Chapter 53

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I laid back on my bed sighing loudly at how heavily tired I was. Even though I had fallen asleep with Bella last night and of course it was better than any sleep I had had, i still felt so tired as I had been working all day.

All I wanted was some peace and quiet to relax and since my girl wasn't here to help me with that, I chose to lay down and try and find peace by myself.

I just wanted her soft small hands to play with my hair, running her small fingers through it whilst telling me about her day just so I can listen to her voice as it was like music to my ears.

Just as I closed my eyes, thinking about her, my door flung open. "They know." Ryan said, sounding more serious than ever.

"Who knows what?" I asked in annoyance as I rubbed my eyes.

"Carter knows that Damon is alive. Living. And he knows exactly where he's been for years and who he is living with currently." He continued making me sit up.


With a loaded gun in the waistband of my pants and a whole lot of rage, I went in to the garage of our house whilst the boys continued to follow getting in cars of their own.

"Wait! Can someone please tell me why we're going after Isabella, she's at the fucking party, they really gonna try some shit at a party? He's a grown ass man-" i was quick to cut him off "Are you fucking dumb, remind yourself of the cunt of a brother that Carter has. Austin Reynolds goes to her high school and I'm well aware that he is at the same party," I paused before stepping closer to him, "and I swear if anything, and I mean anything, happens to her, I'll make sure you-"

"Okay we get the point. Just get in your cars and please try and make this quiet. We do not want a bunch of drunk highschoolers on our case." With that, I stepped back glaring at the asshole of an excuse for a brother that he was before getting in to my car. One at a time we sped out of the drive and towards the house where the party was being held.

During the journey I called Isabella's phone multiple time, each time it was sent straight to voicemail making me even more fucking annoyed because I knew she had let her battery die as she doesn't understand the concept of charging her phone. She let it get low and forget to charge it and complain about it dying and this was the one time she needed it and she didn't have it making me a whole lot more worried for whatever could be happening to her.

However I prayed to god that he protected the one girl that I had fallen so fucking hard for it was almost impossible to get back up. I prayed for her protection and her safety and I just hoped, I hoped she was exactly that. Safe and protected.

Finally, as soon as the house came to my sight I parked my car literally in the middle of the straight being quick to get out and rush in to the house followed by the boys.

The music was loud and there were sweaty, drunk teenagers everywhere and it made me sick.

I looked to my right seeing one of her friends, I couldn't even remember her name however I was quick to approach her "Oh hey-" I cut her off "have you seen Isabella? Where is she?" I asked her, she was drunk.

"Isa-Isabella? Ooo I'm pretty sure- yeah pretty sure she was with er... oh yeah, with Austin! Austin Reynolds!"

I turned around, my hand balling in to a fist as I raged with anger just hearing his name. "Spread out. If she's with him, I know for a fact that pussy doesn't have the guts to take her out of this house without the fear of someone catching him." And with that, Ryan Khalil and Damon came with me upstairs and the rest spread out downstairs. This was a pretty big party and so I wanted to make sure we had checked everywhere and anywhere.

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