Chapter 55

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'The beginning of the end"

She spent her life thinking about what it felt like to be in love. She craved a love so deep that the ocean would be jealous. And she had that. Finally. But she found love with someone who was toxic. Not only for her, but for everyone around her. She was constantly fighting a battle between who to choose, her family, or her lover.

But she chose Jason always.

As they spent their night in lust and love, they both believed it to be the best night of their life however for one it was the start of complete and utter confusion.

She had woken up the next morning to an empty bed and the sun shining upon her naked body which was shielding and covered delicately with the satin sheets.not only that, but his shirt.

He had covered her before she left because all he wanted was her happiness and protection.

She was his and that was the known fact.

However, Isabella woke up to not only no sign of Jason, but also the feeling of hollowness. Loneliness. As if she knew something was wrong.

Indeed she was right as she picked up the white piece of paper which was folded on the pillow that he once slept on. She opened it and a picture of the both of them fell out.

The letter wrote,

'My beautiful princess,
Right now you've probably woken up in confusion as to why I'm not longer next to you, holding you close in my arms because it's your favourite way to sleep. In my arms. Why my clothes are gone and the only thing left of me is this letter and the shirt I chose to put on you whilst you slept peacefully.
Everything I do, is for you. I never knew I could feel a love so deep, as I didn't ever know it existed. You changed me, you made me see the beauty of falling for someone. Falling in love with every little thing about you. Like the hazel-ness of you eyes, and the softness of your cheeks that you work so hard to maintain clear even though you're perfect no matter what.
When I think of beauty I think of you Isabella Montano.
That's why it hurts me so damn much to tell you that I am no longer going to be a part of your life, princess.
We both knew that us falling for one another would come with great risks, but I've learnt that the best way of protecting you and keeping you away from any sense of danger is to be as far away from you as possible.
I love you that much.
I ask for you to take care of yourself. Treat yourself in the best way possible because that's all you deserve. The best.
Please, don't wonder where I am. Please don't doubt if I no longer love you. Please don't wonder if I'm dead or alive.
No matter how far I am from you, no matter where in the world I am, I will always love you, and only you Isabella. You complete me and make me the best person I can be. But I can't do the same for you. I can't give you the life without the danger along with it. I know I could give you everything you ever could ask for, I know I could make you feel beautiful, like a princess and like you're the most important girl in the world but what good will that do if you will never be safe.
But know this Isabella,

You are mine and mine forever, your body, your heart, you, you belong to me. And even if you find love elsewhere, I will still find you in my heart and you will do the same because you are my everything, and I am your everything.

Please don't ask for me, look for me and try and find me. I have to do this.

I love you so much Isabella Montano, more than anyone could ever do so.
- Jason M.'

As she read the letter and cried,

Little did she know was that Jason had no other choice but to leave her to be safe. He was being threatened by Thiago himself who threatened to kill her if he ever went near her again.

He loved and cherished her every chance he got and till this day,

She remains his.

The End.

-A/N- I really hope you enjoyed this story, although it's not very long, I wanted to make sure I made it as detailed as possible and I'm hella proud of it.

I'm really sorry for the ending I literally was shook of my own idea but IT HAD TO HAPPEN OKAY.

Queen of Plot Twists I know

But don't worry baby's, I will be back with another, amazing, AMAZING, story.

If you have ANY suggestions for future books then please feel free to share.

My next book idea is for famous Justin to meet a girl who isn't famous. He falls for her blah blah blah but they have to keep everything a secret because of blah blah blah.

- now just help me find a good idea on how to make Justin and whatever the girls name will be, meet.

Leave your suggestions.


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