Chapter 21

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"Are you sure you don't want me to just chill with you for a while?" Sally asked as the car came to a stop just outside my gates.

"Yes Sal, it's late and you have that Chem test tomorrow remember? Go home and get some sleep, I'm fine I promise" I told her, partiality telling the truth.

"I know but-" I was quick to cut her off "I'm okay, don't worry. I'll call you if anything okay?" I paused as she nodded "I'll see see you tomorrow" I gave her a reassuring smile before getting out of the car and unlocking the front gate before walking up the driveway towards my house.

Once I was inside I heard her car drive off and my emotional guard that kept up for most of the car ride instantly came down and I felt myself feel weaker than I did before.

For once, seeing Jason came to my advantage and not his.

If he wasn't there, I have no idea what could of happened to me AND Sally. When did the world get to the point where a simple 'No' was not enough for a male to not do or pursue whatever they intend to do. Actually, male or female because females were also capable of harassing a male and that needed to be talked about WAY more then it actually is.

Besides the point, being harassed and feeling completely useless and powerless in a situation is the worst feeling ever because you feel like you have no control whatsoever.

The way the boy; who was also my age, talked to me, kept coming closer to me despite me telling him to back away.

Trust me, I had a major relief when Jason and his friends literally came to our rescue. But I never anticipated for it to turn out the way it had.

It really showed what that group of guys, who everyone warned me about, were really like and capable off. I already knew that they were sketchy, I had a rough idea on the type of people they were and how they had this 'bad boy' kinda look however you only believe someone firmly once you experience it for yourself right?

And tonight I had.

The raging anger which literally came of Jason as he fought that one guy who had actually touched me. It wasn't just any kind of anger, it was like someone had personally provoked him and he was fighting for his own justice. In reality it was for me and my justice surely.

Had he done this for me? Obviously right? It was me that had been touched, it was Sally that had to push away his friend to stop them both doing anything worse. Jason did what he did in defence for me. It baffled me as to how one can be so closed and self content to then be literally fighting in defence for another person, and that person was me in this situation, someone Jason was quite clearly making clear to stay away from as I was the daughter of a cop. He basically thought of me as someone to not trust and repeatedly harassed me just to keep my mouth shut about his dirty little secret but now he's the one fighting for me?

I went straight to my room. It was late and I had no mind on communicating with my parents right now strictly because I knew they'd notice my sudden reserved and distressed attitude and question every single thing that happened tonight.

After brushing my teeth and changing in to a big oversized shirt, I crawled in to my bed and turned on the lamp which sat on my side table.

I sat up, pulling my hair out of the messy burn I had tied it up in as I heard the sound of my phone vibrating indicating I had received a text message.

Glancing at my phone i checked to see who it was.

iMessage from 'Saggy Sally 💀💓'
'Can't sleep. Keep thinking about tonight and how Jason fucking McCann beat the shit outta a guy he barely knew just for you. Hope you still aren't as freaked out as I am🙄'

I internally laughed at the name that Zak actually made up and forced me to use as her contact name in my phone.

Was it that  big of a deal that this happened? Was this abnormal for Jason McCann to ever do? I'm guessing yes as he seemed to have no morals of his own that actually abided by societies morals and norms. He had his own.

iMessage to 'Saggy Sally💀💓'
'Kinda am wishing this never happened. Just go to sleep, you need it.'

With that, I put my phone on charge on my side table, turned my table lamp of and laid down pulling the covers up.

Seconds. Minutes. Hours- spent tossing and turning.

My mind remained obsessing over Jason McCann, the guy who was nothing but toxic.


I pulled my shirt off, pulling out the hand gun from the waist band of my pants before putting it back in the drawer next to my bed. I took my watch and chain off before falling back on my bed groaning at the sound of my back cracking in all sorts of ways.

I laid facing the ceiling, my one hand resting on my chest and the other resting under my head. I closed my eyes, expecting nothing more but to sleep.


Seconds. Minutes. Hours- spent tossing and turning.

My mind remained obsessing over Isabella Montano, the girl who's world was nothing but toxic.

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