Chapter 29

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"Okay so maybe we should talk about how in society teenagers are scrutinised a lot more because of what area they be from like-" "So do your parents know that you're here?" I looked up at Ryan as he cut me off with the most random question ever.

"Huh?" I heard what he had said but I anticipated he meant something that might have been relevant.

"Your parents, do they know you're at my house?" He continued, suddenly everything felt a whole lot more uncomfortable then before.

"Um... I guess so, I don't really think it's anything to hide, right?" I hoped he said yes and would just move on from this awkward topic because of course I didn't tell my parents I was going to Jason McCann's mansion here he probably killed little girls like me. Okay too far but you get what I mean, I just couldn't tell my parents something like that.

"Right" he said making me nod as I looked back down at my notebook.

"They let you come?" He continued, I mentally sighed in defeat but obviously didn't do it do his face.

I nodded, I was a horrible liar so I avoided all eye contact.

I heard him chuckle making me look at him to see he was shaking his head "As if you'd tell your dad, who is a cop, that you're currently in the same house as Jason"

I was taken back by his sudden honesty "Why wouldn't I? There's nothing to hide about Jason so" I literally was just saying this so he'd think I knew nothing and was completely in the dark about who Jason really was and potentially all his friends.

He laughed again "I'm surprised you're even here. Normal people run a mile when one of us approach them." It was kinda sad to hear that he was used to being treated like that, as if he was far more scrutinised due to his reputation but there was a reason for why he was known to be bad news. It wasn't just a rumour, everyone knew and they didn't keep it a secret they were the worst kinds of people who you wouldn't want to mess with. I just didn't want to know anything about it so I could keep myself out of it as much as possible.

"I don't really want either of us to fail this project" I shrugged in response "Shall we er... carry on?" I asked wanting nothing more but to divert the conversation to anything but Jason and his life.

He nodded "Sure" and with that, we got back to work and I literally avoided all risky topics just to make sure I didn't accidentally start talking about Ryan and his personal life because that included Jason and that was a no go.

But I couldn't help but think about where Jason actually was, or if he even was in the house. Whilst we worked I heard a lot of Za and Khalil who were singing at the top of their lungs and sometimes coming in solely to annoy Ryan.

Just Jason was missing and I don't know why my mind wondered of to where he was and what he was doing.

Probably something stupidly dangerous.

"So we just gotta put this in a presentation now?" Ryan asked as he opened the door to his bedroom allowing me to walk out first before he followed closely behind down the stairs.

He was pretty clever, probably the most clever in his group of friends. The least being Za who struggled a lot in his classes and I know this because Aria unfortunately has literally all her classes with him and she tells me how unbelievably uneducated he sometimes is.

"Yeah, I can do that and email it to you so if you want to make any changes you can" I suggested , "I trust you, you're literally a perfectionist and hella clever so do what you gotta do to make sure we kick ass in that class since everyone thinks I'm going to fail" answered making me laugh remembering how our teacher literally told Ryan that he was bound to fail solely because of his reputation, not anything else.

"Okay then" I answered as we got the bottom of the stairs.

As I stepped of the last step the front door which was right opposite us swung open.

Our attention turned to the tall, brown haired hottie also known as Jason McCann, who walked through the doorway of the front door.

His eyes were hidden by his black sunglasses, he wore a black sweatshirt and a pair of black jeans. He basically lived in black but it looked unbelievably hot on him especially now as he always rolled his sleeves up displaying his masses of tattoos which only added to the extremely sexy bad boy look that everyone died over. Even Zak, who in fact hated Jason more then any of us, even more then Sally I think.

He looked right at me, even though his eyes were shielded by his black sunglasses, I could tell he was looking a right at me, piercing in to me with obviously a glare as usual.

"Where have you been?" Ryan asked, suddenly Ryan sounded a lot more stiff and almost angered just by Jason's presence which is weird as they were like brothers. Clearly Jason had annoyed Ryan but Jason seemed so uninterested, as he had no emotions in the first place.

"Out" he simply replied running a hand through his golden soft hair, it literally looked so soft so I imagined it felt like it too.

"Thiago called, you were supposed to go see him but you didn't show up." Ryan answered, seeming more and more angered by the second.

I tried to make it look like I wasn't listening or even interested in the conversation they were having but it was so hard to do so when they were literally saying it all out loud, well Ryan was, Jason gave one word answers because of his angry self refusing to communicate with anyone unless it's to curse at them.

"I've been busy dealing with things you should be doing too. Instead you're here with her working on your little kindergarten project." I was almost shocked by Jason's anger, I knew he didn't like me but I didn't think it would bother him that much that Ryan was doing a project with me, it wasn't even by choice.

"She has a name." Ryan paused, well then. "I'll get my shit done in my own damn time. Go see Thiago before he shows up here." I could tell there was more to that then what he actually says.

Who was Thiago and why was he so important that Ryan didn't want him here, or that he had to see Jason. I know I shouldn't listen to people's conversations but it's difficult to do so when it's all something that could potentially get me killed because by the the way Jason was so angered by me i didn't expect anything less from him.

With that, Ryan looked at me and nodded over to the kitchen as if to follow him. He walked ahead and followed quickly after him feeling so awkward in this situation.

I couldn't help but look back at Jason who was now already at the top of the stairs, he didn't look back or anything, looking angrier then ever before the sound of a door slamming shut echoed through the house making Ryan scoff.

This was the weirdest situation and I was being forced to put up with it,

All I wanted to know was why Jason hated me so much, what had I ever done to him to make him not even want to look at me for more then 0.4 seconds. It was child like but it bothered me so freaking much. He had such an effect on me and I hated the thought of him seeing me as a bad person or someone he just dislikes. I don't know why. But I knew one thing for sure,

I wasn't leaving until I had some answers.

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