smirk.

Pulling away I looked in to his eyes before grinning seeing his smirk upon his lips.

"I think you've forgotten where we are" I whispered looking past him to see a group of girls walking past and trying their hardest not to stare.

"Gotta show everyone what's mine baby"

Little did she know, her world was about to come tumbling down, lies, secrets, and exposure•

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