Chapter 25

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"What the fuck are you thinking Ry" I spoke in anger at how he could act like such a dumb fuck.

"I didn't choose to do this you asshole" He replied with just as much anger, making it a lot worse as I did not like being cursed at, no matter who you were.

"You best shut the fuck up before shit gets worse for you Ryan" I warned him,

"Jason is kinda right man... I mean sure it's not your fault she just happened to sit with you but what are you going to do now? You can't really think you can show up to her house to work on your little project-" I was quick to cut Brandon off.

"Fuck off. The last thing you're going to be doing is going to her damn house. As soon as her dad sees you the prick is going to kick you out and probably arrest you for some dumb shit"

Just the thought angered me so fucking much. I hated the police.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do then? It's not her fault her dad is a cop, stop being such a dick about her, especially after she saved your ass" He answered, no matter how right he may be, she still couldn't the trusted and there was no way I'd let my best friend get himself in to shit all because of a fucking project. 

"You're not going to her house. So fuck that," I paused

"She'll just have to come to our house." I ended, as much as I didn't want it, it was 10x better then Ryan being alone in her house with her knowing her dad is on our asses every second just to catch us out on something.

"Are you stupid?" Kyle said as he spat his water out.

"You got any better ideas?" I answered glaring at him, he stayed quiet "Exactly. Any time you gotta work on this shit with her, it's at our house where you can keep an eye on her." I explained, there was no way I trusted her and there was no way I'd let her fuck shit up for us.



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